

361 Uppsatser om Accident occurrence - Sida 5 av 25

Migration och vegetationsupptag av radiocesium i åkermark - en långtidsserie av mätdata samt en långsiktig simuleringsmodell :

Abstract The accident in 1986 at the nuclear power station in Chernobyl, Ukraine, dispersed radioactive cesium over large areas of Europe. The half life of 137Cs is 30 years and this radionuclide also behaves like potassium, which means that it can easily be taken up by the vegetation or be adsorbed in to the structure of clays, principally illitic clays. When radiocesium decays ionizing radiation is emitted, which is harmful to humans that are exposed, either directly or indirectly through food intake. It is there-fore important to know what happens to the cesium that is dispersed into the environ-ment. In this project a simulation model was constructed to simulate the adsorption and transport of radiocesium in the soil and plant uptake.

Sambanden mellan inandningsbara, grova och fina partiklar i luften och strokeanfall i Malmö

In the western world, strokes are the third most common cause of death, hitting mainly the elderly population. Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and overweight are known risk factors for causing strokes. Previous studies show that an increased level of particulate matter, PM, is also related to an increased number of strokes. The population in this study consists of patients over 65 years old who live in Malmö. Levels of particulate matter were measured from October 2004 to April 2005 at a central outdoor monitoring site in Malmö.

Vegetationsutveckling och brandhistorik i Tyresta under 9000 år : en pollenanalytisk studie av en skvattramtallmyr i Tyresta nationalpark, Södermanland

Analyses of pollen and charcoal in peat cores, together with age-structure data of Pinus sylvestris from a Ledum-Pinus-mire in the Tyresta National Park (south-east Sweden) show the regional vegetation succession and fire history over the last 9000 years. Five major stages of mire development are identified: 1. Lake (c 7000-6400 cal BC); 2. Wet fen (c 6400-6000 cal BC); 3. Deciduous fen (c 6000 cal BC to c cal AD 700); 4.

Kränkande behandling via sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om skolpersonalens syn på kränkande behandling via sociala medier

The aim of this study is to examine if and to what extent the personnel at the local school perceive offensive treatment through the social media among the students and what the personnel thinks about the responsibility of the school to prevent this type of abuse. Offensive treatment through the social media has become a common occurrence among youth and affects health in both psychological and physical ways. As offensive treatment through the social media often takes place outside of school in the students spare time the responsibility of their health is unclear. But since it affects their school results the school has a responsibility to act, which is confirmed by legislation. However, the legislation does not mention offensive treatment through the social media and the school has no distinct guidelines to prevent this form of offensive treatment.

Val av överlastskydd för elektriska ventilmanöverdon på kärnkraftverket i Forsmark

At nuclear power plants, electrical valve actuators are important for ensuring that the reactor core is water covered and the pressure in the reactor tank and containment is limited. The electrical actuators are provided with overload protection in case of drawing higher current then the motors are rated for. When safety manoeuvres are needed, the overload protection must not trig and cause the valve to stop before completing the manoeuvre. Analyses have showed that the current settings of the overload protection may cause an illegitimate trig at the worst theoretically possible accident. A new method has been developed with conservative assumptions and applies overload protections for all electrical valve actuators at the three reactors in Forsmark..

Uppgiftsfördelning inom arbetsmiljöområdet : En studie av delegeringen vid Örebro Läns Landsting

This essay describes how Örebro läns landsting operate concerning the delegation of work environment tasks in their organization. In the essay we review present law, with the focus on the delegation of work environment tasks. The purpose is to see if Örebro läns landsting are following the law in a correct way.Through interviews with people responsible for the work environment, and representatives for the workers in these questions, we could see how Örebro läns landsting were fulfilling there obligations in the role of employer. The result described how they were motivated and how they systematically worked with work environment issues. However, we could also see that the structure of the division of work environment tasks were inadequate.

En studie av miljöfaktorers betydelse för förekomsten av Francisella

This thesis aims to analyse relations between the risk of Francisella in endemic areas and environmental variables. The thesis also discusses relations between occurrences of Tularemia and meteorological factors. The analysis resulted in several significant models that explained the occurrence of Francisella. These models can however only be applied to the year 2004 since there were too few test performed the other years, therefore no comparisons could be made. Another conclusion was that the relative humidity was significally higher in the year 2003, the same year as the occurrences of Tularemia was at its peak. .

