

13 Uppsatser om Ungulates - Sida 1 av 1

Forage production and summer use by ungulates on game fields and surrounding areas

Ungulates are causing conflicts between stakeholders due to browsing damage on forests and agricultural crops. At the same time there is a big demand of keeping high ungulate densities for sports hunting and recreational purposes. Movement patterns of Ungulates are strongly correlated with forage availability. Therefore, measures affecting forage quantity and distribution might be a tool to reduce the economical losses in forestry without decreasing the ungulate densities and thereby decrease the conflict between different interest groups.This study investigated the potential biomass production and utilisation of marrow-stem kale (Brassica oleracea var. medullosa), at game fields in Misterhult, Sweden, as well as browsing effects on adjacent forests.

Större och mindre växtätares samexistens : Möjlig interaktion och effekt på lokal biodiversitet

The purpose of this report was to investigate to which extent local presence of large herbivore mammals (Alces alces, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Dama dama and Sus scrofa) covaries with small rodents (Myodes glaerolus, Apodemus flavicollis and Apodemus sylvaticus? The hypothesis was that high abundance of wild Ungulates would inhibit the density of small forest rodents. The data was collected during field work within FoMA (Environmental Monitoring Assessment)/SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Science). The Ungulate dropping inventory and rodent trappings, which is the base in this report, where performed 2012 ? 2014 in Gnesta/Nyköping municipalities (G/N) with a relatively high density of wild Ungulates and Vetlanda/Växjö municipalities (V/V) with relatively lower wild ungulate density.

Klövviltets besöksfrekvens och bete i sydsvenska poppelplanteringar

Energy is an essential part of the society and for a sustainable future we need to use the energy resources in a sustainable way. The forest is Sweden?s most important resource for renewable energy and a higher production combined with shorter rotation periods (time from planting to clear cutting) can increase the access to energy. The tree genus poplar (Populus spp.) is interesting as energy resource as it has both high production and short rotation period. But browsing Ungulates are a major threat to the establishment of poplar plants and therefore the poplar plantations need to be fenced in today. To use fences is expensive and time consuming; this makes it interesting to find more cost-effective solutions where there is no need to fence. The aim with this study was to look at the Ungulates? occupation rate and browsing pressure in poplar plantations without fence.

Clover (Trifolium spp) gamefields : forage production, utilization by ungulates and browsing on adjacent forest

Wildlife is a valuable and renewable resource that promotes economical, ecological and social values. These values are important for developing and maintaining many rural societies. However, growing ungulate populations have led to increased browsing pressure on valuable forest trees and crops. Previous studies have proposed supplementary feeding and gamefields as potential methods for controlling the ungulate foraging and reducing browsing damage by providing other attractive food resources. However, quantitative estimates of potential biomass production of various gamefield crops and browsing pressure on the surrounding forest have been lacking.

Site fidelity of a migratory species towards its annual range

Site fidelity, the behaviour of animals to return to areas where they have been before is a common trait in many species. The Scandinavian moose is known to show fidelity to its range, but to what extent, is little known. The landscape in Sweden changes in a predictable and unpredictable way and hence gives the opportunity to test the existence of fidelity. I used the kernel Brownian bridge method to estimate the home ranges of individual moose over consecutive years and estimated the overlap at the home range level. I also used Euclidian distance to look on calving site fidelity.

Samspel i staden : en studie av Shared Space ur landskapsarkitektens perspektiv

In East Africa live two species of Griffon Vultures; Rüppel?s Griffon Vulture (Gyps rueppellii) and African White-backed Griffon Vulture (G. africanus). One of the apparently most important factors limiting the population of these birds is food supply. Griffon vultures nest for eight months of the year, and are during this period geographically tied down to the nesting place.

Hur anpassar sig Gyps-gamar (Gyps rueppellii och G. africanus) i Östafrika till oregelbunden och osäker födotillgång?

In East Africa live two species of Griffon Vultures; Rüppel?s Griffon Vulture (Gyps rueppellii) and African White-backed Griffon Vulture (G. africanus). One of the apparently most important factors limiting the population of these birds is food supply. Griffon vultures nest for eight months of the year, and are during this period geographically tied down to the nesting place.

