
Barn till missbrukande föräldrar

- En kvalitativ studie av vuxna barns upplevelser av missbruk inom familjen

The study's main purpose was to qualitatively investigate adult children's experiences of growing up in a family with parental abuse of alcohol and drugs, and how their childhood has influenced/influence life in adult age. In this interview study, four respondents in the age be-tween 25-60 years have participated. Social learning theory, attachment theory and risk and protective factors have been used as a theoretical frame.Overall, we can conclude that the study's respondents have, more or less, been adversely affected by the parent?s misuse of alcohol during their childhood. Despite these negative fac-tors, most respondents nevertheless received a functional living. These respondents seemed to have a number of significant protective factors present, which in turn possibly contributed to a lower risk of developing antisocial behavior in childhood. One of the respondents, who had significant shortcomings regarding protective factors in the local environment, and a high number of risk factors, developed an antisocial behavior with persistent criminality and sub-stance abuse.Overall results of the study show a clear lack of effort by the community, where the major-ity of respondents feel a lack of outside help, whether help would referred to the individual child or made directly to parents with alcoholic problems.Keywords: parents who use drugs, adult children, influence, misuse of alcohol


Cecilia Hiill Rebecca Engström

Lärosäte och institution

Örebro universitet/Institutionen för juridik, psykologi och socialt arbete


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