

606 Uppsatser om 34 Days - Sida 5 av 41

Frigörelse av fosfor från färskt, fryst och torkat växtmaterial : ett laboratorieförsök för att öka förståelsen för fosfordynamiken inom växtodlingen

Phosphorus is the single most potent contributor to eutrophication of freshwater and has also been shown to contribute to the toxic algae blooms in the Baltic sea. The dynamics and paths of losses of phosphorus from arable lands are not fully understood. It is known that phosphorus can be lost directly from plant material to water. In studies where plant material has been subjected to several freeze-thaw cycles, large amounts of phosphorus have been lost. Most studies have been conducted under field conditions, with many factors effecting the measured losses of phosphorus, such as weather and type of soil. This study was performed in a controlled environment without the presence of soil. Instead of soil, small glass beads were mixed with the plant materials in vessels, to make possible homogeneous leaching with water through the mixture of glass beads and plant materials. In this study, clover, ryegrass and dry straw were cut to pieces, approximately 2 cm long.

Omloppstid för returenheter

Cycle time has a direct influence on number of returnable crates needed and therefore a crucial parameter for cost structure and pricing of the user fec in the pool system.For providing the growing market, number of crates has to increase as well as the utilization of existing crates. To accomplish this aim, cycle time for the whole supply chain has to be fully unravelled and understand.The purpose is to map cycle time and stock movements, to see how, where and when crates are being used in the supply chain. The goal is to make a method of cycle time calculation, together with suggestions of improving the pool system and decrease cycle time.The study has been a combination of qualitative and quantitative research and comprises the three biggest wholesalers in Sweden; ICA, Coop and Axfood. Furthermore have 65 grocery shops, connected to the wholesalers, been investigated and mapped.The study has come to a conclusion that cycle time for an average returnable crate is 19 days. The full-size and half-size crates have a bit longer cycle time, 21-22 days, while Dual Height-crates and shallow haif-size crates have 17-18 days.

Användande av avskjutningsstatistik i förvaltning : påverkar tidigare jakt CPUE?

In fisheries, there is a long tradition to use catch data when evaluating changes in the stock and effects from harvesting. It is a common practice to use Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) as an index of population size, and several studies have investigated the properties of CPUE in relation to population abundance, spatial distribution and efficiency of gear. In research, catch rate on trap-transects is used as an index of abundance for wildlife species but CPUE is rarely applied as a tool in harvest management.In 1993, more than 60 000 km2 of the state managed mountain range in Sweden was opened to the public for small game hunting, under the responsibility of the county administrative boards in Jämtland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten. The total area is now divided into 332 hunting units (median=73 km2) and an internet based system is used to administer licences and reporting bag statistic. Each hunter has to register the results within two weeks after the hunt.

Effekt av biotintillförsel på klövhälsan hos mjölkkor i lösdrift : ett kontrollerat fältförsök på tre gårdar

The Effects of dietary biotin supplementation on hoof health in Swedish dairy cows - a controlled cohort field study. The aim of the present degree project was to investigate the effects of biotin supplementation on hoof health in dairy cows. The experiment was performed as a controlled cohort study in three commercial farms in western Sweden from January 2002 to October 2002. The cows were all housed in cubicle systems with transponder concentrate feeding systems. Within each farm the cows were allocated to either biotin or control treatment. The biotin groups received 20 mg of biotin per cow and day, starting 14 days before expected calving.

Effekter av två olika hösilagefoderstater på tarmfloran och träcksammansättningen hos häst och gris :

The aim of this study was to investigate if the botanical composition of haylage affects pH, dry matter content and microbial composition of the faeces in horse and pig and ileal environment in pigs. Two separate studies were conducted where pigs and horses were fed two diets containing haylages with different botanical composition. The first haylage was from a tilled land dominated by timothy and meadow fescue and the other haylage came from a meadowland with a large inclusion of dandelion, 25 % and common couch. The dry matter content (70.8 % and 73.0 % respectively) and the pH-value (5.7) were similar in both feeds. The first study was made as a three-periods switch-back study with 7 Standardbred horses. In the first and the third period, 7 and 9 days long respectively, the diet consisted of the haylage from the tilled land, oats, sugar beet pulp, soy bean oil meal, lucerne pellets and brewers yeast.

En nationell sorg En analys av effekterna av mordet på utrikesminister Anna Lindh utifrån ett nationalistiskt perspektiv

In September 2003 the Swedish minister of foreign affairs Anna Lindh was murdered. The murder shocked Sweden and the picture of a safe homeland was challenged. The Swedish people joined together in different manifestations and rituals to show their appreciation for the minister and to mourn together. A few days later the nation was going to vote on whether Sweden should join the euro and the minister was involved in the campaign. The aim for this thesis is to understand how this national crisis was handled in Sweden.

