

43 Uppsatser om Waves - Sida 1 av 3


This report describes a thesis project on 15hp. The purpose of the thesis project is to build a laser projector that reacts on sound Waves and thus get a laser beam to draw visualizations of sound Waves on a wall. The idea was that the design would be independent and not have to be plugged into any audio equipment. This was achieved by absorbing sound Waves into a microphone. Another factor was to get a ?do it yourself? -feeling of the design and therefore it was chosen to be constructed using for example, old hard-drives.The result was a relatively large and bulky designed laser projector that can draw sound Waves on a wall..

Kommunikation mellan två medium

The aim of this project is to find a concept solution for a wireless transmitting system, installed to transmit data from a hydrophone of the ocean floor down by a wave power generator to the office on shore. The project is a literature review in which previous observations and tests are analyzed and put together to find a solution. The result was a comprehensive solution that includes an acoustic modem to transfer captured information from the bottom to the surface, wirelessly through the water. The information is then sent fron the surface on radio Waves through the GSM network to the office on land. Between under and over water there are components to convert information between acoustic Waves and radio Waves, but also various types of modulation, such as amplitude and frequency modulation is required..

Nyfikenhet i relation till konstnärlig process och presentation

The curious nature of humans has been the puzzle of psychologists, philosophers and scientists since the time we began to use those terms. Why are we curious? Why do we behave the way we do and why? The span of views on curiosity covers all. From being viewed as part of our animalistic nature and compared to instincts, to be viewed as a virtue to scientists and the reason behind why we explore space. Behaviorists tried to define it as an innate drive and some say that it has a crucial role in our ability to learn and understand.

Hydroakustisk kommunikation med bandspridningsteknik

This thesis investigates techniques for stealth hydroacoustic communication using spread spectrum. The Swedish naval defense organisations have a vision that all their units should be able to communicate with each other, even between underwater vehicles. But the properties of water makes it a complex channel to use for wireless communications. Radiomagnetic Waves have very limited range in water, therefore acoustic Waves are used. In this report the basics of wireless communication systems are described including source coding, channel coding, modulation techniques as well as different techniques for spread spectrum.

Självskadebeteende i skolvärlden : En kvalitativ studie kring skolkuratorers upplevelser och uppfattningar av självskadebeteende hos högstadieelever.

This study is of a qualitative phenomenological approach. Its background lies in recent reports that show the problem of self-harm increasing among adolescents. The intent of the study was to highlight school counselors? view of self-harm, and their experiences of meeting self-harm through their work. Six school counselors, all employed in secondary school, have participated in semi-structured interviews.

Evaluation of the retinal ON- and OFF-responses in the dog ERG

The aim of the study was to examine the retinal ON- and OFF-pathways of the canine electroretinogram (ERG). The ON- and OFF-pathways are used to distinguish objects from their backgrounds. A dark object is discernible from a lighter background using the OFFpathway and the ON-pathway is used to descry a light object upon a darker background. This study shows that the dog ERG has both ON- and OFF-responses and that these responses can be separated by prolonging the flash duration over 50 ms. The dog OFF-response waveform was more similar to the cat OFF-response than the human OFF-response (Frishman, 2006; Zrenner and Gouras, 1979). In this study six female three-year-old Beagle dogs were included. Both background and flash stimuli were provided by LEDs (light emitting diodes) with a wavelength of 470 nm, a wavelength that is absorbed almost as effectively by the canine M/L-cones as by the S-cones. These stimuli gave ERGs with both ON- and OFF-responses.

Kartläggning av Känslan av Sammanhang bland personal inom äldreomsorgen

  ?this Unpleasent klientel?A study on refugee care in Växjö between the years 1944 and 1947.The purpose of this study was to examine the treatment of sick refugees in Växjö in the 1940s. To achieve this a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The material found in the local archive and local newspaper was then put together and analyzed from the theoretical perspective, gender, class, ethnicity and social status.The result of this study shows that there were two main treatment wards for refugees, one that was supposed to treat women and children with active tuberculosis and the other ward treated refuges with ?epidemic diseases.? Foreign citizens were also taken care of in other words that were also not meant for refugees only, like the Epidemic hospital, which treated about 80 patients of a foreign nationality between 1944 and 1946.

?detta Otrevliga klientel? : En studie av de flyktingar som vårdades i Växjö mellan åren 1944 -1947.

  ?this Unpleasent klientel?A study on refugee care in Växjö between the years 1944 and 1947.The purpose of this study was to examine the treatment of sick refugees in Växjö in the 1940s. To achieve this a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The material found in the local archive and local newspaper was then put together and analyzed from the theoretical perspective, gender, class, ethnicity and social status.The result of this study shows that there were two main treatment wards for refugees, one that was supposed to treat women and children with active tuberculosis and the other ward treated refuges with ?epidemic diseases.? Foreign citizens were also taken care of in other words that were also not meant for refugees only, like the Epidemic hospital, which treated about 80 patients of a foreign nationality between 1944 and 1946.

