

768 Uppsatser om 1900th century - Sida 46 av 52

Pedagogiskt ledarskap: en studie om vilka kompetenser en
pedagog behöver för att skapa goda förutsättningar för dagens

Syftet med vårt arbete var att undersöka vilka kompetenser en pedagog ska besitta för att skapa goda förutsättningar för dagens elever. Vi valde att titta på hur lärarens ledarstil påverkar gruppen, om lärarna ger goda förutsättningar för eleverna samt hur lärare och elever beskriver en god pedagog med fokus på lärarens kompetenser och de kompetenser som efterfrågas bland eleverna. I studien valde vi att intervjua sex lärare och dela ut 146 enkäter till elever från sex olika klasser i grundskolans senare år till gymnasiet. Vi har även tittat på dessa elevenkäter ur ett genusperspektiv. Av studien framgår att de lärare vi intervjuat stärker det kollektiva beteendet hos eleverna genom grupparbeten, tydliga mål, fasta ramar, disciplin och ordning.

Undersökning av förekomst av okända virus hos svenska fjällrävar med encefalit :

The artic fox is under threat of extermination in Europe. The population decreased strongly at the beginning of the twentieth century because of intensive hunting. The artic fox was placed under protection by law 1928 in Sweden but despite this the population has had difficultly to recover. This can depend on several reasons, but the main threats are shortage of food and competition from the red fox. Along with Norway and Finland, Sweden has carried out a project called SEFALO (Saving the Endangered Fennoscandian Alopex lagopus), whose objectives were to prevent continued decreased populationnumbers and through, for example supplementary feeding, help the population to recover.

En retorisk analys av Fahrenheit 9/11 ur ett dokumentärhistoriskt perspektiv

The history of rhetorics in documentary film is a long one. The French brothers Louise and Auguste Lumiére were among the first persons who produced a documentary and their work has had a big impression in the history of documentary during the 1900 century. John Grierson has been called ?the father? of documentary film. He produced films in the English speaking part of the world and he is the founder of the concept ?documentary film?.

Framtagning av beräkningshjälpmedel för tvärkraftbelastade förband med förbindare av metall.

The governing set of regulations for structural engineering in Sweden used to be Boverket, BKR. However in the beginning of the 21st century a changeover to new regulations, the Eurocodes, started.The transition was completed in year 2011 when the Eurocodes became the mandatory design work policy for all countries within the European Union. The Eurocodes were implemented to simplify and remove potential barriers to trade that may exist when countries have different design rules.  Since the changeover it has been important for all construction companies to update their knowledge base and their design software.When comparing the two calculation processes they seem similar, but there are a couple of differences worth noting.  With the new regulations, engineers will find that the process when designing joints in timber structures has changed.  What used to be a fairly easy and straight forward calculation procedure has now become tedious and time consuming.The objective of this degree project is to present a product, a dimensioning tool that will help structural engineers when computing lateral load carrying joints in timber structures.The degree project is made up of two parts where the first part is the written report describing the background and theory behind load carrying computations. The second part of the project is the actual dimensioning tool which includes several worksheets in Microsoft Excel. The program treats single and double shear connections of the following:Nail jointsScrew jointsSteel plates (thick and thin types) The user can edit the following parameters:Type of plate/ number of shearsStrength class of timber membersMember and plate sizeType of fastenerDiameter of fastenerLength of fastenerYield moment of fastenerkmod and partial factors for design load carrying capacityThe dimensioning tool was created and developed in collaboration with structural engineers at the company Byggteknik AB.

Styrelsens unika kompetensbehov : En studie av kompetensförändringen i styrelsen

Background: The board of directors is a key player in corporate governance. Their role is to ensure that the corporations are run with the interest of the shareholders as the main focus. In the beginning of the 21st century, a survey was made about the confidence of the Swedish business community and in which criticism was directed to the board of directors. The boards were deemed inadequate in their function and were often solely composed by members with similar experiences and competence, therefore lacking in diversity. In order to improve the competence and work of the board of directors, the Swedish code of corporate governance was introduced and its recommendations comprehend the boards? size and composition.

Arbetarlitteraturens återkomst: En diskursinriktad analys kring föreställningar om den samtida arbetarlitteraturen i Sverige 1999-2007

During the 21st century, Society has again begun to focus its attention on working class literature and on issues related to social class. In the media contemporary working class literature is often mentioned as a distinct phenomenon. I my view, the meaning of this phenomenon have not been adequately formulated. The aim of this Master?s Thesis is to reconstruct, using a discourse oriented text analysis, a picture of how the contemporary working class literature is described in today?s society.

Biogasproduktion genom tvåstegsrötning av drankvatten

During the 19-century a global warming has been observed, which includes increases in global air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of ice and snow, and rising global sea level. There is a clear connection between emissions of greenhouse gases caused by the human and the increase in temperature. Climatic changes caused by global warming can be stopped trough decreased emission of fossil fuels, for example by an increased use of biogas. Biogas is a renewable energy source which is produced through anaerobic (oxygen free) digestion of organic material. The gas is a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and can be among others used as fuel in vehicles.

