
Jämställdhetens olika världar

Jämställdheten på ett företag och i det internationella arbetet

The purpose of the essay is to examine how issues concerning gender equality are perceived and to show what areas are defined as problematic in different discourses. It also raises the question of who is defined as responsible for dealing with issues concerning gender equality in these different contexts. Theories used are the gender system and intersectionality. The study builds on a mapping of a company that is active nationally and internationally, with emphasis on the problems that can arise when these two social contexts meet, with a special focus on cathegories such as gender and ?Swedishness?. The material was first gathered through the use of questionnaires and interviews, then analysed through discourse analysis. The analysis shows that discourses of gender equality can be seen as constructed and dependent on the context, problems concerning equality are defined in one way nationally and in another way internationally. In cases of sexual harassment internationally the informants often choose to look the other way and feel like it is difficult to bring the ?Swedish? values concerning equality abroad. It is more common to adapt to the ways of international colleagues but the informants also find it important to point out that they don?t necessarily agree with these.


Sonja Johnsson Klara Thurfjell

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för genus, kultur och historia


"Magisteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla magisterexamen.

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