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Bilden av unga kvinnors sexualitet i svensk ungdomslitteratur
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine how young womens sexuality is described in Swedish youth novels. The analysis is based upon eight books of which four were published during the period from 1970 to 1975 and four books were published during 2000 to 2005. The theoretical framework is based on a gender theoretical perspective where Yvonne Hirdmans theories about a gender system and Ylva Elwin-Nowaks and Heléne Thomssons ideas about gender construction are crucial. Also Anthony Giddens theories about sexuality in the late modern society are used, where the plastic sexuality and the pure relationship are central ideas. The method is based upon textual analysis, and a model of analysis is constructed with its basis in the theoretical attempt. The themes of the model of analysis are body and appearance, sexuality and gender construction. The conclusion suggests that the sexuality is controlled by the male hierarchy and that the young womens sexuality is described as subordinated. The young mens sexuality constitutes the norm to which the young women have to suit themselves. It is prominent that the sexuality in the youth literature is controlled by the second principle of the gender system, where the male constitutes the norm. Anthony Giddens ideas about the reflexive self in the modern society are to be found in the analysis. The plastic sexuality is also traceable, but exists at the expense of the young womens integrity.