Majstorkning :

The corn plant came to Europe with Christopher Columbus in the 14th century and have ever since bin cropped here, but corn haven?t bin very common in Scandinavia until recently. The mainly use for this crop silage but even corn for grain is cropped in Europe. Corn for grain is a common part of feed in beef and chicken farming. In Sweden corn for grain is pretty rare but almost 1000 hectares are used for this crop, Lantmännen Sverige is the biggest buyer of corn at the moment.

Statistikens dubbla potential: Frigörelse eller förtryck?

This essay concerns equality statistics as part of a population census. It is a kind ofstatistics that is not in action in Sweden because of data protection law for sensitivedata (Personuppgiftslagen). This kind of an enlarged census is requested frominternational institutions like the UN and the EU as a tool to combat discriminationand to keep track of human rights. In Sweden there is a prohibition against collectingsensitive data regarding for instance sexuality, disability, transgender, ethnicbackground and national minority.The essay examines arguments from minority groups in Sweden, who participated inan enquiry done by the Equality Ombudsman on a government assignment 2011. Theenquiry process was done during 2012 and resulted in the report Statistikens roll iarbetet mot diskriminering (The Role of Statistics in Combating Discrimination).The starting point of the essay is to look at equality statistics with a two foldedpotential: as liberating or oppressive for the counted.

Bildandet av naturreservat : uppföljning och klimatanpassning

AbstractWe are facing a century of rapid change in climate, with significant challenges in managing the impact of changes in living conditions for plants and animals. We can already see the responses of species through changes in phenology and spatial distribution, which may change ecosystem structure and function, with subsequent effect on ecosystem services and biological diversity. In Sweden, between 2005 and 2010, the red-listed species has increased by 13 % and similar trends can be seen across the world, making it difficult to attain national and international environmental objectives of preserving biodiversity. One way to reduce the loss of biodiversity is to protect nature from exploitation by allocating valuable areas as nature reserves, but climate change affects protected areas just as much as other landscapes and therefore requires elaborate systems of protection to facilitate species' survival. The paper has examined  how the decisions and management plans for nature reserves in Sweden have been followed-up and whether they are climate adapted or not by examining 30 nature reserves, classified as newly formed (2012), recently revised (2009-2011) and older (1977-2007) reserves, and assessed what is in the decisions and management plans for follow-up, revision, long-term goals and documentation.

Lojalitetsplikt i uthyrningsbranschen : - En uppsats om lojalitetsförhållandet mellan kundföretag och inhyrd arbetskraft

During the last part of the 20th century many companies has started to build their organizations on knowledge and information instead of manufacturing of products.  Today it is easier to communicate and spread information. At the same time the numbers of untraditional employments like temporary employments and workers from staffing agencies are increasing. Many organizations have higher employee turnover now than before. This allows more people to have access to confidential information, whose spreading might cause great damage for the employer.

Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen : Vilka skillnader finns det mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och privata arbetsförmedlingar?

During half a century the society has been changed from an industrial to knowledge-driven society. Industry companies have standardized requirements and companies that works with development in production has unique qualifications. The public employment office was created during a time that each tailored to then general requirements were dominating and the adaptation average appropriate worker and appropriate work where general. When the monopoly was stopped, crew companies begun to settle down on the market that flexibly adapt themselves to carried out now specialized needs that require sophisticated adaptation average work and job seekers. Companies lose the confidence for the public employment office and politicians threaten the organization with big closure.

Millesgården : vårdprogram samt förslag till förbättrad tillgänglighet

Millesgården is a museum on the island of Lidingö outside Stockholm. It contains the buildings which were the home and studios of the artist Carl Milles and his artist wife Olga. It also contains the grounds that originated as the garden of their home. Carl Milles later developed the garden into a sculpture park where a great part of the sculptors works are on display. In this report only the sculpture park is treated.

Djur och natur eller experiment?? Förskollärares tankar kring naturvetenskap och teknik

The history of rhetorics in documentary film is a long one. The French brothers Louise and Auguste Lumiére were among the first persons who produced a documentary and their work has had a big impression in the history of documentary during the 1900 century. John Grierson has been called ?the father? of documentary film. He produced films in the English speaking part of the world and he is the founder of the concept ?documentary film?.

Genetic variation of ASIP and MC1R in past and present sheep of Gotland

Ovine black coat colour is determined by the MC1R (Melanocortin 1 receptor) and ASIP (Agouti signalling peptide) genes at the Agouti and Extension loci. The black phenotype is caused by production of eumelanin by melanocytes, whereas yellow-tan or light phenotype is the result of phaeomelanin synthesis. The ovine MC1R gene has two known alleles: the wildtype (E+) and the dominant black (ED) alleles. Two missense mutations (c.218T>A and c.361G>A) constitute ED. The presence of a third allele, the e allele, is proposed and believed to give rise to phaeomelanic phenotype.

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