
Förkastandet av idealet

Marc Quinns och Joel Peter Witkins konstnärliga antiideal

The purpose of this essay is to examine what can be considered as obscene in the work of JoelPeter Witkin and Marc Quinn, what the similarities and differences are. The essay concerns thehuman body, the norms around it and the old vision of the ideal body. To get closer to myquestion I’ve been examine the meaning of anti-ideal, what it means and what kind of history ithas. The works I’ve been using to reach to my purpose are Marc Quinn’s sculpture Alison Lapper(2005) and Joel Peter Witkin’s photography Abundance (1997). Both of the works are taking theposition that use to belong to the classical beauty. The analysis of these works focuses on the oldclassical symbol interpretation, the character of the work and the doubt in the old ideal norms ofthe classical beauty.


Veronica Blom

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation


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