
Trattbägarkeramiken och dess ritualer

En studie av keramikhanteringen vid megalitgravar i Sydskandinavien under neolitikum

This essay studies the funnel-beaker ceramic in connection with the megalith graves in South Scandinavia. In my work I have described the nature of ceramics and looked on the crockery types and ornamentation and then discussed the use of the material in a ritual perspective. In the first part I have focused on the critical aspects you have to think about when you do a study like this one. In the second part of this essay I have done a case study, with the ceramic material, in three passages graves in the area of Falbygden, Western Sweden and studied the ceramic material and the nature of it in South Scandinavia as well. Then in the third I discussed the potential use, there is two, of the ceramic material in general of South Scandinavia and looked at it in a ritual perspective.


Emelie Andersson

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan i Kalmar/Högskolan i Kalmar/Högskolan i Kalmar/Högskolan i Kalmar/Humanvetenskapliga institutionenHumanvetenskapliga institutionenHumanvetenskapliga institutionenHumanvetenskapliga institutionen


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