

346 Uppsatser om Emissions - Sida 1 av 24

Klimatneutrala företag - kan IT minska utsläppen?

The attention on environmental issues has never been as huge as today. The climate is changing and more and more evidence suggest that the cause behind climate changes is an increase of carbondioxide into the atmosphere. The increase in turn is considerd to be an act of human activity. Therefore some companies have decided to become climate neutral and implement information technology in their business in order to reduce their Emissions. This thesis has three aimes: to calculate a small company´s carbondioxide Emissions, study whether or not information technology could help to reduce these Emissions and furthermore find out why some companies decided to become climate neutral and describe the concept climate neutral.

Methane emissions from Swedish sheep production

The quantity of methane Emissions from sheep depend on several factors, for example, the composition of the diet, feed quality, the age of the animals, time of the day and maybe also breed and sex. A comprising literature review was made about which factors that affect the size of Emissions. In addition, a questionnaire was sent to two farms, one with a more intensive production system and another with a more extensive system. Inventories of the two farms were made; the rest of the data needed to conduct the study was taken from literature and other sources. Meat produced at the more intensive farm caused Emissions of 0.4 kg of methane per kg of bone free meat and the more extensive farm caused Emissions of 0.9 kg methane per kg of bone free meat.

Emissions for Sale : The Ethics of Emissions Trading

International regulations target a global reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) Emissions through the allocation of national reduction targets and the definition of mechanisms to achieve these targets. One of these mechanisms is international Emissions trading, these trading programs have been the targets of widespread criticism since they were introduced into the policy-making arena. The point of departure in this study has been that the trading raises questions about morality, since it implies signals, which legitimates pollution. The main purpose with this study has been to find out if Emissions trading systems can be morally justified with the method of wide reflective equilibrium. From the study it was found that the moral intuition; it is wrong to pollute the environment, and perform activities, which legitimates pollution, finds support from the different theories within environmental ethics and Kantian ethics.

Flexibilitet från försörjningskedjan : En fallstudie på ett globalt tillverkningsföretag

Man?s impact on the environment is something that increasingly becomes topical in today?s society. Because of this, several companies have started to take interest in the effects they?re responsible for, not least considering their image. Emissions of carbon dioxide generated from goods traffic are accountable for a large part of the total Emissions of greenhouse gases in the world.

Transporter för hållbar utveckling : En optimering av utsläppsberäkningarna inom Coop

Man?s impact on the environment is something that increasingly becomes topical in today?s society. Because of this, several companies have started to take interest in the effects they?re responsible for, not least considering their image. Emissions of carbon dioxide generated from goods traffic are accountable for a large part of the total Emissions of greenhouse gases in the world.

Kostnadseffektiv minskning av koldioxidutsläpp från tunga fordon i Sverige :

When the Emissions from the diesel trucks today accounts for a large part of the total Emissions from the road traffic, the trend with a more extensive use of diesel trucks for transportation will therefore lead to increasing carbondioxide Emissions to the atmosphere. Because of the fact that technical progress in the form of optimized engines and shifts in the means of transport sometimes result in even greater emission levels, other solutions to this problem must be studied to decrease the Emissions of carbondioxide from the diesel trucks. The purpose of the thesis is to show how a decrease of the carbondioxide Emissions from diesel trucks in Sweden can be achieved in a costeffective way by the use of a carbondioxide tax and a differentiated vehicle tax. The method used in order to fullfill the purpose of the thesis is studies of literature, mainly of public government reports. Literature of enviromental economics will be used to show the need of a tax and how to determine the dynamic effective carbondioxide tax in steady-state.

Ammoniakförluster vid flytgödselhantering : myllning och surgörning som metoder för att minska avgång vid spridning

The ammonia Emissions are an environmental issue since they contribute to eutrophication. By far the largest source of ammonia Emissions is manure from agriculture and should therefore be reduced. Loss of ammonia is not only negative for the environment but also to the farmer who loses nitrogen that could have been used by the crop. The focus of this study has been Emissions from spreading slurry where the loss can vary widely depending on slurry-, soil-, and weather conditions. There are mainly two different ways to reduce the Emissions. One is to inject or mix the slurry into the ground to avoid air contact. The other way is to use acid to reduce the pH in the slurry to a level between 5 and 6 where the equilibrium is so strongly pushed to NH4+ that hardly any NH3 can be lost.

Fordonsgas ur gödsel och vall

AbstractThe dependency of fossil fuels in the transport sector causes large Emissions of carbondioxide. This problem can we reduce by using vehicle gas from digested solid manure and leftover of pasture. I have studied the potential for this in the county of Västernorrland. Thepurpose is to investigate how much vehicle gas that can be extracted.One central, large scale digestion and upgrade plant should be placed in Härnösand. Theamount of pasture and manure that is economical and practical available is enough to produce2,7-3,5 millions Nm3 vehicle gas.

