

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 26 av 84

Turordningsreglerna - snart ett obsolet arv?

Sweden's contribution to the world today is not labor-intensive industry, it is high technology and know-how. Many of the rules concerning employment security for the workers derived from the industrial era and have been to some extent modified by hand. This paper focuses on the discrepancy between the purpose of the priority rules in Swedish law and how it works in the reality. My opinion is that due to the development of the labor market, a powerful revision of priority rules is needed. In addition to today's job market is knowledge-intensive I point in the paper at a number of factors that contributed to the loosening of the priority rules. Examples of these are the increased incidence of temporary staffing, more open markets and more multinational companies, political will to disadvantaged groups in the labor market should be prepared job and gender issues.

Kvinnans upplevelse från bröstcancerdiagnos till mastektomi - med fokus på coping och självbild : en allmän litteraturstudie

AbstractAim: The aim of this study was to describe which coping strategies women use when they have been diagnosed with breast cancer. In addition, the purpose was to describe how woman?s self-image changes after a mastectomy. Method: A literature review study has been carried out with a descriptive design. The result of the study included 16 articles which were found in the databases: Cinahl, PubMed, PsycInfo and through manual search.

Vad kvinnor är mest nöjda med i samband med sin förlossning : Validering av instrumentet KUPP-I

AbstractThe aim: The aim of the study was to describe what women are most satisfied with in maternity care and if women´s childbirth experiences can be described by means of the QPP-I, who contains 32 statements related to maternity care. Design: The study is part of a national cross-sectional study which lasted for two weeks in Sweden in 2007. This paper analyzes one of the two questions with open answers, which reads: "What was the best with maternity care??. Results: The results showed that out of a total of 735 responses 717 could be placed in the existing instrument QPP-I.

Anställningsbarhet bland unga vuxna - en kvalitativ studie om upplevd anställning

The objective of this thesis was to investigate how young adults view their own employabilityand to see if there was a connection between their view and their social background. Themethod used in the thesis is qualitative with a hermeneutic approach. The interviews includedwere of semi-structured kind. The main result is that respondents in the thesis expressed similarviews on their perceived employability regarding commitment and energy at work, networkingand contacts and job discrimination but there were some distinctions noted regardingtheir view on education and working life experience. The respondents from working classbackgrounds tended to focus more on education than the respondents from middle class/uppermiddle class backgrounds.

When I grow up : En retorisk och semiotisk studie om ansvarsretorik hos Svenska Spel, angående minderåriga.

This essay is a qualitative study of the Swedish joint-stock company Svenska Spel AB?s television commercial from 2008. The commercial is called ?Spela lagom - When I grow up?, and is meant to serve as an informational commercial about being underaged in situations regarding gambling. Using semiotics and rhetoric?s, we are analyzing how elements seen in the commerical affects the rhetorical situation the clip is bound to; how the marketing is done to enhance Svenska Spel?s brand; and what strategies are used to make sure the public service announcements regarding persons involved with underage gambling gets acceptance.

Hållbar design för en bättre värld -med hemlösa i fokus

The aim of this project is to examine the needs and problems that exists amongst homeless people and to develop a solution that will help them in their everyday life. Since the homeless are a relatively large vulnerable group i Sweden, their everyday lives could be made easier in many ways.A clear definition of the target group is put together to create a good starting point. What state and help orginazations do to help the homelss and the society?s view of the homeless is also relevant and has been documented. Four personal stories have been put together to desicribe cases of clear problems existing in everyday life.Several interesting problems has been defined from the research and acceptance in the communtiy, desire to be seen and heard and a lack of confidence were the main needs.

Pappersfoton i den digitala eran: Hur företag kan agera vid ett tekniskt skifte

The spread of digital photography has created major changes in the previously stable Swedish photofinishing market. We investigate how companies act to survive in the face of technological change, through our research question: What strategies have actors in the photofinishing business chosen during the changeover from analog to digital photofinishing? Using a deductive method, we have conducted semi-structured interviews with 11 actors in the photofinishing business. Innovation management studies innovation from a number of perspectives, describing effects of innovations on the competitive ability of established actors, and on the value of their resources. The companies were not prepared for the speed of the change.

Automatiserad inlärning av detaljer för igenkänning och robotplockning

Just how far is it possible to make learning of new parts for recognition and robot picking autonomous? This thesis initially gives the prerequisites for the steps in learning and calibration that are to be automated. Among these tasks are to select a suitable part model from numerous candidates with the help of a new part segmenter, as well as computing the spatial extent of this part, facilitating robotic collision handling. Other tasks are to analyze the part model in order to highlight correct and suitable edge segments for increasing pattern matching certainty, and to choose appropriate acceptance levels for pattern matching. Furthermore, tasks deal with simplifying camera calibration by analyzing the calibration pattern, as well as compensating for differences in perspective at great depth variations, by calculating the centre of perspective of the image.

