768 Uppsatser om 1900th century - Sida 47 av 52
Fenomenet Poppe, mellan scen och skratt : En studie av Nils Poppes komiska skådespeleri utifrån en fenomenologisk utgångspunkt
Scholarly research on comical popular theatre is rare in the Swedish context even though the genre has attracted large audiences throughout the 20th century. Nils Poppe is one of the greatest Swedish actors in the comical genre and he is famous for his playful acting style. With my Master?s dissertation I aim to shed some light on both the genre and this great actor. Another aim of this Master?s dissertation is to gain understanding of what causes the audience?s laughter experiencing Nils Poppe?s comical acting.
Stafettläkare - Räddaren i Nöden?
During a long period of time, rental doctors have created a vast debate in Sweden. Currently, there is a shortage of doctors working in Sweden and to guarantee the lawful right to healthcare of high quality the counties must hire doctors through employment agencies. There are different opinions about rental doctors, some thinks the temporary employment results in a negative work environment and furthermore puts the patients at risk. Other people consider the Swedish healthcare to not function without rental doctors. The purpose of this essay is to investigate rental doctors through a legal perspective and how temporary employment actually affects the patients? security and the work environment in Sweden?s healthcare.
Samiskt skogsutnyttjande, dimensionsavverkningar och naturvärden : skogshistorisk analys i block 5, Pakko kronopark i Norrbotten
In order to understand the human impact on today?s remaining ?virgin? forest and to develop sensible management strategies for future reserves, it is necessary to know how these forests have developed. This knowledge can be gained by using forest history analysis. here are large areas of forests still untouched by modern forestry in the mountainous region in the county of Norrbotten. These forests are highly interesting study objects from an ecological and historical point of view.
Emigration och Amerikabild - Om utvandrarens bildvärld och världsbild med utgångspunkt i emigrationen från Västernorrland till Amerika 1901-1909
I uppsatsen undersöks bildens betydelse för den svenska utvandringen till Amerika vid 1900-talets början. Utgångspunkten är i Västernorrland och en analys av Örnsköldsviks Allehanda,Allers Familj-Journal och Hvita Stjern-Liniens rederibroschyr. Under antagandet att varjebild fick ett större nyhetsvärde i en mer bildfattig kultur än den vi har idag och sparades underen längre tid är syftet att undersöka den blivande emigrantens bildvärld och världsbild. Frågorsom behandlas är: I vilket källmaterial förekom bilder, vilken funktion fyllde de och vilkenkunskap om Amerika kan den blivande emigranten tänkas ha haft? Vidare behandlasemigrantens bildbiografi, emigrationsbildens ontologi och bilden som emigrationspåverkandefaktor.
Decemberkompromiss eller Januariförlovning? : - en komparativ studie av svensk och finsk avtals- och arbetsmarknadsstruktur, reglering kring kollektivavtal samt reglering kring stridsåtgärder och sympatiåtgärder.
Declining union memberships are a fact in both Sweden and Finland. At the same time, the autonomous labour market parties and the high membership rates are the most significant factors for the two countries compared to Europe and the rest of the world. These two factors have in turn been developed and strengthened since the beginning of the twentieth century. By autonomous labour market parties I refer to the fact that the labour market parties themselves through collective bargaining are agreeing on the labour market conditions, without interference from the government.This paper is therefore taking it's stance in the question of what happens with the autonomous labour market parties when the membership rates are in decline. With this in mind, this paper describes the judicial development, the collective agreement and labour market structures, the legal consequences of collective agreements and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action in both Sweden and Finland. The two countries' systems of labour law have caught some negative attention, hence two of the most discussed cases of recent years are given some attention as well. The collective judicial conditions are very similar in both Sweden and Finland regarding the labour market main actors' collaboration, the collective agreement structures and legal consequences and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action.
ICDP : Ett verktyg för att förverkliga FN: s barnkonvention?
The basic view on children has change radically in the swedish society during the last century. From beeing seen as ruled by internal evil powers that only church could help controling later on the children should be brought up as citizen well-behaved and capable of work with help of the state's control. Today we see the child as competent and equal, and through Swedens adoption of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in year 1990, Sweden as a country undertakes itself to always see to the child´s greatest in all decision-making process concerning the child and also vouch for that the rights stated in the convention are beeing fulfild.Working with the convention in a such way that it's intention becomes reality in educational activities requires instruments for the pedagogues. During the years between 1980 and 1990 a number of different methods and programmes were developed with staring-points in the interplay between the child and the adult.
Motviktsslungans dynamik : En analys av medeltida konstruktionsråd för mekaniskt artilleri
AbstractThis Master?s thesis analyses the dynamics of the medieval counterweight lever engine, ortrebuchet, a type of mechanical artillery. The purpose is to study the differences between different types of these machines, and see if computer simulations can be used to validate preserved advice on construction. Simulations include machines with a fixed counterweight, a hinged counterweight and a combination of both counterweights.Due to the almost complete lack of archaeological finds and insufficient historical source material there are still, after more than a century of research, many unanswered questions concerning the design and performance of these machines.The present study is based on an analysis by Jahsman (2004). A more detailed mathematical model employing Coulomb-friction is used.
