

1158 Uppsatser om 24-hour urine collection - Sida 22 av 78

Otrygga anställningsvillkor för unga -Happy hour för arbetsgivaren : Behovsanställdas situation på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

SammanfattningSyfteSyftet med studien är att undersöka hur behovsanställda ungdomar upplever sina anställningsvillkor och hur deras livssituation blir påverkad i restaurangbranschen.MetodVi har valt en kvalitativ metod för att studera hur individen upplever sina anställningsvillkor och hur det påverkar livssituationen. I den kvalitativa metoden valde vi att använda oss av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer.ResultatI vårt resultat kan vi se att våra respondenter hade en negativ upplevelse av samtliga sex teman; anställningskontrakten, arbetstider, framtidsutsikter, aktiviteter & relationer, hälsa och ekonomi. Behovsanställda saknar anställningsvillkor och har ofta inga skriftligt anställningskontrakt. Denna anställningsform har inga fasta arbetstider och upplevs av samtliga respondenter som otrygg. Genom denna otrygga anställningsform blir hälsan, aktiviteter och relationer påverkad negativt med stress och inställda planer.

Programverksamhet i Kriminalvården : ur ett klientperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to look at how clients, in the Swedish criminal justice, experience their involvement in treatment programs. The spotlight in the study was to examine which helpful and unhelpful factors are involved in a treatment process, in the view of individual experiences. The study is based on a qualitative method, with interviews as an instrument for collection of data.The result is summarized in three fields; is it possible to show vulnerable, the therapist and the meaning of the program. The result is based on interviews with six informants; five of them have been partaking in treatment programs in prison and one in the probation office. The study shows that partaking in treatment programs in prison is combined with problems in aspect of the different roles criminals play in prison.

Påverkar kaffekonsumtion risken för stroke?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Does coffee consumption affect the risk of stroke?Author: Jenny KällSupervisor: Heléne Bertéus ForslundExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22, 2012___________________________________________________________________________Background: The widespread consumption of coffee worldwide makes this drink interesting to study from a public health perspective. Even minor health effects may be important for the whole population. Stroke patients require the largest number of days spent in hospitals and nursing homes than any other medical condition group. Risk factors for stroke include smoking, high alcohol intake, physical inactivity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, high waist-hip ratio and diabetes.

Hur ser elevernas läs- och skrivvanor ut på fritiden?

My curiosity concerning what pupils read and write during leisure time led me to gather information using a quantative method. The study's aim is to investigate which reading and writing habits they have during their time outside school. A comparison was done of pupils at school year level 3 and level 4 in two different schools with the intention of investigating the influence of social background on reading and writing habits. 137 pupils filled in survey forms and thereafter the MYSTAT statistic program was used to process the information. The results point towards that the pupils read story books both more often and for a longer time than any other type of literature and that they read them often or very seldom.

"April, May, June". En mönsterkollektion för textil.

I have worked with patterns for textiles, and the goal of the project was to makethree patterns in one colorway. My wish was that the patterns would be relatedeither in motif or colorway, or both. I wanted the patterns to be seen as a minicollection. My aim was to make three patterns that would serve as home textiles.I decided to print the patterns digitally on fabric, but also to customize the designof the pattern repeats to be printed in rotary printing. I wanted to work within thelimits of what is possible to produce in terms of colors and repeat sizes.One of my goals with the project was to clarify for myself what the essence of mydesign is, and to create a collection that reflects me as a designer.

Analys av system för rening av avloppsvatten i en anaerob membranbioreaktor

The most common way to treat wastewater in Sweden today is by a combination of an activated sludge process and a chemical treatment. These processes are not very energy efficient and may not be the most environmentally friendly. That is why it is interesting to evaluate new alternative methods to see if they can be less harmful to the environment and help to a lower resource consumption. New techniques are tested in a pilot installation at Hammarby Sjöstad, Sjöstadsverket. To be able to evaluate these techniques in a wide perspective system analyses are conducted where different impacts can be considered, advantages and disadvantages in the systems.Five system structures for water treatment have been constructed in Matlab/Simulink in this study.

Känsla kontra information i fotokommunikation

Photography has a big role in information sharing today. Especially in the hotel industry where it is the closest thing a customer can get to the product that is being sold. This study intends to find out how you can make use of rhetorical models and techniques of photography to enhance the communication skills of photos of hotel rooms. The main focus was to understand the difference between informative and emotional photographs and what consumers themselves focus on when choosing a hotel, and also how to use the collected information to create a larger buying interest through hotel photography. Using previous research work and quantitative data collection method, we have concluded that the informational and emotional photography methods have obvious differences but also many similarities, and are most effective used together and that the hotel consumer is more aware of the images influence then we assumed..

