
En bra lyssnare är aldrig fel

Förväntningar kring mötet med en coach

 The aim with this essay is to examine the individual's expectations in the meeting with a job coach. It has become all more common with job coaches, in order to meet the unemployment in the society. The survey builds on a quantitative method, where 29 individuals who are linked to a changeover-program towards new jobs, have replied to a questionnaire. The survey shows that the participants have expectations on the coach as a supporting function. There is also a trust to that the contact with a coach will lead to new employment. In conclusion, there is among some of the participants a view about that there is someone else than themselves that has a responsibility in order to reach employment. 


Kristian Dyrvik Martin Bolinder

Lärosäte och institution

Stockholms universitet/Pedagogiska institutionen


"Uppsats för yrkesexamina på avancerad nivå". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) om 30 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla yrkesexamen på avancerad nivå.

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