
Inkludering ? en studie om lärares syn på och erfarenheter av klassrummets mångfald

The aim with this thesis was to study how primary school teachers perceive their mission in working with inclusive education. The aim was also to study their thoughts and experience of the Special education support. To conduct the inquiry twelve primary school teachers from two different communities in Sweden were asked to give their views of inclusive education. The central issues was how the primary school teachers interprets the concept of inclusion, the opportunities and obstacles they perceived and how the Special education support was formed in the work with inclusion in their schools. The result shows that the majority part of the primary teachers interprets the concept as a spatial or social inclusion. The result also shows that primary teachers are familiar with the values given by national curriculum but to perceive all students as an asset in their daily educational work the primary teachers expressed a feeling of uncertainty. The Special education support was described as compensatory where the students mainly get help to catch up, often in a small group or individually. The conclusion is that the Special education mainly works traditionally and few teachers question the approach. The word inclusion was understood differently by the primary teachers and they perceived inclusion more like an obstacle than as an opportunity. A major reason is the requirement of high effectiveness and fear of not suffice for all students.


Susanne Lennström Åsa Lidberg-Wallström

Lärosäte och institution

Umeå universitet/Pedagogiska institutionen


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