Osäker vård? En fallstudie inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård

The swedish healthcare is in many situations one of the best in the world. But still, the healthcare system includes elemnts that reduce the efficiency. Partly becouse the swedish healthcare is largely monopolized, the servicecs are not properly prized and the economic responsibility and the liability legislation is limited. The main problem this study evolves around, is how a different liability rule would change the shape of the healthcare organisation. Abouve all, how would the approach to riskmanagement and preventive and riskreducing performance change with a diffrent liability rule.

Informationskompetens i det svenska och bayerska gymnasiet : En jämförande analys av det svenska och det bayerska gymnasiets läro- och ämnesplaner

This study is a comparative study of the occurrence and function of information literacy in the curricula of the Swedish and Bavarian Gymnasium and investigates the occurrence of the term ?information literacy? and shows through what other linguistic means the notion of information literacy is expressed in the curricula. The study also wishes to analyze how the notion of information literacy manifests itself in the different school systems. Relevant textual passages of both curricula are compared to each other through the theoretic lens of Bruce?s phenomenographic model of information literacy.

Betygsskillnader på Kallingeskolan : - ett attitydsproblem?

It?s not a new occurrence that girls have higher grades than boys. Statistics show the same at the Kallinge school in Ronneby. There is a great difference between boys and girls in their grades from the ninth class. There are many different factors that affect the pupils.

Epixylic, forest-interior bryophytes in young stands : importance of local environmental variables, propagule sources, and distance to bordering woodland key habitats

The reduction of coarse, dead wood is considered to be the biggest threat to flora and faunain boreal forests. Extensive harvest of logging residues would increase this reduction evenmore. However, the role of dead wood created at final felling for boreal, epixylic species isstill largely unclear. It is therefore of interest to examine whether epixylic species inhabit thedead wood in young, boreal stands, especially species considered to be confined to forests inlate successional stages.The aim of this study was to investigate whether forest-interior species in fact can inhabitearly-successional forests arisen after logging. The study was conducted in young standsbordering dead wood rich woodland key habitats.

A proactive health, safety & environment risk management strategy : what are the incentives?

In a business environment where the stakeholder perspective is evolving and sustainable development is receiving increased attention, it is of importance for companies to adjust. The demand and pressure is exerted from several stakeholders who force companies to take action and live up to the expectations because if failing to do so, negative consequences will most likely be the case. The attention of this study is on ABB Power Products (ABB PP) and their environment and working environment risk management. The aim of this thesis is to identify and describe how perceived environmental risks are managed and what the incentives are to work proactively to minimize the risks. The incentives for a proactive risk management strategy are researched through both a strategic and operational perspective.

Säkrare byggarbetsplatser : En rapport om arbetsmiljö i allmänhet och fallolyckor i synnerhet

In Sweden there are 299 000 working in the construction industry. The construction industry is one of the industries where most accidents occur every year. During the last ten years there have been 111 death accidents in the construction industry and 48 of them were falling accidents. That means, in average, one death accident every month.Falling accidents gives serious injuries to the persons who are affected by them. It is anticipated that this report will investigate the factors beyond the falling accidents and also to present proposals that can decrease the number of falling accidents in the future.To secure a healthy and safe construction site it is of great importance that both the employers and the employees cooperate towards the same goal.

Säkerhetsarbetet vid Kils RF och Färjestads RK

The purpose of this essay is to examine how two riding schools work with their safety. Riding is one of the most popular sports in Sweden but also very dangerous. Sweden has a lot of riding schools and almost half a million that rides. Therefore it?s very important that riding, and especially riding at riding schools has the highest level of safety with regards to harmful events.The purpose leads to the overarching research question for this essay, which is: How does the Safety work look at two riding schools in the area of Karlstad? Out of this question, seven specified research questions have been constructed.

Kris: hur, när och vem får hjälp?

Our surroundings are currently vulnerable. People can not know when or how to expect nor prepare for a disaster or an accident. The purpose of this essay was to perform a study of the organization and accessibility of psychological and social support in a crisis situation within the community of Lund.To be able to carry out this study we put up a couple of questions that we hoped would guide us, for example; how do the community prepare and set up the service for people in need of support in connection to a crisis situation? As a method we have used qualitative interviews and literature.The results of our study have shown a discrepancy between the ways the community organizes their service for people in a crisis situation caused either by a catastrophe or an untimely death. In case of an untimely death, ordinary resources are estimated to be sufficient while in case of a catastrophe, extraordinary resources are required.

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