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Framgångsfaktorer i integrationen av elever med särskilda behov i den allmänna skolan

The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze success factors in the integration of students with special needs in regular schools. This will be done through the case study of a nine year old autistic student in a small town public school ? a fairly representative case for the Swedish school system. The data collection methods used in the paper are; three participant observations of the student, and a qualitative interview with two of the student?s teachers.

Utvärdering av en ny selektionsmetod för hingstsperma : med avseende på membranintegriteten och membranstabiliteten

Today, equine breeding is based on performance and conformation, resulting in a vast variation in fertility among different horses, with noticeable economic losses as a consequence. The horse breeding industry is therefore in need of methods that diagnose the spermatozoa concerning their quality and provide the best sperm for AI. The commonly used selection methods for sperm today are: centrifugation, where extender is added, the sample is centrifuged and then resuspended; swim-up self-migration; adherence separation; and density gradient centrifugation. However, none of these methods are in used routinely in practice before inseminating mares with fresh or cooled semen. The aim of this study was to evaluate a new selection method, Single Layer Centrifugation (SLC), and its effect on sperm viability. The viability was analyzed with regard to membrane integrity and membrane stability of ejaculated spermatozoa.

Hur betydelsefull är CRM data? : En studie om användandet av CRM-system inom livsmedelskedjorna ICA och Coop

During the last few decades a new kind of business operation have developed and this hasforced organisations to adapt themselves to a new competitive environment characterized byincreased customer demands as well as a larger amount of competitors. Therefore companieshave had a shift in their strategies from focusing on sales numbers to focusing on thecustomer. To build lasting customer relationships, in order to create customer loyalty, havebecome an important part of the organisational strategy and the collection of consumer datais essential in achieving this loyalty. Customer relationship management systems assistorganisations in managing information about individual customers as well as managing allaspects of customer contact, with the purpose of increasing customer loyalty towards thecompany. The collection of consumer data also enables for companies to design personalizedoffers to individual customers in the form of direct marketing.

Revisionsbyråernas syn på jävsregeln i Aktiebolagslagen

AbstractTitle: Accounting firms´ view on the (new law) in joint-stock companiesCourse: Business Administration, Financial Accounting in Corporations and Groups, Ad-vanced Course, 15 ECTSAuthors: Mikaela Uveby, Shadi Nourbehesht, Almira DizdarevicAdvisor: Kent TrosanderProblem: During the last few years, more importance and emphasis has been put on auditors and accounting in general due to a number of company and business scandals on both national and international levels. The United States as well as the EU consid-ered it a necessity to make regulations stricter when it comes to auditing and ac-counts in order to increase the public trust to accounting. At January 1st, 2007, Sweden also changed its law concerning accounting firm challenges. The new law states that as soon as someone of the auditor?s co-workers assists a client with some part of the basic bookkeeping, the main bookkeeping or the drawing-up of the an-nual account, the challenge situation becomes a fact.Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to examine and inquire into how the renewed law con-cerning accounting firm challenges, that was established and put to action at Janu-ary 1st, 2007, has affected accounting firms.Method: The writers have chosen to complete qualitative interviews in order to get a deeper insight to and an understanding of the topic.Conclusion: One year after the renewal of the law, the writers have reached the conclusion of that the new law has not had a great impact on the accounting firms.

I organisationskulturens tecken, budskap om organisationskultur

This is an essay with anticipations to bring out knowledge about organisational culture for the interested reader or explorer of culture in organisations. Focus positions on ingredients that can be understood as fabricating organisational culture. The essay is, for example, about values, norms, ethics peoples characteristics, that shapes an organisation. In this area of expertise there are numerous categories of scientists and disciplines that do research on this theme. Therefor it exists a rather various collection of definitions of what organisational culture is, or can be.

Friskvårdsförmåner och förändringar i motionsvanor hos brevbärare

The purpose of this study was to determine if wellness benefits led to any changes in exercise habits among employed postmen. The study was a cross-sectional study carried out by a quantitative method. The collection of data took the form of a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 30 postmen employed at a post office in northern Sweden. The results show that of the postman who use health care benefits, there has been a relatively small change in exercise habits.

Känsla kontra information i fotokommunikation

Photography has a big role in information sharing today. Especially in the hotel industry where it is the closest thing a customer can get to the product that is being sold. This study intends to find out how you can make use of rhetorical models and techniques of photography to enhance the communication skills of photos of hotel rooms. The main focus was to understand the difference between informative and emotional photographs and what consumers themselves focus on when choosing a hotel, and also how to use the collected information to create a larger buying interest through hotel photography. Using previous research work and quantitative data collection method, we have concluded that the informational and emotional photography methods have obvious differences but also many similarities, and are most effective used together and that the hotel consumer is more aware of the images influence then we assumed..

Kökslampa : tema Fransk Bistro

The report describes the thesis I, Philip Bergstrom, have done at the University of Gotland. The work comprises 15 credits and is at bachelor level and has been done in collaboration with Lyktan Bankeryd Belysning.The project consists of developing the design of a kitchen lamp for the Swedish home following the catchwords stripped French bistro that will fit into the Lyktan Bankeryd lighting spring collection 2013, and it should not look too alike any existing lamp on the market today.The work includes analysis of the company's current products and the image the company wants to project, analysis of three other companies' products to draw inspiration from, and a simple ergonomic study of the lights in the kitchen.The final result achieves the demands made and fits well in the intended environment, there is also the possibility for further development of both a floor lamp and a wall lamp..

