

657 Uppsatser om Abnormal Return - Sida 2 av 44

Återköp av aktier : En studie i hur ett företags annonsering om återköpsprogram påverkar den svenska aktiemarknaden

Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att se hur ett företags annonsering om återköp av aktier påverkar dess börskurs i Sverige. Som delsyfte kommer även en undersökning göras om huruvida reaktionen skiljer sig mellan olika branscher samt om Sveriges reaktion skiljer sig från den tidigare forskningen i USA och i Storbritannien. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av en eventstudie där den abnormala avkastningen beräknas. En intervju utförs för att bekräfta resultatet.Resultatet gav en sammanlagd kumulativ avkastning på 0,57 %. Det visade även att det finns en skillnad mellan olika branschers reaktion på en annonsering av ett återköp.

Återköp av Aktier : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Kina

Share repurchases in Sweden has since legalization in 2000 gained momentum. Similar to other corporate events, there are studies that examine whether this affects the share price performance. With studies in the U.S. that measured excess returns of approximately 3,5 percent on the announcement day; Swedish buybacks, holding a tighter regulation is of interest to study. The Stockholm Stock Exchange regulation regarding reporting is also similar to the Stock Exchange in Hong Kong.

Svenska Börsintroduktioner : En studie av avkastningen på Private Equity-noterade bolag

I den ha?r uppsatsen analyseras avkastningen pa? bo?rsintroduktioner genomfo?rda av Private Equity-firmor pa? den svenska marknaden under perioden 1993-2011. Studien underso?ker huruvida bo?rsintroduktioner genomfo?rda av Private Equity genererar en abnormal avkastning relativt bo?rsintroduktioner som genomfo?rts av icke Private Equity, sammanlagt 97 bo?rsintroduktioner. Ba?da urvalsgrupperna relateras gentemot ja?mfo?relseindex i form av kontrollfirmor pa? kort och la?ng sikt.

Hur är träffsäkerheten? : En uppsats om aktierekommendationer från aktiehus och affärstidningar

En eventstudie gjordes på aktierekommendationer publicerade på Privata Affärers hemsida mellan 2009-2010. Publiceringsdagen för rekommendationen utgjorde eventdagen och ett eventfönster på fem dagar innan och fem dagar efter. Rekommendationerna delades upp i olika kategorier för att kunna se skillnader mellan köp, avvakta och säljrekommendationer samt för Mid Cap och Small Cap. Uppsatsen kunde inte påvisa någon generell statistisk signifikant överavkastning i någon av de undersökta kategorierna..

Abnorm avkastning för konkurrenter till budmottagande företag - En empirisk studie av företag listade på Nasdaq OMX Nordic

This paper aims to investigate Abnormal Returns for rivals to bidder targets in connection with the announcement of the bid. The study is based on 38 bids placed between September 2006 - January 2011 and 137 rival firms listed on Nasdaq OMX Nordic. We measure cumulative Abnormal Returns, CAR, for rival firms through an event study. We find that rival firms earn significant positive CAR in connection with the announcement of the bid. This is in line with the two-sided signaling effect presented by Akhigbe et al.

Omvänd aktiesplit : överlevnad eller kosmetik

The shareholder is supposed to be indifferent if one share costs 100 SEK, or 10 shares cost 10 SEK each. In an efficient market, shares should be valued directly to new expectations as a result of the announcement of the reverse split. We investigate whether Abnormal Returns incur surrounding reverse split and if owner structure change.One reason for the reverse share split is that most companies have plans to imple-ment other company?s specific events in order to survive rather than to change the price range to a more attractive level. We found a negative return in the ex-day at 8,1 per cent.

Effektivitetsparadoxen - En eventstudie av handelsstopp på Stockholmsbörsen mellan 2003 och 2008

A trading halt is a measure conducted by a securities exchange in order to reduce information imbalances between market participants, thus enabling a higher level of market efficiency. A market is said to be efficient when new information concerning a company is instantly reflected in its stock price, implying that abnormal stock returns cannot be systematically achieved in an efficient market. The purpose of this study is to examine the occurrence of abnormal stock returns following trading halts on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The study is based on a sample of 64 trading halts executed between January 2003 and February 2008. Historical daily prices for stocks subject to trading halts during the period have been gathered from the Datastream Advance database, while information on date and time of trading halts have been collected from the Stockholm Stock Exchange website.

Does Insider Trading Generate Abnormal Earnings?

The purpose of our study is to find out if insiders in Sweden generate abnormal earnings through insider trades. We want to pinpoint the cause for abnormal earnings by dividing transactions after company market value, size of the trade and type of insider. A quantitative approach using the market model have been used. We have conducted an event study over two short term event windows. We conclude that insiders in Sweden generate positive abnormal earnings for sales and negative for purchases in our ?long? event window.

Överavkastande Aktierekommendationer : En utopi eller en hållbar investeringsstrategi?

Background: The value of stock recommendations have been debated for a century andthe debate has escalated since Alfred Cowles (1933) published his research in ?Can StockMarket Forecasters Forecast?? As of late, savings in stocks has increased and the householdsare managing their savings more actively. The consequence of the increased interestin stocks has resulted in a growing market for stock recommendations. Not just financialmedia but daily newspapers have embraced this new found interest, hence stock recom-mendations can be found in almost all large newspapers in Sweden. Furthermore, this phe-nomenon has also lead to intensified research within stock recommendations.

