
Ingefäras antiemetiska effekt vid cytostatikarelaterat illamående

En litteraturöversikt

Aim: The aim of this study was to determine whether or not there is evidence for the usage of ginger as an antiemetic in patients experiencing chemotherapy related nausea, based on available scientific literature.Methods: The original articles were found by using search engines PubMed and CINAHL. The selected articles were then analyzed based on their content, quality and results. Based on the results from the content analysis the articles were placed in four different themes.Results: In the first theme two of the articles found that ginger had significant effect on chemotherapy related nausea, when used in combination with regular antiemetic treatment. Two other articles said that it does not. In the second theme four studies found that different forms of ginger lessens nausea, in contrast two other articles found that it does not have any increased effect on said nausea. In the third theme one article found that ginger has significant effect in quelling nausea whilst another article says that it does not show any difference in effect to 5HT3-receptorantagonist metoclopramide. The fourth theme contains one article that find that ginger in combination with high protein diet have antiemetic effect.Conclusions: The conclusion of this literary overview is that there is good evidence that using ginger as an antiemetic in combination with 5HT3-receptor antagonist in patients experiencing chemotherapy related nausea, mainly when given cisplatin.


Emma Widnersson Hanna Ström

Lärosäte och institution

Uppsala universitet/Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap


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