

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 22 av 84

New Public Management i praktiken: En fallstudie i en av Stockholms stadsdelar

In the present thesis, we have studied the management control system in Enskede-Årsta-Vantör, one of Stockholm?s municipal districts, with focus on theories about New Public Management (NPM). When NPM was introduced, a number of complications arose. Some of these, along with the district?s solutions of the complications, are described and analyzed using e.g.

Vad får dem att brinna? : en studie om motivationsfaktorer hos extra anställda

Det är vanligt att arbetsgivare missar vikten av att motivera extra anställda. Resultatet av att förbise betydelsen av motivation kan bidra till oengagerad och illojal personal samt ökade kostnader för nyrekrytering. Om arbetsgivaren lägger vikt vid att förstå vad som motiverar personalen kan arbetsgivaren öka glädjen, effektiviteten och därmed lönsamheten i verksamheten.Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa extra anställdas motivationsfaktorer och hur viktigt arbetsgivare och arbetstagare anser att motivation är.För att bättre försöka förstå vad som driver en individ, har vi med kvalitativ metod genomfört intervjuer. Vi har intervjuat fyra extra anställda och två arbetsgivare på två företag inom branscher där sådan anställning är vanlig. Frågorna har formulerats med öppna svar då vi har varit intresserade av att respondenterna skulle berätta fritt.


Bakgrund Den psykiska oh?lsan i Sverige har ?kat under 2000-talet och v?rdresurserna f?r att behandla psykisk oh?lsa minskar genom nedsk?rningar inom v?rden p? grund av l?gkonjunktur och begr?nsningar av statliga medel. Detta s?tter stora krav p? att den psykiatriska v?rden som ges ska kunna behandla s? m?nga som m?jligt med s? f? medel som m?jligt. Tidigare forskning har identifierat flera f?rdelar och positiva h?lsoeffekter med naturbaserade interventioner.

Framgångsfaktorer för en mer lärande organisation : En studie av en industriverksamhet

The purpose of this study was to describe experiences in daily social life of parents of children with psychotic illness. Five parents with long-term experience of psychotic illness have been interviewed. The frame of reference in emotion theories of Thomas Scheff and Randall Collins have been used to analyze the results. The study is qualitative and has a phenomenological approach to shed lights of meanings in daily social life. The following meanings was found: Openness with certain reservation shows that honesty is important for the feeling of solidarity, Social expectations in daily life describes the parents´own expectations as well as expectations from others.

ISO 9001 : En fallstudie om hur de ständiga förbättringarna, som är införda i företagets verksamhetssystem, är anpassade efter medarbetarna

MPC is the company Exova Metech?s operating system that contains all the information needed for the company's objectives and guidelines to permeate the company. How changes in the MPC should be communicated with the company's employees can be seen as problematic. Routines that have been changed in practice, the process owners do not always update in the MPC, it leads to that the employees can not ensure that duties are performed properly. It is therefore important that management takes its responsibility by providing updated information.

Kronisk hjärtsvikt hos katt

This student report is a literature study about cardiac insufficiency in cats and it is written mainly for veterinary nurses. It is about cats with an underlying heart disease that has led to an incompensated heart failure.It presents a general basis on normal anatomy and physiology, and also how to make the diagnosis, therapy and intensive care.The student report is also about the role of the veterinary nurse during the process of the disease, how to help the veterinarian in the best way, how to handle anesthesia in cats with a heart disease, which factors that can have a significant matter in feeding, and what advices to give to a pet owner with a cat with a incompensated heart failure..

Mänskliga rättigheter vid en naturkatastrof : En jämförelse mellan Haiti och Thailand

There are three main purposes for this thesis; the first is to distinguish the possible violations that can occur in time of natural disasters. The second is to analyze if there is a correlation between political systems and how the effected country handles the aftermath of a natural disaster. The third purpose is to determine the role of the global community and what responsibility lies with them. The issue is often that the aid becomes the main object for discussion and analysis, but the focus rarely shifts to the effected State. Therefore the focus in this essay is the political system and how they cope with the human rights violations that can occur in a time of natural disaster.

Psykoakustisk påverkan av basfrekvenser : Blir vi påverkade av låga basfrekvenser som vi inte kan eller knappt kan höra med örat?

