

361 Uppsatser om Accident occurrence - Sida 6 av 25

Den licensierade vargjaktens betydelse för vargstammen

In October 2009, a new decision was made concerning the administration of predators which resulted in a new wolf policy in Sweden. This meant that the wolf population now should be limited to 210 individuals by harvest. The new policy also recognized that the public acceptance of this species must increase and the genetic status improved. In the 17th of December a decision was taken by the Swedish parliament that it should become legal to hunt wolves in Sweden. The wolf hunt resulted in debate on a large scale amongst people, some thought of it as a good decision while others thought it was wrong.

Watashi wo aishite ? älska mig : En lacaninspirerad läsning av Haruki Murakamis Sputnik Sweetheart

A rhetorical analysis of the educational interactive film ?Riskprofilen?, produced by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Swedish: Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap). This essay uses the theories and methods of Procedural Rhetoric, as described by Professor Ian Bogost, and Visual Rhetoric, as described by Professor Brigitte Mral to analyse the interactive and visual component parts of the artefact, and compares them to the intended purposes of the artefact as stated by documents pertaining to its creation, found to be those of educating the public; marketing the agency; and driving traffic to its webpage. The artefact is through analysis found to fulfil the purposes of marketing the Agency and of likely increasing traffic to the website upon which it is hosted. Regarding the primary, educational purpose this analysis finds that the artefact does not teach a user the accident-avoidance strategies it claims to do, but is dependent upon further materials..

Konsekvenser av en handskada - En litteraturstudie om vilka faktorer i livet som påverkas av en handskada

Handen har en väldigt stor betydelse i människans liv. Med handen utför vi många olika slags viktiga sysslor. Vi äter, duschar och klär på oss med hjälp av handen. Vi skriver, sportar och utför arbete med handen. Vi hälsar på andra och kramar de som står oss nära med hjälp av handen.

Fynd av bakterier och svampar i blododlingar hos vuxna under år 2005 i Gävleborgs län : En epidemiologisk studie

AbstractIntroductionOccurrence of bacteraemia and fungemia is a serious condition with high mortality and the incidence is increasing worldwide. The aim of this study was to survey the occurrence of bacteria and fungi in blood cultures from adult patients domiciled in the county of Gävleborg during one year and also to calculate the incidence and mortality in the same geographical area.MethodThis is a descriptive epidemiologic study, based on all episodes of blood cultures analyzed at the Microbiology laboratory, Gävle hospital during 2005. Patients from 20 years of age, domiciled in the county of Gävleborg at the date of drawing the blood culture, where included in the study. Criteria of exclusion were negative blood cultures and cultures which were classified as contaminants.ResultsAltogether there were 4 564 blood cultures analyzed, resulting in 524 (11 %) positive cultures for further study. There were 442 patients (48 % women) involved in 499 episodes with confirmed bacteraemia or fungemia.

En studie kring rapportering av near-misses.

The construction business is one of the most accident prone businesses in Sweden. In order to make it safer it?s vital that all employees of a company report all accidents and incidents that occur. This report intends through qualitative interviews, to analyze the knowledge and attitude towards incident reporting among the employees of the Swedish construction contractor JM.The goal of the thesis work is to hopefully contribute to an increase of employees? awareness on those issues.

En smartphone, lätt att personifiera

Take your phone out from your pocket and look at it. Chances are that a certain California-based company made it; in 2013, it was quite likely. If you flip it over and remove the shell you have added (or look through the protective film), you might also learn that it was assembled in China. Flip it over again and look at the picture of something or someone you find great affection for, protected by yet another thin film. While who made it and who assembled it might vary, and it does not matter from now on, the other parts about protective barriers and personalization might be more accurate.

Tillbudsrapportering inom JM : En analys av förbättringsarbetet

The construction business is one of the most accident prone businesses in Sweden. In order to make it safer it?s vital that all employees of a company report all accidents and incidents that occur. This report intends through qualitative interviews, to analyze the knowledge and attitude towards incident reporting among the employees of the Swedish construction contractor JM.The goal of the thesis work is to hopefully contribute to an increase of employees? awareness on those issues.

Renens fejskador på tall- och contortaplanteringar inom Malå samebys höst- och vinterbetesområden :

The effects of Reindeer mechanical damages on the planted regeneration of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta. Semi-domesticated reindeer can damage young trees. In late winter reindeer rub their antlers against young trees. The aim of this study was to quantify those damages. This study covered planted objects from three different areas in northeastern Sweden.