Ekonomiska konsekvenser för skogsbruket vid avsättning av mark för viltvårds- och jaktändamål : en fallstudie på Svenska Jägareförbundets fastighet Öster Malma

The value of game for hunting from a social economic viewpoint is an interesting topic that is currently being investigated in a Swedish research program. The amount of damages that the game stocks cause to the forestry is, and has been in focus for a longer period of time. Something that I saw as missing was an investigation of how much an active game keeping measure might cost in lost incomes for forestry in terms of reduced acreage for forest production. This question was the foundation for this investigation, which purpose is to give interested persons with decent knowledge of forestry an example of how cost estimation for forestry resembling the example that is studied can look like. The measures that has been taken is a felling of forest in different ages on both sides of a forest dirt road to create increased asset of forage for the game, and at the same time give hunters that have their post along the dirt road a better chance of seeing passing animals early and increasing the possibility to shoot good shots. The area, which is a part of The Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management estate Öster Malma, is also used as an example for guests who wish to learn more about managing Ungulates. These guests have now got the opportunity to get information on how big the costs are for the measures that have been taken. The main conclusions of this work is that changed timber prices and foremost a change of interest rate makes big differences on the result of the calculations.

Skogsskötselns påverkan på fodertillgång för klövvilt : The impact of forest management on forage availability for ungulates

Det pågår en ständig debatt mellan olika parter i samhället angående betesskador orsakade av klövvilt. Huvudmålet med dagens viltförvaltning är att anpassa klövviltstammarna efter fodertillgången i landskapet. Syftet med studien var därför att kvantifiera fodermängden för klövvilt i skogslandskapet, undersöka hur olika skötselåtgärder påverkar foderutbudet och analysera kostaderna för dessa. Studien begränsades till ett sammanhängande område i Holmen Skogs distrikt Egen skog. Med hjälp av beslutsstödsprogrammet Heureka PlanVis har foderutfallet för ett antal olika foderskapande skötselåtgärder tagits fram. I de flesta simuleringar var målet att maximera nuvärdet, men det alternativ som skapade absolut mest foder var när målet istället sattes till att maximera biomassan i skogslandskapet.

Factors affecting bark-stripping by red deer (Cervus elaphus) : the importance of landscape structure and forage availability

Bark-stripping by red deer (Cervus elaphus) cause extensive damage to economically valuable spruce trees (Picea abies) in Swedish forests. The underlying causes for bark-stripping are not fully understood, and the frequency and severity of damage unpredictably differ between regions. In this study, I investigated if landscape structure (e.g. agricultural dominated landscape opposed to forest dominated landscape), forage availability, population density and disturbance (e.g. roads and settlements) affect bark-stripping frequency.

Selection of habitat and resources during migration by a large mammal : a case study of moose in northern Sweden

Migration is a worldwide phenomenon that has occurred for thousands of years in a vast variety of species. The general knowledge of migrating animals is poor even though billions of animals from a range of different groups migrate every year. The human impact on migrating Ungulates is high and many populations are declining globally due to direct and indirect causes. Hence it becomes vital to study the migration phase and the habitat and resources selected during migration. The objective with this study was to identify the habitat characteristics and resource selection of moose during migration and compare the selection between different seasons and utilization distribution (relative frequency distribution for the points of location of an animal over a period of time) categories.

Daily rests of wild boar Sus scrofa sows in southern Sweden

For a few decades, the wild boars are established over large areas in southern and centralSweden. Where they cause problems in terms of damage to crops in the agriculturelandscape, where rooting, browsing and trampling, but also damage to the crop when wildboars chosen daily rest in the cultivated fields. Along with the growing number of wildboars the rate of car accident with wild boars has also increased.Here I examined the daily rests of wild boar (Sus scrofa) sows in southern Sweden, todetermine the factors which the wild boars sows choose for daily rest. By determining whatfactors are important in this selection of daily rests, we may be able to make managementmeasures to reduce the damage wild boars make in the agriculture landscape by attractingthem to places where they do less economic damage and accidents on roads.In this study I have examined 123 daily rest positions from 14 different individual wildboar sows fitted with GPS collared in Southern Sweden, Skåne County in Christinehof,Högestad Kronovalls estate. Data was collared over the years 2004-2006 during the periodfrom June 1 to September 30.

Beståndsstorlekens påverkan på andelen skador orsakade av vilt i poppelbestånd

Under början av 1900-talet började forskning om hybridisering av olika poppelarter. Forskning har skett i flera länder som Sverige, Danmark, Tyskland, Belgien och USA. En av de mest framstående korsningarna är klonen OP 42 (P. maximowiczii x P. trichocarpa), vilket också är den mest använda i Sverige. Det finns ungefär 78 miljoner hektar med poppel på i världen, Sverige står för en liten del med drygt 2000 hektar.