Språkmönster i elevtexter : En undersökning av elevtexter ur ett genusperspektiv

The aim with this study is to conduct a text analysis of 40 texts from www.skrivbanken.se . The texts were written by fifteen year old boys and girls in the school subject Swedish. The texts were analyzed from a gender perspective. The differences in contents, the use of concepts, attitudes towards the imposed information and formality were examined.. The theoretical background on expectations on gender roles was used to construct a framework for analyzing the text. The result shows that there were more differences between the individuals in every sex group rather than between the two groups.

Hur personer med smärta av WAD upplever vardagen.

The aim of this study was to describe how persons with Whiplash associated disorder experience how the pain affects them in their daily life. The design of the study was descriptive with qualitative, individual interviews, questionnaire with background facts of the examination group, and diary notes from persons with pain of WAD. Method for selection was convenience. Through contact with the association of whiplash group in a county in middle of Sweden, the majority of the examination group for the study was found. Five persons where given information about the study, one of them choose not to take part of the study, and one of the persons did not complete the study.

Prestation och belöning : En studie av meningsfullheten i den svenska industri- och hantverksbranschen.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the Swedish industry- and craftmanship trade, specifically the relationship between effort and reward and how it affects the meaningfulness during labour hours. Also, what are the possible effects on production efficiency as a whole? Discussed and analyzed through empirics and previous research.38 workers filled out a survey and two interviews were conducted to get a more analytic depth to the data.The results showed that there is little to no reward for high effort during labour hours on the evaluated workplaces, combined with low commitment and meaningfullness. My conclusions are that more ways of effort-based rewards would likely have a positive effect on meaningfulness and thereby the production as a whole. I also show that the theses of Karl Marx are still plausible and relevant in modern day industrial- and craftsmanship trades in capitalist countries..

Product Innovation Engineering program : En studie av ett nationellt innovationsprogram i Sverige

This study is intended to give an impartial view of a young and complex program in Sweden titled Product Innovation Engineering program. The purpose of this program is to increase innovation capability in Sweden that will result in new companies, patents and economic growth. The results from this study might give some direction to future innovation initiatives, but should primarily serve as a tool for the PIEp participants. The study will focus on investigating the creation of the program as well as the development of its strategy. From weaknesses and strengths within the strategy of the program the study should also attempt to show its future potential.

Apples väg till framgång : Bakomliggande faktorer till varför Apple lyckats

This study is intended to give an impartial view of a young and complex program in Sweden titled Product Innovation Engineering program. The purpose of this program is to increase innovation capability in Sweden that will result in new companies, patents and economic growth. The results from this study might give some direction to future innovation initiatives, but should primarily serve as a tool for the PIEp participants. The study will focus on investigating the creation of the program as well as the development of its strategy. From weaknesses and strengths within the strategy of the program the study should also attempt to show its future potential.

Ensemblespel : Ett socialt redskap främjar såväl interaktion som integration

Being an immigrant in a Swedish school today might not be easy. It´s quite difficult to be accepted and becoming a part of an already functioning group. Difficulties with the Swedish language doesn´t make it easier. Besides that the requisites of the school curriculum program are very demanding and Swedish students are often in advantage already being a part of the system for many years.By following five immigrant boys in grade 6 during ten ensemble lessons, one concert and individual interviews with the boys as well as with their teacher, this study aims to investigate how ensemble playing can function as a social tool and promote interaction as well as integration.The results in this study show that ensemble playing in fact can function as a social tool. The boys developed abilities in playing an instrument as well as cooperating and analyzing by using the social tool of ensemble playing.The results even show that ensemble playing can promote interaction as well as integration.Above everything was the concert where the boys acted in front of their classmates and were treated with great respect and acceptance..

Föräldraskap och neuropsykiatriskt funktionshinder : upplevelse och påverkan av diagnos

The aim in the study is to search for a deeper understanding of how parents experience a neurological diagnose of the child and how this affects the parenthood. Parenthood was seen in a systemtheoretical perspective as a social construction. The narrative method was used in two lifestory parentinterviews. The analysis was made from parenthood. The result formed stories about parenthood with children having neuropsyciatric functional disability who even came to be a woman?s struggle.

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