This survey tries to find out if and how we can be influenced of extreme low and strong frequencies in the area 0-40 Hz. A group of 52 teachers/musicstudents and non musicstudents was trying to assess what they thought, experiences and tried to describe why they thought as they did, when they listen on three different versions of same musical piece. Without low frequent bass, original and strengthened bass, randomly mixed. Several different musical pieces was used in same survey. The work also makes a commitment to theories about the people's hearing and the will of ?selfmotion?.

Förskolan i ett mångkulturellt samhälle : Pedagogers föreställningar kring mångkulturellt arbete på förskolan

The purpose of this study was to describe, understand and analyze the thought behind the perception amongst pedagogues´ on multicultural work in preschools, based on an intercultural perspective. In this study, I questioned the pedagogues´ view on the work in preschools that prepares children for a life in a multicultural society and also the way they describe the cultural challenges.The study was accomplished and questions were answered by studying current literature and previous research in the field. I also interviewed four pedagogues from two different preschools located in separate areas.This study shows that many opinions that pedagogues expressed in the interviews can be traced back to an ?us vs. them? perspective, in which your own culture, the Swedish one in this case, is the most critical and should receive the greatest attention in preschool.

Hur effektiv och säker är fingolimod vid behandling av multipel skleros jämfört med natalizumab?

Multipel skleros (MS) är en kronisk immunologisk sjukdom som slår på centrala nervsystemet (CNS) och kan leda till minskad neurologisk funktion. I Sverige finns 17 500 personer som fått en MS-diagnos. Den vanligaste åldern för insjuknande är 20-40 år och sjukdomen är dubbelt så vanlig bland kvinnor som bland män. Om patienterna inte får behandling finns risk för kraftiga funktionsnedsättningar. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka effekten och säkerheten med det perorala läkemedlet fingolimod jämfört med intravenös behandling med natalizumab vid MS.

Vägen till ett lyckat kvalitetsarbete med ISO 9001 : en studie av kritiska framgångsfaktorer för mindre företag ur ett globalt perspektiv

More than 90 % of all business activity in the world market consists of small and midsized companies today. Recent studies have shown that there has been an increase in small companies? certification to ISO's management standards. Smaller organizations tend to have more limited amounts of resources at their disposal than larger ones. This can result in difficulties during the implementation process of ISO 9001.

Prisjämförelse - En kvalitativ studie om köp via olika prisjämförelsesidor

Uppsatsen syftar till att identifiera faktorer som påverkar vid köp via enprisjämförelsesida. Faktorerna söks både i konsumentens tillvägagångssätt samtprisjämförelsesidans utformning. Identifieringen av faktorer sker med hjälp avett eget utvecklat ramverk för utvärdering. Ramverket bygger på befintligateorier och modeller som presenteras i litteraturgenomgången. I uppsatsenpresenteras empiriskt material från observationer och djupintervjuer med tiorespondenter.

Ledare 'Lagom' i Konfucianismens Korea: En analys av svårigheter för svenska företag i Sydkorea

The purpose of this study is to analyze the handling of difficulties encountered by Swedish managers in Swedish subsidiaries in South Korea. By identifying the most common and possibly most manageable difficulties specific to the market we categorized them into three different groups; external difficulties, internal difficulties and difficulties related to the leadership. Depending on where in the environment and in relation to which stakeholder the difficulties originate the managing process comes to be supported through sometimes contradictory theories. Our study implies that the proper handling is crucial to satisfy local expectations which are critical for survival of Swedish companies. It also implies that the leadership skills acquired by the Swedish managers combined with the level of acceptance for foreign managers among the Korean coworkers affect how influential the manager?s ambitions are.

Relation möter rationalitet: Om professionalisering av inköp av managementkonsulttjänster

The purchasing of management consulting services has traditionally been characterized by informal and relation based interaction. However, case studies have shown that there is a movement towards more formalized and structured purchasing procedures among buyers of management consulting services. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence and the implications of this professionalization. To investigate to what extent certain mechanisms of professionalization have been implemented on the Swedish market, a survey directed to Sweden?s 500 largest companies was conducted.

Escherichia coli-mastitis in dairy cows :

Escherichia (E) coli is one of the most common udder pathogens associated with acute clinical mastitis in Swedish dairy cows. The aim of this study is to review some of the existing literature on E coli mastitis from a Swedish perspective. The bacteria, its most important characteristics, and diagnostics under field conditions is covered, as well as what happens during infection, how E coli affects the cow and which consequences this have. Clinical symptoms associated with E coli mastitis are described and information on when these cases of mastitis usually occurs is given. Risk factors in the cow?s enviroment are described as well as the importance of the cow?s immune defence.

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