Barn och ungdomars hälsa - En enkätstudie om hur elever upplever sin skolmiljö i relation till sin psykosociala hälsa

Den psykosociala hälsan bland Sveriges befolkning blir allt sämre. Undersökningar visar att mellan femton och fyrtio procent av befolkningen lider av oro, nedstämdhet, sömnbesvär och trötthet. Den största ökningen har skett i yngre åldrar med i stort sett fördubblade andelar. Då skolan utgör en central plats i barns och ungdomars liv är det viktigt att den är välfungerande och arbetar för att främja elevernas hälsa. Syftet med studien var undersöka hur eleverna på en skola i Helsingborgs stad upplevde sin skolmiljö i relation till sin psykosociala hälsa samt om skolans hälsofrämjande arbete påverkade elevernas upplevelse av hälsa i positiv riktning.Datainsamling har skett genom enkäter till alla elever i årskurs 4 ? 9.

Att formge avatarer med hänsyn till anonymitet

This paper describes the process of producing avatars for Jiddr. Today, social media surrounds the lives of youth, and communication via the Internet is an everyday occurrence for most people. Jiddr is an app that was created to give youths a platform for engaging with adults and other youths. It is a moderated forum which gives young people the opportunity to come i contact with adult role models who are knowledgable within various subject areas. On Jiddr, users are anonymous, and this is something I have placed much importance on during the design process.

Receving women in the accident and emergency department who have been abused by their male partner ? an empirical nursing study

Introduction:Violence towards women is an extensive and important problem in the society. Confronting women who are assulted by their male partner is a demanding task for the nurses.The aim of the study:The aim of this empirical study was to illustrate the experiences of nurses in the meeting with women exposed to violence by their male partner.Method:This is a qualitative interview study including nine female nurses. The material recieved from the interviews was analysed with help of content analysis. Categories were formed named Comunication, feelings, Ability to recognize the women, Lack of time, Need of support and further education. An application to the ethical council at the University of Kristianstad were remitted and approved.

Större svartbagge Upis ceramboides i norra Hälsingland : förekomst, substratkrav och effekter av skogsbrukets naturvårdsåtgärder

Many wood living insects are considered threatened by modern forestry due to the reduction in amount of dead wood. During the last decade various methods have been used to enhance the quantity of dead wood in managed forests. However little is known how and if these methods are aiding saproxylic insects. The threatened tenebrionid beetle, Upis ceramboides, is already extinct in southern Sweden. It develops in white rotted dead birch (Betula spp) and requires sun-exposed sites.

En reko konsult

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether a so-called "expectation gap" exist between the accounting consultants and their clients. The excistence of an expectation gap has already been confirmed between auditors and their clients. Interviews were conducted with both accounting consultants and managers to find out what expectations they have for each other. The factors that influence the occurrence of an expectation gap and the size of them are many but the most important factor may be regarded as individuals' different needs and requirements. The gap can be reduced or entirely eliminated by ensuring the quality of an accounting consultant's work, for example, REKO and / or that management have more realistic demands that actually can be met.

Dragen och sänkt : En undersökning om orsaker till girting vid bogserbåtsoperationer

Uppsatsen undersöker orsaker till fenomenet girting, dvs olyckor där bogserbåtar dras ned och potentiellt kapsejsar vid bogsering av farkoster. Undersökningen utgår från 14 officiella haverirapporter om girtingsituationer världen över.  Med hjälp av modellen HFACS-MA kategoriseras olycksorsakerna i en orsakskedja för att utröna vilka kategorier som är mest frekvent förekommande i samtliga undersökta olyckor. Resultatet visar att dåligt förberedda bogseroperationer (med otillräcklig eller utebliven planering och riskbedömning), brister i organisationernas dokumentation (manualer, instruktioner och procedurer), samt bristande kommunikation mellan de inblandade parterna var de största faktorerna för girting. För att minska risken för girting har rekommendationer framtagits, som bl a innefattar vikten av att hålla dokumentation uppdaterad, hålla tydlig kommunikation mellan inblandade parter under bogseringsoperationer samt planera varje operation noggrant och ge alla inblandade möjlighet till återkoppling..

Tillbudsrapportering : Skillnaden mellan två arbetschefsgrupper

In autumn 2010, the Division of Civil Engineering at the Swedish building contractorPEAB made a campaign to increase the number of reported incidents. Informationwas sent to the branch manager who was responsible to enlighten the employees onthe establishment. The goal of PEAB Division of Civil Engineering is to have at least 10reported incidents per accident that generate more than 8 hours absence. Therefore,it is important that the employees understand how the report system for incidentsworks. The number of reported incidents differs between regions.

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