Studie av två jetströmsstråk associerade med kraftig flygturbulens

Jetströmmar betyder mycket för meteorologer och fungerar som ett hjälpmedel för prognostisering av lågtryck. Kvadrantmodellen för jetströmsstråk beskriver hur det kan bildas lågtryck och konvergens vid marknivå på olika sidor om jetströmmen. Jetströmmar är också av betydelse för flygtrafiken, eftersom man kan spara tid och bränsle genom att flyga in i ? eller genom att inte flyga in i ? en jetström. Det är känt att jetströmmar ibland kan ge upphov till klarluftsturbulens (CAT), och studier har visat att turbulensen ofta är associerade med stabilt stratifierade zoner i närheten av jetströmmen.Denna studie börjar med en teoridel där jetströmmars uppkomst och kvadrantmodellen redogörs.

Kustnära ekosystem som skydd mot naturkatastrofer : en litteraturstudie från ett riskhanteringsperspektiv

Research suggests that society's vulnerability to natural disasters along coasts could increase as a result of climate change, which is likely to lead to elevated sea levels and possibly an increase in the occurance of meteorological phenomena such as storms and tropical cyclones. Following the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, both of which received considerable media attention, empirical data has indicated that coastal vegetation might be able to protect and reduce damages to coastal communities during tsunami events and tropical cyclones.The aim of the essay has been to study the function of coastal ecosystems as protection against tsunami Waves and storms from a risk management perspective, meaning that I have, through an overview of scientific articles, compiled current research on how coastal ecosystems can attenuate storm surges and tsunami Waves, and analysed how this knowledge can be put into practice in coastal communities from a risk management perspective, i.e. if coastal ecosystems are a viable risk reduction measure, are practically applicable, and if so, how they could be applied.There is empirical evidence suggesting that coastal ecosystems, particularly mangroves, can reduce the strength of a tsunami wave, but full scientific consensus on this issue has not yet been reached. With regard to protection against storm surges, there is extensive scientific evidence that coastal vegetation can mitigate damages and reduce the height of a storm surge, although the wave has to traverse several kilometres inland through thick vegetation for the protection to be effective. A synthesis in the form of a figure regarding the many physical factors that influence wave development through coastal ecosystems has been created in an attempt to simplify and explain the phenomenon.The conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems can be justified from a risk management perspective, but planting new forest belts for the purpose of disaster mitigation is quite unrealistic and can rarely be sustainable, since, for protection to be effective, the forest belt must extend several kilometres inland from the coast, and would thus likely prove difficult to implement along coastal societies..

Reglering av vridbord

This report describes a master thesis performed at Saab in Arboga. The main purpose was to build a controller for a system containing a turn table and an antenna beam. The idea is to use this system on a boat where it will be exposed to position disturbances due to Waves. The desired behaviour is that antennas placed on the antenna beam should point towards the same target all the time. To solve this problem the system has been modeled and simulated in Matlab and Simulink.

Analog kompression vs digital emulering: Kan oerfarna lyssnare höra skillnaden?

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om oerfarna lyssnare kan höra skillnad mellan ljud som är komprimerad med en analog kompressor mot samma ljudfiler som är komprimerad med en digital emulering av samma kompressor. Universal Audio Teletronix LA2A kompressor som är en analog enhet och Waves CLA-2A som är den emulerade varianten av samma kompressor ingick i testen för att kunna generera stimuli för jämförelse. Ett blindtest med 16 försökspersoner utfördes för att informera om eventuella skillnader mellan de två typerna av kompression. Resultaten av undersökningen visade att försökspersonerna kunde höra skillnaden mellan båda typer av komprimering..

Motiv till fusioner : en jämförelse mellan branscher utifrån tre perspektiv

During the twentieth century, mergers&aquisitions have occured in Waves where times of low activityfrequently has turned into periods of high activity. M&A:s have been of increasing numbers and growing size, which was extra evident during the last wave during the 1990:s. What are the motives that has made M&A such a widely used strategy? Are there similarities within and across industries regarding merger motives? The empirical material consists of primary and secundary data collected from two mergers in three industries respectively; manufacturing, banking and IT. The analysis make use of three different perspectives, the reason for this being to create understanding and furthermore illuminate the complexity of the problem.

RFID - tillämpning och lönsamhet

This report is the result of an investigation of the possibility to use RFID-technology in a producing company. The investigation is focused on a flow between the company?s producing subsidiary company in Lithuania and its main facility in Sweden.RFID is the abbreviation for radiofrequency identification. The RFID-technology forms the base of a system with wireless information transmission between an object to which a transponder, also called tag, has been attached and a reader. The information is transmitted by radio Waves and the system is equipped with software that can digitalise the radio Waves.

Det politiska beslutsfattandet under Tsunamikatastrofen: Vilken roll spelade media?

In December 2004 an earthquake coursed Waves that hit Thailand. Over 5000 people died, and Sweden was the tourist country that has been effected the worst. The catastrophe precipitated Sweden in crises and the demand became high for Swedish government to act. Swedes followed the development via media, why media became the crucial element for how the public perceived politicians? acting.

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