

En undersökning om högstadielärares och skolbibliotekariers uppfattningar

The aim of this study is to examine how teachers and school librarians view the concept of information literacy in relation to their students, and to find factors that affect their undertakings to make their students information literate. In order to accomplish this, qualitative interviews have been carried out with teachers and school librarians at four Swedish junior high schools. The theoretical framework of this study is the seven faces of information literacy developed by Christine Bruce. The empirical material has been analysed firstly by finding themes that are of importance for the work with information literacy, and secondly by placing the interviewees? commentaries on information literacy in Bruce´s seven faces of information literacy. This in order to be able to compare the two groups and find what differences and similarities there are. The study implies that factors such as the views of information literacy, the way to perform teaching, the division of responsibilities, the collaboration situation and the views of the students have impact on how well the students are able to develop information literacy. The study also implies that teachers and school librarians theoretically have much the same views on these issues, but that practice shows that there are differences. The study also implies that there are changes that can be made to improve the situation, and among them are mutual planning for librarians and teachers, incorporating the teaching of information literacy with subject teaching, and more focus on the role of the school library.


Lise-Lotte Kero Karin Selegran

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan i Borås/Institutionen Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap (BHS)


"Magisteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla magisterexamen.

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