
Afrikanska kvinnor i Frankrike

FGM/C, rasism och mänskliga rättigheter

The purpose of this essay is to display the double moral that is prevailing in France concerning human rights. Immigrants and ethnic minorities are suffering from discrimination as well as racism. By looking at legislation in France concerning FGM/C and its difficulties it becomes clear that there is a correlation between the legislation and African women's situation in general. These women are denied their basic rights and are excluded from society. They are rendered invisible and vulnerable. FGM/C symbolises more than a harmful tradition and ought to be viewed in a context that acknowledges every dimension of it in favour of little African girls whom today, in France, are facing an acute threat of being marked for the rest of their lives. The result of this essay demonstrates that France's notion of universal rights, in practice, is confined to the French and assimilated citizen.


Lisa Eriksson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Mänskliga rättighetsstudier


"Övriga arbeten". Paper/studentarbete skrivna inom studentens andra terminen (31,5-60 högskolepoäng).

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