

Attrahera, behålla och leda i byggbranschen

Within the next ten years, the largest generationchange ever will take place in the Swedish constructionsector. The purpose of my study is to examine themajor differences between "Generation Y" and previousgenerations. This is done in order to find out how theNCC will attract the employees of the next generation,manage them at work and finally be able to keep theemployees that has been trained internally over alonger period of time.Previous research has been based on theories ofGeneration Y in general. It investigates the distinctivecharacteristics and qualities of the generation, andalso how their upbringing may have shaped them intowhat they are. Three respondent groups wereinterviewed: Engineer students of "Generation Y",officials at NCC belonging to "Generation Y" andmanagers at NCC.The results of the study show that "Generation Y"differs from previousgenerations, and how they differ. The results alsoshow how the NCC should work to attract, manage andkeep "Generation Y" as employees.How the generation should be managed in order todevelop into the good employees of the future, andhow companies should adapt for the generation tothrive at work is also a central result of the study.The conclusions that can be drawn after thecompletion of the study, is that "Generation Y" areattracted to companies with good trainingopportunities and many career paths. This generationrequires a leadership that is individually andsituationally adapted and, in order to retain theemployees there must be good opportunities toinfluence and develop.


Simon Högberg

Lärosäte och institution

Uppsala universitet/Industriell teknik


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