
Hegels kritik av Rousseaus allmänvilja

Frihetsbegreppets utveckling hos Hegel

This is a study concerning Hegel?s critic of Rousseau?s common will and shows how Hegel?s concept of freedom should be understood from this criticism. This is done first of all through a study of Rousseau?s social contract and Hegel?s Philosophy of Right. The different state theories which Rousseau and Hegel represent, are evaluated separately, first Rousseau?s then Hegel?s to see how Hegel?s philosophy is a continuation of Rousseau?s philosophy. The most important concepts of this essay are Rousseau?s ?moral freedom? and Hegel?s concept of the ethical system.


Björn Pettersson

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation


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