
Vad det nu hette...Jämställdhet...?

Ett utredningsarbete på en klinik

The aim of this investigation work " What was it called...Equality...? is to study a clinics current gender equailty plan from a gender approach and by a field survey see if, and in that case, how it can be improved. A connection between existing gender norms and gender power strukctures is applied in the results of this survey in order to illustrate their significance from an individual as well as a structural perspektive.The survey has been carried through by a field survey as well as a discourse analysis as method. Yvonne Hirdmans gender power system is on of the main theoretical points of departure.The results that I have achieved in this essay is that gender can be looked at in different ways within the labour market where women have the main responsibility over the family and are considered more nursing then men. Men on the other hand are thinking of their carriers and have higher salary requirements. Gender rolls and their maintanace are the reason of the existing gender segregation on the labour market. The importance of an increased knowledge of how gender is created and recreated within the organisation are necessary to make a difference and that knowledge are important for men as well as for women.


Caroline Stark

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för genus, kultur och historia


"Magisteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla magisterexamen.

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