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Bogsår hos digivande suggor: inverkan av strategisk halmning och hull

The objectives of this experimental study were to investigate if a strategic method to supply loose housed sows with large quantities of straw 2 days before expected farrowing and if the sow?s body condition had any effect on the occurrence of shoulder lesions 5 weeks after farrowing. Data came from a study conducted on four commercial piglet-producing farms in southwest Sweden between March and December 2009. At each farm one batch of sows was followed during two consecutive lactations. The sows were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups and the sows that remained in the batch during the second lactation switched treatment group.

Fodrets inverkan på resultatet vid undersökning av förekomst av ockult blod i avföringen hos hund :

Hemoplus® (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Tyskland) is a guaiac-based fecal occult blood test developed for human medicine. Guaiac-based tests make use of the pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin so the test is not specific for human hemoglobin and can therefore be used in veterinary medicine. Peroxidase-containing foods such as meat (hemoglobin and myoglobin) can cause false-positive results of the test. To ensure that a positive result is not caused by diet, it has been suggested that canine patients should be fed a meatless diet for a few days prior to fecal occult blood testing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of commercial dog food on guaiac-based tests. In this study fecal samples from healthy dogs were analyzed with Hemoplus®.

Calf health before and after change in housing system ? isolated barn vs. hutches

Calf health is of importance both from a financial perspective and from an animal welfare point of view. Housing system and environment are factors affecting the calves? health. The objective of this project was to make a review of literature on calf health and housing and to perform an observational study on calf health at Nötcenter Viken, Research Dairy Farm, Lantmännen Sweden that changed calf housing system; from a traditional indoor system (Group IN) to outdoor hutches (Group OUT). It was only the housing system that was changed; the routines and feed were the same in both systems.

Samband mellan luftföroreningar och klimatfaktorer - en statistisk unersökning

That air pollutants of different kind has impact on our climate can hardly haveavoided anyone during the past years environment explosion in the media. But howis it actually with the reverse, i. e. the climate's impact on air pollutants? The aimwith our degree thesis is to try to find out if different weather factors, statisticallyseen, promotes atmospheric pollutants and particles in the air and vice versa.We got access to data on air pollutants and weather factors that was registeredduring year 2007 at Femmanhusets air pollutant and weather station in Gothenburg.In order to do a statistical investigation of these data, and to be able to analyze if itoccurs relations of various kind, we used the statistics program SPSS.

Klövspaltsinflammation : bakteriologi, terapival och möjliga anledningar till terapisvikt

Research concerning movement patterns of wild animals has been advancing since GPS technology arrived. But studying the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is still difficult because of the harsh territory it inhabits in Central Asia. This study took place in south Gobi, Mongolia, and aimed to estimate the time spent at kills and the maximum distance away from kills between visits. Snow leopards were monitored with GPS collars that took a location every five or seven hours. Potential kill sites were established by identifying clusters of GPS-locations in ArcGIS and visited in the field for confirmation.

Inverkan av stora mängder halm som underlag i grisningsboxen på den nyfödda smågrisens temperaturreglering :

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of large amounts of straw in the farrowing pen on thermal regulation of the newborn piglet in different weight classes. 20 sows were given 15 kg of straw in the farrowing pen 2 days prior to until 7 days after parturition. A control group of 18 sows had no straw in the pen. 6 litters from each treatment were observed. Measurements of piglet body temperature were made at 0h, 2h, 4h, 8h and 24h after parturition. At ?8h? the body temperature of the piglets in the Straw group were significantly higher (P=0,0149) than the piglets in the Control group.

Hur personer med smärta av WAD upplever vardagen.

The aim of this study was to describe how persons with Whiplash associated disorder experience how the pain affects them in their daily life. The design of the study was descriptive with qualitative, individual interviews, questionnaire with background facts of the examination group, and diary notes from persons with pain of WAD. Method for selection was convenience. Through contact with the association of whiplash group in a county in middle of Sweden, the majority of the examination group for the study was found. Five persons where given information about the study, one of them choose not to take part of the study, and one of the persons did not complete the study.

Kemiskt försvar mot havstulpanskolonisering i marina svampdjur

The purpose of this project is to analyze and study the absorption of the substances ivermectin, spinosad and barettin to hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, and to analyze and study if the barnacle larva are effected when they try to settle on the treated surface.Incubation tests with barnacle larva in Petri dishes were performed as well as absorption tests on hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces which were tested with ellipsometry. To determine the surface thickness.The barnacles were placed in hydrophobic as well as hydrophilic Petri dishes that had been incubated with ivermectin, spinosad or barettin. After four to six days the larva was counted to analyze the settling. From the results conclusions could be drawn about the adsorption abilities of the substances to the different surfaces.The barnacles were placed in hydrophobic as well as hydrophilic Petri dishes that had been incubated with ivermectin, spinosad or barettin. After four to six days the larva was counted to analyze the settling.