?Långt borta men nära?- en studie om socialsekreterares förväntningar på chefer och syn på arbete
This masters degree was a study of some social workers in Gothenburg Community and their expectations of leaders in general, their opinions of work and the leaders influence. The city of Gothenburg will within a few years recruit about 500 leaders. Depending on large pensions among leaders. It is important to have knowledge of the social workers expectations of leaders, their opinions of work and the leaders influence. It is also interesting to see if different generations have similarities or if they have different opinions.
V.I.N.T.A.G.E. - Om kläder, kvinnor och kulturarv
SummaryThis master thesis in ethnology examines the practices around the phenomena of vintage andsecond-hand clothing in the early twenty-first century. The resurgence of vintage and retro confirmsa craze for the style periods of the past and are linked to a more widespread interest in yesterday'sfashion and objects. Television and other media outlets showcasing vintage display that it issomething that interests many in society today. More vintage dealers are pushing to change theoutlook and perspective on an old, worn in object or piece of clothing. The idea is that this objector piece of clothing holds the magic of the past and therefore becomes valuable or sought after.
Revisorsassistentens socialiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ studie om socialisering och identifiering inom en revisionsbyrå i Örebro
Purpose: This paper aims to describe the socialization process that audit associates experience within an auditing firm that is included in the Big 4-sphere. Our purpose is also to describe which attributes that characterize the organizational identity, and how these attributes are reflected in the self-image of the associates. Furthermore, we seek to explain how the socialization process has influenced the organizational identification. This subject is of interest since the business of auditing is facing higher demands from regulators and politicians, due to the bankruptcy of HQ-bank among others during the financial crisis in the beginning of the 21st century. Earlier research claims that the socialization process of recruits, especially in the initial state of the employment, has a major impact on their future values and attitudes in their job performance.
Lärande för långsiktig hållbarhet: jämförande diskursanalys av medborgarskap för "hållbar utveckling" i Piteå respektive Växjö kommun
Sustainable development has become the ideology of the twentieth first century. As an important concept and as a framework of political action, sustainable development can at this point be considered as the very symbol of a paradigm in the international debate over environmental issues and the threats of climate change. But what does the concept of sustainability actually suggest? This thesis uses discourse analysis in order to examine the Swedish learning for sustainable development as to three different discourses on the national arena: the government and the municipals of Piteå and Växjö respectively. When the study foremost concerns official policy documents that contain associations with the study area, the methodology used takes into consideration both language, signs, metaphors and so called story lines.
Lärande för långsiktig hållbarhet: jämförande diskursanalys av medborgarskap för "hållbar utveckling" i Piteå respektive Växjö kommun
Sustainable development has become the ideology of the twentieth first
century. As an important concept and as a framework of political action,
sustainable development can at this point be considered as the very symbol
of a paradigm in the international debate over environmental issues and the
threats of climate change. But what does the concept of sustainability
actually suggest?
This thesis uses discourse analysis in order to examine the Swedish
learning for sustainable development as to three different discourses on
the national arena: the government and the municipals of Piteå and Växjö
respectively. When the study foremost concerns official policy documents
that contain associations with the study area, the methodology used takes
into consideration both language, signs, metaphors and so called story
Planering av lägerområden : exemplet Sjöröd
This is a final thesis on the landscape architecture
program at the Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences. It is the end of five years of studies and
comprises 30 ECTS.
This thesis is about the camp area Sjöröd, located
by Gyllebosjön (the Gyllebo Lake) on Österlen in
Skåne, southern Sweden. The thesis results in plan
for how the area could be used in the future. It also
raises the questions; what scouting of today is, how it
is to be developed for the future, what a camp is and
which aims the scout movement has set up for itself
and its activities. The thesis also treats what is typical
for Skåne, for Österlen and for the area around
Sjöröd as a starting point.
Bioelectromagnetics for improved crop productivity : an introductory review with pilot study of pre-sowing treatment of tomato
Various electromagnetic (EM) treatments has been investigated for their potential in improving crop productivity over the past century. There is today an increasing amount of scientists advocating EM treatments as an organically compatible method for improving plant
growth and yield. However, failure to produce repeatable effects and defining causal mechanisms has made it a study of much controversy and debate. The subject requires indepth
interdisciplinary knowledge, making it inaccessible for the majority of biologists, horticulturists and growers. In this combined literature review and pilot study, these issues are addressed by providing a comprehensive introductory review of the topic plant
bioelectromagnetics and its potential horticultural usability.
Med en vilja av järn och nävar av stål : Hertig Karls väg till makten sett ur ett machiavellistiskt fursteperspektiv
In 1513 the Florentine humanists Niccolò Machiavelli composed one of the most famous, but also ambiguously interpret, work in the history of politics, Il Principe. Machiavelli´s book The Prince revealed the true nature of politics in Italy in the beginning of the sixteenth century and gives very straightforward advice on how to act to become a successful and powerful political being. Machiavelli´s creation and insights in the reality of politics have be much discredited and condemned in its lack of moral consideration and violent nature. Still it has been read under the centuries with a fascination and eager to understand the structure of power and how to master it. My purpose with this study is to apply this Machiavellian idea of the capable prince on to the earlier research of the Swedish duke Karl, later on King Karl IX.