
Lek och lekmiljöer

Förskollärares beskrivning av planerade lekmiljöers betydelse för leken

The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge and a broader understanding for how pre-school teachers describe the importance of planned play environments including in what manner children are given influence. By qualitative interviews with five pre-school teachers from four different units I was able to gather data that shows how the planning process concerning a specific play environment had worked and why it looked as it did. The results show among other things that the pre-school teachers viewed the play environment as a vital part of the daily operation and pointed out that it was of vital importance that it came from the children?s interests. Depending on how the play environment had been organized and what its purpose was it offered different amounts of affordances.


Frida Johannesson

Lärosäte och institution

Karlstads universitet/Institutionen för pedagogiska studier


"Högskoleuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) för att erhålla högskoleexamen

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