
?Det är svårt?

? En undersökning om habiliterares förhållningsätt till boende med en intellektuell funktionsnedsättning och de boendes hälsa vid en servicebostad i Gävleborgs län.

The overall aim with this study was to explore the understanding of how nursing staff - at a service flat in the county of Gävleborg, is related to the residents with intellectual disabilities, with regard to the residents' health. Five personal research interviews were conducted with nursing staff in a sheltered housing. The survey was based on a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. Five nursing staff aged 27-57 were participated in this investigation. The analysis was conducted, by using a thematic approach.My overall findings show that Nursing staff have different roles to play depending on the situation in their relationship with the residents. They also face difficult decisions when it comes to residents' health versus the residents' right to self-determination. The lack of understandings consequences of their (residents) choices is also seen as a reason for their health situation. Nursing staff calls for educated in nutrition and health issues for them and the residents, but also guidelines in their health promotion.


Maria Larson

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan i Gävle/Avdelningen för arbets- och folkhälsovetenskap


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