
Växtdatabas med sökmotor

My work has resulted in an interactive search engine for plants that can be found at www.plantit.se. In the work process I have searched for which search criteria is most important when doing searches on woodland plants. I have done this by an analysis of existing databases and with an survey where leading plant expertise answered questions about woodland plants. I analyzed three search pages that are on the internet today Havenet.dk, Backyardgardener.com and Den virtuella floran. I concluded that there are several flaws but also many positive aspects that I have used when developing the interface of my page. The survey resulted in the basis for my search criteria the answers listed the most important factors when planting woodland plants. From this information I developed a system with five values on every criteria. The criteria I have used are wind conditions, water conditions, soil, pH-value and light conditions. One of the most important aspects of my work is the interactivity between the page user and the database. I have put a lot of focus on this part when developing the homepage.


Ivan Gallardo

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Landscape Architecture


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