Kvinnors upplevelser av smärta och blödning samt möjlighet att upptäcka fostret i samband med hemabort : En enkätstudie vid två kliniker i Sverige

The purpose of this study was to investigate women's experiences of pain, bleeding,to discover the fetus, hospitalization associated with medical abortion at home and toexplore differences in experiences between different groups of women, as age orprevious childbirth. The study was conducted at two gynecological clinics in Uppsalaand in Stockholm. A questionnaire was distributed and analyzed using a quantitativeanalysis method. The response rate was 30 %. Most women were satisfied with thepain relief given to them from the hospital.

Influence of providing objects to piglets before and after weaning on behaviour and weight gain

Barren rearing environment and early weaning of piglets can lead to a high level of distress, behavioural disturbances and reduction in weight gain. The main aim of this thesis was to study the effects of potential enrichment objects on piglet?s behaviour and weight gain during the pre- and post-weaning period. The second aim was to examine what type of object stimulated the highest frequency of interaction. The study was carried out at the Swedish Livestock Research Centre in Lövsta where a batch of litters from 10 first-parity Yorkshire sows were used.

Käppalaverkets nuvarande och framtida rötningskapacitet : en studie i labskala

Käppala wastewater treatment plant situated on the island of Lidingö northeast of Stockholm is running a project during 2004 and 2005 with the purpose to map out the capacity of anaerobic digestion in the digesters that treat primary and excess sludge. The purpose of this thesis work, which is part of that project, was to characterize the present anaerobic digestion process and to investigate its capacity to treat other organic wastes such as restaurant waste and waste from water works. To decide the potential of both methane and biogas production from different substrates batch laboratory tests were carried out. To imitate the anaerobic digestion process at Käppala continuous tests with small scale reactors were carried out. These reactors were later fed with restaurant waste.The batch laboratory tests showed that primary sludge had a potential biogas and methane production of 0,62 and 0,35 Ndm3/g VS respectively after 40 days of digestion.

Mätt i magen ? lär hela dagen! : en kvantitativ undersökning kring årskurs nio elevers lunchvanor.

The purpose of this study is to examine what pupils in the ninth grade eats for lunch and also whether there is any connection between their lunch habits and perceived ability to concentrate and fatigue. A further aim was to study pupils' experience of dining environment in schools.The study is based on a quantitative method with questionnaires. The study was implemented on four schools in elementary school in themunicipalityofKristianstadand Tanum.Our results demonstrate, in accordance with several previous studies conducted in the same age group, that it is about half of the pupils who eats school lunch every day and that the majority are eating school lunch 3-5 days a week. Furthermore, our study shows that the pupils who rarely eat vegetables in school feel tired and distracted to a greater extent than the group of pupils who eat vegetables almost daily. Our result also shows that the group of pupils who eat the main course 3-5 days a week feel both tired and distracted to a greater extent than the group of students who eat the main course more rarely.In accordance with previous studies our study shows that differences exist between boys and girls regarding food that is eaten instead of school lunch.

Movement patterns of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) around kills based on GPS location clusters

Research concerning movement patterns of wild animals has been advancing since GPS technology arrived. But studying the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is still difficult because of the harsh territory it inhabits in Central Asia. This study took place in south Gobi, Mongolia, and aimed to estimate the time spent at kills and the maximum distance away from kills between visits. Snow leopards were monitored with GPS collars that took a location every five or seven hours. Potential kill sites were established by identifying clusters of GPS-locations in ArcGIS and visited in the field for confirmation.

Immunmedierad hemolytisk anemi hos hund : en retrospektiv studie

Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia (IMHA) is an immune-mediated destruction of erythrocytes and is one of the most common haematological diseases diagnosed in dogs. The haemolysis is a type II immunoreaction and is initiated by IgG or IgM antibodies or complements. This retrospective study includes 63 dogs suffering from primary IMHA. The study was based on information from records from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences in Uppsala and from the Animal Hospital in Strömsholm. The aim of the study was to evaluate the progress of the disease, treatment and the prognostic factors in different breeds, gender and age. Following criteria were used for the dogs to be allowed in the study: the dogs were diagnosed with anaemia, the anaemia was regenerative and autoagglutination and/or spherocytes were seen in the blood. About 50 % of the dogs in the study were diagnosed with IMHA within 2-6 years of age. Wire-haired dachshund was remarkably one of the most common breeds in this study together with Cocker and Springer spaniel.

Är det lönsamt att ta hänsyn till temperatursvängningar? : En fallstudie om prognostisering på Karlstads Energi

Being able to predict the future had been an invaluable competitive advantage for any corporation. Forecasting is a vital part of any business, hence a good forecast allows enterprises to invest in a beneficial way. However, there are several ways to prepare forecasts and the forecast methodology can vary. An industry that is dependent on forecasts is the energy industry. By predicting consumers' energy consumption, Swedish energy companies can hedge on the Nordic power market Nord Pool.

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