

att tillämpa medveten närvaro

In this multistudy the aim was to measure the effect of mindfulness and yoga in negative stress. Is it possible for yoga and mindfulness to increase awareness and acceptance to inner and outher circumstances? Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) has shown good results in how to cope with negative stress and how to stay calm in a stressful envirorment. The qualitative study where Visby Yoga Center and Stockholm Yoga Shakti attended in a survey. Correlation showed no relationship between stress and mindfulness and no significant value, n=20, Cohens d=0,16. The qualitative study n=8, was to investigate acceptance to inner and outher circumstances. Among 8 participate 7 told that yoga increased awareness and acceptance. Yoga was a safe way to mindfulness through body exercises when mental tools were reached. Ability to stay calm brought a new feeling of saftey. Yoga and Mindfulness is methods that don´t reach for accivement. It is okay to do, feel and to be just the way you are in a given moment. Mindfulness is also a training in nonjudging the experience. It is a art to reach a mindful living or to use the method when it is needed. Conclusion was that through that inner calm, the non judging attitude brought acceptance and good way to meet the circumstances in there envirorment.


Ulrika Hellström

Lärosäte och institution

Sektionen för management


"Magisteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla magisterexamen.

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