
Intuition som ett redskap för sjuksköterskan i vården. En litteraturstudie.

The purposes of this literature review were to study how nurses use intuition in health care, how these experiences are described by nurses and if you as a nurse can learn how to use your intuition. We also want to make nurses attentive of and give them the courage to use their intuition. The study is addressed to both nurs-ing students and practicing nurses. The method is a literature review based on nine scientific articles. The results implicate that nurses use their intuition to know how to do something, when additional measures needs to be done and which measures they are. Most common is that they experience intuition during assessment and the implementation/intervention steps of the nursing process. Intuition can be ex-perienced as an inner knowledge, as a feeling (both physical and psychic) and the strength of this feeling. One way of making novis nurses aware of their intuition can be to make a table of symptoms, which can be used to compare and strengthen their intuitive feelings with.


Susanne Nilsson Maria Persson

Lärosäte och institution

Malmö högskola/Hälsa och samhälle


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