Ungdomar läser - om läs- och bokvanor i årskurs nio och gymnasieskolan

This thesis investigates young people's (16-21) preferences in reading through a surveyincluding interviews and questionnaires. The groups attitudes towards reading and libraries,their reading and library habits, and to what extent eight libraries had bought the preferredliterature were also examined.Some reports from the 80's were used to find the changes. The result shows that youngstersread and visit libraries somewhat more frequently. Trivial literature is not as dominant, moreteenage-books were read. Popular themes are love, history, reality, fantasy/sf, and detectivestories.

Från WOW till OH SHIT! : - En studie om värdeskapande i konsertsammanhang

Our purpose with this research is to highlight that there is a scope for increased value creation in the experience room during concerts, and how value-enhancing strategies can be a competitive advantage for different venues. In our investigation of this we have worded the following research question: How is the perceived customer value affected during a concert in the experience room and its physical environment? With the background in this question we have identified three key concepts that we believe are the influence of the total concert experience which are; sensory experiences, interaction and identity. From these concepts we have drafted a number of propositions to test the reality by our empirical data collection. .

En studie av hållbara alternativ till odlingstorv : - vid jordförbättring inom trädgård

Pharmaceuticals are environmental pollutants that are a major threat to aquatic ecosystems and very little is known about their ecological consequences. In this study growth, survival and behaviour (sociability, activity and boldness) of perch fry (Perca fluviatilis) were examined in order to study the possible effects of exposure to a benzodiazepine anxiolytic drug, Oxazepam, during embryonic development. The study tested following hypotheses: (1) perch growth is affected positively by exposure during embryonic development; (2) early perch survival is affected positively by exposure during embryonic development; and (3) boldness and activity increases while sociability decreases in perch fry exposed during embryonic development. Embryos of naturally spawned perch were exposed to water with two different concentrations of Oxazepam. The embryos were exposed during different parts (24-hour periods) of the embryonic development, because embryos may be more vulnerable at certain times during embryonic development and/or because the exposure at different times can produce different effects.

Beskrivning och analys av superovuleringsresultat och andra fertilitetsregistreringar vid Nötcenter Viken :

Recording and analyses of superovulation results and fertility records at the nucleus herd Viken The development of different reproductive technologies aim at increasing the number of progeny per individual parent, and in that improving the possibility of genetic progress. One technique, embryo transfer, have facilitated genetic dissemination and shortened the generation interval also in females. Nötcenter Viken is a company that run embryo collection and embryo transfer in the breeds Swedish Red and Swedish Holstein. It is located outside Falköping. Information is continuously gathered about cows tested at the nucleus herd.

Roadmate re:design : Design- och utvecklingsprocessen vid redesign av en digital tjänst

This report describes the initial work intended for updating the car sharing service Roadmate. Roadmate is one of the services received by the car rental company Hertz First Rent a Car. The goal was to present the client with design- and structure proposals for a car sharing service that includes high usability and at the same time remains aesthetically pleasing.The work is based on an initial study with data collection, mapping the target user group and its needs. Subsequent structural and design proposals for Roadmates company carpooling service are based on the facts surrounding the target group's needs. The result are well developed and tested design sketches with accompanying visual identity and sitemaps that can be the basis for the further work on the development of the service..

The Green Evolution of the Car Industry

This Master Thesis covers the concept of Green Cars. The background to the research area is the high and rapidly growing number of cars, which together with other factors ad to the pollution of the environment. Under the Kyoto agreement the signing members agreed to lower the emissions of green house gases, further on the EU has a 3-pillar strategy on carbon dioxide and cars. Included in the EU strategy is a voluntary commitment from the car industry to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from new cars. The easiest way of lowering the emissions is by using alternative fuels and engines.

Motivation : En studie om behov, mål och motivationsfaktorer

Title: A study about needs, goals and motivational factorsCourse/Subject: Business Administration concentration Leadership, 15 hpAuthors: Ulrika HerolfTutor: Anders BillströmKeywords: Needs, Goals, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational FactorsBackground and problem Motivation is a large subject and in my investigation on the matter I found that needs, goals, intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors frequently occurred. By that I got interested in research if any of these four key terms was more central for an individual?s motivation within a working team or if all four was as equally central.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which motivational factors that is important to an individual?s motivation. I will do this by investigate the terms needs, goals, intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. I want to investigate this by interviewing a number of employees within a working team, including a manager.  My hope is that my thesis will interest managers in working teams, future managers and co-workers that want to learn more about motivation.Problem statement: What factors are important to individual motivation in a working team?   Methodology: I conducted a qualitative study where I gathered data from five persons.

Sedelförfalskning i svensk press 1944-1950

The purpose of this paper is to study what the press in Sweden wrote about counterfeiting from 1944 to 1950. By studying how the newspapers wrote about the crime of counterfeiting, the paper aims to give a glimpse of how counterfeiters worked and got their notes in circulation. The analysis is based on a theoretical perspective of a "we" and "they" in which Sweden is compared to the opposite abroad. The paper examines how the security of Swedish banknotes is discussed in Swedish news articles and how they describe counterfeiters and passers. The paper examines forty one newspaper clippings from the period 1944-1950 from twenty five different newspapers from different parts of the country.

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