
Ideella organisationer - självständiga samhällsaktörer eller kommunens förlängda arm?

En studie om homogeniseringstryck och kontroll

This thesis examine if social voluntary organisations are independent or if they are being regulated by the public sector. We ask how free the organisations are since they get so much support and funding from the municipality. This is examined by looking at the homogenisation pressure, which means that organisations are being exposed by a pressure to become more similar. The control that the municipality has over the organisations is another aspect in this paper. The study focuses on the relation between the municipality of Linköping and three social voluntary organisations and their characteristics. The theory about homogenisation pressure, developed by Staffan Johansson, is used to analyse if there is a tendency for the organisations to change their work because of the municipality. Whether the organisations are subject of control is analysed by using Kuhnle and Selle?s concept of nearness and dependence. The study showed that particularly financial support and contact are of importance when it comes to whether the organisations are being exposed to homogenisation pressure and control or not. An important aspect that affects these channels of integration is the attitude of the municipality. With an attitude of not wanting to affect the organisations the financing and integration tend to lead to understanding of the organisations instead of homogenisation pressure and control. The role of the organisation is also of importance. A role as a complement towards the municipality has less pressure to change while the risk is higher for an organisation that works as a replacement. 


Pernilla Asp Therése Olofsson

Lärosäte och institution

Linköpings universitet/Linköpings universitet/StatsvetenskapFilosofiska fakulteten


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