VVA-strategier för avgastemperaturhöjning på en HD-Dieselmotor

Regulations on the exhaust Emissions of HD-diesel engines are becoming more and more stringent, and therefore, emission after-treatment systems are commonly used. These systems rely on catalytic conversion of NOx,CO , and HC Emissions, and are thus dependant on temperature. At low load of the engine, exhaust temperatures are not sufficient for the after-treatment components. Therefore, means to increase the exhaust temperature while maintaining low Emissions and fuel consumption are needed.The focus of this project has been to develop strategies for the lift profiles of exhaust and intake valves in the engine, with the goal to raise exhaust temperature in combination with low Emissions and fuel consumption. The strategies have been tested in a single-cylinder research engine equipped with a hydraulic variable valve actuation system.

Bostadssektorns koldioxidutsläpp

Energy is an important issue in the current world which significantly affects sustainability and development. Energy generation and use are major sources of CO2 Emissions which is one of the most important driving factors in global climate changes. The amount of energy used in house hold section can lead to estimation of the amount of CO2 emitted within this section which subsequently would be a ground to better management and maintaining a sustainable society. This study which is a bachelor?s project in sustainable energy, deals with estimation of CO2 emission from different types of residential houses in Sweden. An extensive literature review on energy use in Sweden by different residential sectors has been conducted.

Stubblyftningens initiala effekt på emissioner av växthusgaser från en granmark i Småland :

In order to reduce greenhouse gas Emissions from human activities fossil fuels will have to be replaced with renewable energy alternatives, such as bioenergy. Sweden has a great potential to produce bioenergy derived from forest products and there is currently a great interest within Sweden in using stumps for bioenergy production. However, the environmental consequences of the method need to be investigated before stump removal can be performed on a large scale. Swedish forest soils contain large carbon pools and a different land use may change conditions so that soils that presently act as sinks of carbon could potentially turn into sources of carbon release instead. This study investigates the initial effects of stump harvesting on the Emissions of three greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The Emissions were measured from the soil surface in a Norway spruce forest located in the southern part of Sweden.

Luftutsläpp från järnmalmsproduktion : - Strategier för systematisk luftkvalitetsmätning

The mining company LKAB extracts iron ore in three areas in the north of Sweden, Kiruna, Malmberget and Svappavaara. The iron ore is refined and in the pelletizing plants the material is rolled to finished pellet product. The different steps of pelletizing plants causes among other things Emissions to the air. It occurs occasionally stops in the production and the Emissions are vented via an emergency chimney without purification. The aim for this work is to look into how LKAB may improve their monitoring of air Emissions and control of ambient air quality and the analysis methods which are suitable for measuring.

Påverkas miljökuznetskurvan olika av ekonomisk frihet än av demokrati

According to the theory of environmental Kuznets curve there is a relationship between carbon Emissions and GDP. The relationship has an inverted U-shape. Carbon Emissions rise initially and then decreases once a certain level of GDP is obtained.This essay interprets earlier studies in the field of environmental economics and uses public choice to seek answer on how the population acts on aggregate level. This essay analyses 115 countries in cross-sectional data. The analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between carbon dioxide Emissions and GDP that is increasing at first and then decreases for a certain level of GDP.

Konsumtionens klimatpåverkan : En jämförande studie mellan två socioekonomiskt skilda bostadsområden, Araby och Söder i Växjö

The world is in a stage of climate crisis where the average temperature is rising, with consequences such as, melting ice sheets, increasing sea levels, and floods. The climate panel of the UN, IPCC, has stated that this is a reaction of anthropogenic Emissions of greenhouse gases. The most important gas is carbon dioxide, which contributes with 80 per cent to the on going climate crisis.The increasing Emissions of carbon dioxide are connected to human consumption patterns. This puts pressure on the earth, as humans demand more and more resources. Today the earth needs one and a half year to regenerate the resources humans? demand of it, by the year 2030 we will need two planets in order to cope with this increasing demand of resources.At a global level it is established that richer countries have a stronger consumption pattern than poorer, and thus generate higher levels of carbon dioxide Emissions.

Livscykelanalys av flerbostadshus ? energieffektiviseringsåtgärder för minskade koldioxidutsläpp

The importance of energy- and environmental issues has increased, and the work towards reducing carbon dioxide Emissions plays a major part. The European Union has set up goals for the membership countries to work towards this to happen. The carbon dioxide Emissions in Sweden have been reduced the last few years, but there is still a lot to do. About 30 per cent of Sweden?s carbon dioxide Emissions generate from energy usage related to housing, this is why the housing sector is of interest to examine.

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