
Klimatförändringarnas inverkan på dimensionerande grundvattennivå

Helsingborg has the intention to build a train tunnel south of Knutpunkten. This report investigates the hydro geological aspects of the project. Questions at issue that will be answered: 1. Which parameters affect the groundwater level? 2. How will these parameters change within 100 years considering climate changes and what will be the consequences on the groundwater level. According to SMHI climate analysis the climate can change causing increasing precipitation, temperature, and a rising sea level. These parameters are decisive for forming groundwater. Information about precipitation, temperature, and sea level in Helsingborg has been received from SMHI, Port Helsingborg and Helsingborg water/sewer plant. This information is used to make an estimation of the current groundwater situation. The results from SMHI climate analysis have been used to calculate the groundwater situation in 100 years. This report considers the local situation and groundwater forming. Groundwater forming can be divided in to two parts, the influence of precipitation and sea level influence.


Martin Hjelmér Jalmar Thoresen

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Högskoleingenjörsutbildning i byggteknik med arkitektur


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