Linné hemvård : En grafisk profil till ett nystartat företag

The purpose of this work is to develop and test a design process where quick decisions and model building has a prominent role. The goal is to develop a number of products and build prototypes to be shown during the Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies spring exhibition 2012. I?m also writing a report describing my work.To reach my goal I have each day during the first phase conducted a short research and found a concept based on that days name day. Then I have continued in the workshop and worked with three-dimensional models.

Skötsel av tätortsnära skogliga rekreationsområden : besökares upplevelser i norra och södra Sverige

The main purpose of this M. Sc. thesis is to increase the knowledge about managing urban forestry for recreational use. The analysis is focusing on differences between visitors? experiences in the north and south of Sweden, represented by Nydalasjön and by Härlanda tjärn.

Gummitryck eller Photoshop : Kan gummitryck motiveras om det går att få samma resultat digitalt?

The purpose of this work is to develop and test a design process where quick decisions and model building has a prominent role. The goal is to develop a number of products and build prototypes to be shown during the Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies spring exhibition 2012. I?m also writing a report describing my work.To reach my goal I have each day during the first phase conducted a short research and found a concept based on that days name day. Then I have continued in the workshop and worked with three-dimensional models.

Produktkalendern : - en alternativ designprocess med namnsdagar som utgångspunkt.

The purpose of this work is to develop and test a design process where quick decisions and model building has a prominent role. The goal is to develop a number of products and build prototypes to be shown during the Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies spring exhibition 2012. I?m also writing a report describing my work.To reach my goal I have each day during the first phase conducted a short research and found a concept based on that days name day. Then I have continued in the workshop and worked with three-dimensional models.

Uppkopplad eller nedkopplad? -Konflikt mellan förnuft och känsla : En etnografiskt inspirerad studie av fyra studenters vardag online och offline

Purpose: The aim of this thesis has been to study and obtain greater understanding of the consequences of active social media use. Specifically, in terms of social identity, social life and the sense of belonging. Secondly, the thesis studies the consequences of disconnecting and for a limited amount of time opt out of the social media context.Method/material:  The study is based on an explorative, cultural ethnographically-inspired method, in which four respondents were studied: two men and two women, all frequent users of social media. This was done in three steps: initial interviews, followed by social media diaries and finally a focus group. By allowing these methods to complement each other, the goal was to create an overall picture of the importance of social media in their everyday lives.The study's focus lies on the week in which the respondents kept social media diaries.

Biogasprocessen : Bestämning av verkningsgrad

Biogas is increasingly used for fuel in for example vehicles and it´s produced in a biogas processconsisting of the steps of pretreatment, digestion and gas cleaning. The pretreatment is a method usedto increase the gas production and / or destroy pathogens. The digestion is the stage when anaerobicmicroorganisms convert bio-mass of a substrate to a raw gas containing about 65% of methane. Thegas cleaning is used to increase the methane content to about 97% so the gas can be used for motors invehicles. The biogas part of the Ekeby sewage plant in Eskilstuna is using multiple substrates.

Beteende inför lek hos odlad respektive vild lax (Salmo salar L.) i Klarälven

In many regulated rivers, authorities have stocked hatchery salmon to compensate for loss of wild populations. However, hatchery fish have not always behaved as wild fish do, and stocking them has not always fully compensated for the loss of wild fish. The purpose of this study was to compare swimming behaviour in the river before spawning, the choice of spawning areas and body size between wild and hatchery-reared salmon in the river Klarälven. Salmon behaviour in the river before spawning was analyzed using radio telemetry. The salmon were caught at Forshaga power plant, radio-tagged and returned to Klarälven at Ekshärad, 107 km from the river?s mouth.

When does the protein profile in milk normalize after antibiotic treatment against clinical mastitis?

Concentration of protein in bovine milk is one of the most significant milk quality parameters, to a large extent determining the price for milk to the producer. Mastitis is a common disease among dairy cows, negatively affecting not only milk yield but also milk protein composition. Milk from mastitic cows tends to have lower cheese yield, negatively affected processability properties and sensory quality, due to changed protein quality and composition. Poorer milk protein quality would have an economically negative impact on dairy industry. Only few studies have investigated the short term effects of mastitis on milk protein composition.

Ur ett COIN perspektiv : Kriget mellan Israel och Libanon 2006

I uppsatsen som följer har jag använt mig av David Galulas COIN teori. Jag har sedan använt den teorin och analyserat kriget mellan Israel och Libanon 2006. Kriget blev känt som ett misslyckande ur israelisk synpunkt, då de inte lyckades att besegra Hezbollah eller stoppa deras raketskjutningar in i Israel. Detta trots att de har den mest högteknologiska armen i mellanöstern och hade luftoperativkontroll. I denna uppsats så har jag fört ett resonemang för att svara på frågeställningen: Går Galulas teorier att använda mot en organiserad motståndare som Hezbollah? Efter att ha skrivit denna uppsats så har jag inte kommit fram till ett absolut svar, men är personligen övertygad om att det går.

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