
Nautisk turism

en jämförelse mellan svenska och kroatiska förhållanden

AbstractA tourism genre that has developed in recent years is the nautical tourism, nautical tourism is described as a tourism genre that includes all activities in relation to water. Croatia is one country that has invested in and has good presumption for this type of tourism, and has also received an international recognition as a top destination within the nautical tourism genre. The purpose with this thesis is to increase knowledge about the nautical tourism development in Croatia, and to see if it would be possible to develop on Swedish conditions. Sweden is a destination with a large number of archipelagos, located in both inland lakes and along coastal areas. Stockholm archipelago is one of the world's largest archipelagos which has a long tradition as a tourist destination. Literature studies and a number of interviews with actors in the Croatian and the Swedish tourism industry have been made to enable this thesis. Based on this study, we have seen an increase of nautical activities in Croatia which has had positive impact on the country´s tourism industry and their citizen. When it comes to Sweden the study has shown that development of nautical tourism is possible, but in a smaller volume than in Croatia. Partly because of the short summer season and the image that is created around Stockholm archipelago.


Josefine Wenck Sara Haag

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan på Gotland/Avdelningen för Företagsekonomi


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