VD-karusellen : En eventstudie om en VD-avgångs påverkan på marknaden

The goal of this study is to examine how the market reacts when information about the exchange of a CEO becomes public. It also examines factors such as gender and whether the departure was voluntary or not, discerning if the market behaves differently concerning any of these aspects.To achieve this, the study was performed using an event study. The selection consisted of 48 companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, who had during the years 2005 to 2008 underwent a change in leading management. These units were submitted to hypothesis tests, to determine if an Abnormal Return was attained during the event window. The tests were performed on the units as a whole, and divided up after gender and whether the departure was voluntary or not.The results of the study show no statistically significant Abnormal Return caused by the announcement of a CEO exchange.

Return Behavior of Initial Public Offerings and Market Efficiency

This paper is an event study on Initial Public Offering?s return behavior after the dot com bubble. Cumulative Abnormal Returns are used to measure the performance against a market index. The results suggest that the market correctly prices IPOs in the long run thus upholding the Market Efficiency hypothesis. Moreover, value weighted CARs show that large IPOs are more likely to outperform smaller IPOs, however in the long run there is an unpredictable pattern.

Abnorm avkastning utifrån Benjamin Grahams värdestrategi : Ett ex ante test för de svenska, amerikanska samt japansk aktiemarknaderna

Theability to beat the market is one of the most discussed topics in finance. Thereare very few investors that manage to accomplish this over longer periods oftime. Most of the financial research claims that this is impossible unless theinvestor increase the risk in the portfolio. However numerous of researchershave shown that it exist anomalies on the stock market which either indicatesthat the Capital Asset Pricing Modell (CAPM) or Fama and French three-factormodel fails to explain stock returns or that the market is not fully efficient.One investor that has claimed that the stock market is not fully efficient andthat it is possible to generate Abnormal Return is Benjamin Graham. Graham isone of the legends on Wall Street and he has shown that by using few variablesbased on public information, one can manage to beat the market over longer timeperiods.There arejust a few studies that have tested Graham?s criteria?s, however all of themindicates that they work but that the standard deviation might be higher forthe portfolios.

Ska jag lyssna?: En studie i huruvida det lönar sig att följa råd från aktieanalytiker

The question of whether financial analysts can forecast stock movements or not has been widely debated for many years. This study examines if an investor has been able to receive an excess return by following financial analysts? recommendations. We continue by studying if an investor has been able to earn a different excess return by following different types of recommendations. The study includes more than 15,000 recommendations made by 10 first tier banks and brokerages on the Swedish market during the years 2003-2007.

Nyintroduktioner på svenska handelsplatser : Har nyintroduktioner genererat högre avkastning än NASDAQ OMXSPI?

Denna studie har genomförts i syfte att undersöka huruvida nyintroduktioner generar en överavkastning i förhållande till OMXSPI på svenska handelsplatser under en börsuppgång och en börsnedgång för olika tidsintervall och branscher. Studien har undersökt nyintroduktioner genomförda under tidsperioden Q1 2004 till Q2 2009. Syftet har för avsikt att utmynna i huruvida nyintroduktioner vid svenska handelsplatser är effektiva och om investerare kunnat utnyttja eventuella ineffektiviteter som investeringsstrategier.Undersökningen är en eventstudie baserad på en kvantitativ metod där korrigerade historiska aktiekurser har inhämtats och beräkningar har genomförts med hjälp av två metoder, den genomsnittliga abnormala avkastningen och den genomsnittliga abnormala avkastningen för en buy-and-hold strategi, för att säkerställa en hög validitet i studien.Slutsatsen påvisar att investerare som investerat i nyintroduktioner på AktieTorget under börsuppgången hade kunnat utnyttja den något lägre grad av effektivitet utifrån en buy-andhold strategi på tre månader och erhållit en genomsnittlig signifikant överavkastning gentemot OMXSPI på 32,6 procent. En investerare som valt att investerare i nyintroduktioner utifrån en buy-and-hold period på tre månader på Alternativa Aktiemarknaden under börsnedgången hade i genomsnitt erhållit en signifikant överavkastning på 11,8 procent. För den investeraren som inte tagit hänsyn till när introduktionen genomförts och investerat i nyintroduktioner på AktieTorget utifrån en buy-and-hold period på en månad hade i genomsnitt erhållit en signifikant överavkastning på 18,2 procent..

Kodens påverkan på börskurser : En event study på publiceringen av bolagsstyrningsrapporter enligt Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning

Recent accounting scandals, often led by managers trying to improve results and thereby their own bonuses, have severely damaged the publics view of management. In the aftermath of scandals such as Enron, Parmalat and Skandia, demand has increased for Corporate Governance codes and similar regulation. The Swedish code for Corporate Governance came into effect on July 1, 2005. The code requires all Swedish companies listed on the Swedish Stock Exchange (OMX A- and O-list), with a turnover exceeding 3 billion SEK, to disclose a report regarding Corporate Governance, attached to the annual report.The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the new disclosure required by the Swedish Corporate Governance code will have a measurable effect on stock prices. The authors have applied event study methodology examining daily returns around the announcement of the Corporate Governance reports.

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