Undersökning av avfallshanteringssystem : För ett nyexploaterat område i Ekhagen, Jönköping

Outside of many Swedish households today, you will find a typical green wastecontainer. This container has not changed since its introduction, despitecomplaints about foul-smelling and its impractical system. Even if the system usedtoday, still is the most optimal choice, there is a lot of newly developedalternatives out there.Its purpose is to get a broader perspective on how a waste management systemcan be developed into a working, land efficiently and aesthetically pleasing systemof humans and the environment in a small residential area.The authors treat the residential area of Jära, Ekhagen, in Jönköping, which ismanaged by JM AB as a problem area in regards to waste management.The issues raised by the authors are the different waste management systems usedin the corresponding areas of the world, how to apply technical andenvironmental as well as the waste management facilities from financial aspects.In the process, the methods used were literature reviews, case studies and aninterview. The case study was done through a modeling of waste managementsystems in the area Jära and an interview was conducted with the company Envacworking with vacuum systems. Studies have been made by different systems n theareas around the world.The results show that using directives and guidance will reduce the environmentalimpact done without replacing the traditional system.

Mot en museologisk värdeteori : Varför vi ger och varför vi samlar

The foundation for a museum is the collection. To collect, preserve and display is what constitutes a museum. But the process of deciding which object´s should be saved, and which objects should not, are based on values. It is also values that make people inclined to donate objects to museums. How and why we value a museum determine if and why we donate.Objects themselves could be said to have a biography just like people.

Evaluation of an automated multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for rapid detection of Influenza A and B viruses

Influenza is a viral infection that affects global health and economy with its endemic and sometimes pandemic spread. Rapid detection of Influenza viruses enables antiviral use and can bring financial savings. It is also essential for the global surveillance of prevalent Influenza strains. RT-PCR is considered the most specific and sensitive method for detection of Influenza, but Influenza mutates at a high rate and it is therefore crucial that RT-PCR methods are updated regularly.In 2014, Cepheid released their Xpert Flu/RSV XC assay, which can detect Influenza A and B and RSV by multiplex RT-PCR in approximately one hour. The aim of this study was to evaluate this assay at Laboratoriemedicin Västernorrland by using the laboratory?s previous PCR assay for detection of Influenza viruses as reference method.Real-time RT-PCR was used to compare Xpert Flu/RSV XC to the reference method.

Konstruktion av kostnadseffektiv fläkt till härdningsugnar

Scana-Booforge is a Swedish company which specialize in heat treatment of various metal. The treatments take place in quenching ovens, where fans are used to circulate the hot air. The fans used today do not have a satisfactory lifespan. This thesis aims to develop a new design of the fans for the quenching ovens, and the goal is that the new fans will bring cost savings for Scana-Booforge.The design development process started with mapping out the environment in which the fans operate, and with analysis of the existing fan structure and damages, in order to establish the cause of failure and of short durability. The performance of the fan were also established at this stage.

Konceptstudie av kassadisk B10/B11

This master?s thesis report is a summary of the analysis performed together with ITAB Shop Concept located in Jönköping, Sweden. As a last element of the Master?s program at the School of Engineering, this 20 point level D thesis project has been the final work to bring my education to an end.ITAB Shop Concept expressed an aspiration that the Shop Counter Program B10/B11 should undergo an analysis to point out and possibly lead to improvement.Through interviews and data collection proposals for possible improvements has been drawn up and the analysis points out current deficiencies. By following the idea generation, proposals to solutions for every individual problem is presented.

Idrottsvanor bland ungdomar : En kartläggning över föreningsidrott och spontanidrott

This master thesis examines sport habits among young people and a view of their future in sports. Research has shown that the majority of youth leave sport clubs during adolescence. The thesis questions were: How physically active are young people? Which sports do they practice? Regarding their future in sports, what kind of aspirations do the young people have? Are there any barriers that could complicate their involvement in these activities? These questions were examined by analyzing if there were any differences between boys and girls, youth in different grades and youth with Swedish or foreign backgrounds. Pierre Bourdieu´s theoretical framework about sports and economic capital has been used as a research framework.

Mikrosimulering för analys av Mästergatans förlängning i Enköping

Two of the main approach roads into the city of Enköping are Salavägen and Stockholmsvägen. They are connected to each other through the street Bangårdsgatan in the roundabout Salatullen and crossing Fannakorset, respectively. These crossings are from time to time heavily loaded, which is why the municipality plan for a new street in parallel to Bangårdsgatan. The traffic will then be spread out and is thereby reducing the density. The new street is actually an extension of the existing Mästergatan, a side street to Salavägen, to the east and connecting it to Stockholmsvägen or a street nearby.The purpose of this Master thesis is to show how the new street can be drawn in order to discharge the traffic in the area between the roundabout Salatullen and the crossing Fannakorset.

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