

14 Uppsatser om Truancy - Sida 1 av 1

Närvaro och frånvaro : en studie om elevers tankar runt skolk

Truancy is a problem in the Swedish schools today, just as well as in other European and other developed countries where educataion is gratuitous. Teachers all over Sweden go to classes with a clear and well-planned schedule for the day. But some are unable to do their work because of asent students. In this study I have chosen to focus on the perspective of the youths and the main question is: how do students discuss and think about Truancy. During the study I have chosen a qualitative approach and have therefore done observation in various classes in a Swedish senior high school in a suburb outside Stockholm during twelve weeks.

Skolprestationer räknas! : Studie om hur ungdomars skolsituation verkar ha påverkats av multisystemisk terapi

The purpose of this study was to describe the school situation of adolescents who were subject to multisystemic therapy in Sweden, and also if a change could be measured after treatment. Factors that preceded the need for treament were also investigated. The sample consisted of 83 adolescents, boys (65 %) and girls (35 %), with an average age of 14 years. The method used was a secondary data analysis using pre-treatment- and post-treatment data collected from a 7-month follow-up conducted by Lunds Universitet. Results showed that the adolescents were low in school performance and high in Truancy at pre-treatment.

För pengarna eller framtiden? : En kvalitativ studie av hur elever förhåller sig till studiemedel

This paper investigates how Swedish upper secondary school students relate to the financial support available from the Swedish state of education. It also looks at the attitudes of such students to the new CSN[1]Truancy rules as they apply to school politics.Is there a difference in students? attitude to these Truancy rules and does that difference depend on the students? socio-economic standard, whether they come from a wealthy background or a marginalised society or whether they are ethnic Swedish? Does this in any way affect the attitudes of the students?This financial support is only paid to those students who do not skip school. If they lose their right to this contribution because of Truancy, their parents will also forfeit the right to the financial subsidies to which they may be entitled. Naturally, this may affect students in different ways, depending on what kind of financial situation their family is in.Do some students go to school out of their own financial interest or out of that of their parents? Through focus-group interviews, students have expressed their opinions, told about their experiences and stated their attitudes with regards to these matters.

Svikna löften? : Fem unga män på en anstalt i Sverige och deras upplevelse av sin egen skolgång.

This study is about inmates, who reflect upon their time in school, their experiences of school and how different things have influenced and affect them later in life. The aim with this study is to examine how different kinds of school related issues have affected the inmates in different ways. The aim is also to look at how school can spot in early years, children within the danger zone and provide for those children, so that they can be helped in different ways and so that they can be able to achieve different in life, not to end up becoming criminals later in life.The main questions in this study are:How did the chosen inmates experience their time in school?Can you by looking at research tell that these persons already in their childhood were children within the danger zone?What kind of school related issues could have contributed to a criminal lifestyle later in life?The result of this study shows that all five have been children within the danger zone. In all five cases there have been school related issues that have affected those men.

Gymnasieskolans projektarbete och dess effekt på skolkande elever : En studie kring skolkande gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om kursen ?Projektarbete 100 p?

In this study I have brought up what pupils within vocational training, with focus on upper-secondary school have apprehended about the course ?Projektarbete 100 p? (Project job 100 point). In my analysis I interviewed twelve pupils from upper-secondary school who had 20 % or more Truancy during their three years of studying in upper-secondary school and achieved a result to these pupils had problems with absenteeism then primary school. The pupils agreed about the school?s existence but they need schools of practical type.

Olovlig frånvaro i skolan som problem och diskurs. Rättigheter och skyldigheter i den samtida utbildningspolitiken

The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in law and other types of politicialregulation regarding unauthorized absence during the reformation of the Swedish schoolsystem in 2010. How was this ?new? approach on unauthorized absence established; whatmade it possible and which view on ?unauthorized absence? does it implicate? The study hasa discourse analytic approach in which it examines central policy documents regarding thetopic of inquiry. The study has found that the alliance-government?s education policy onunauthorized absence is pervaded by one hegemonic discourse termed the mono-culturaldisciplinary discourse.

Mångkultur i monotappning : En studie av hur invandrarfrånvaron återspeglas i historieundervisningen på en helsvensk högstadieskola

This paper is about finding a set of unwritten rules pertaining to the teaching of history in an exclusively Swedish college. I want to know if Truancy among immigrants has anything to do with SO teachers? choice of content or their teaching methods. Unwritten rules are a complex phenomenon but by applying different perspectives and teaching methods a pattern will emerge. It is possible to discover different influences in the way the teacher chooses their material and work plan.

Språkval svenska engelska : Kursen som ligger utanför

Language choice is a required course in years 6-9 of compulsory school. Those who do not wish to study a Modern language of French, Spanish or German may choose language choice English or language choice Swedish instead. These two courses are meant to provide students with additional support and advanced work in those subjects. Although grades are given in Modern Languages, language choice English and Swedish do not merit a grade. Neither language choice English nor language choice Swedish has a set curriculum or syllabus.

Utomhuspedagogik : En komparativ studie mellan teori och verklighet

ABSTRACTOur work deals with antisocial behavior among elementary school students between 7 and 16years in the school environment. The aim of our study was to examine how school personnelare experiencing antisocial behavior among students from a gender perspective. We were alsointerested to find out what the school's staff has of the experience of the differences andsimilarities between girls 'and boys' antisocial behavior. We used gender theory, when weanalyzed our individual responses to interview questions. We made six qualitative interviewswith low-and high school teachers, assistant principals, counselors and special educationteachers training in Kalmar County.

Lekens betydelse för social kompetens : Tre förskollärares erfarenheter

ABSTRACTOur work deals with antisocial behavior among elementary school students between 7 and 16years in the school environment. The aim of our study was to examine how school personnelare experiencing antisocial behavior among students from a gender perspective. We were alsointerested to find out what the school's staff has of the experience of the differences andsimilarities between girls 'and boys' antisocial behavior. We used gender theory, when weanalyzed our individual responses to interview questions. We made six qualitative interviewswith low-and high school teachers, assistant principals, counselors and special educationteachers training in Kalmar County.

Hur arbetar grundskolepersonal med pojkar och flickors normbrytande beteende i skolmiljön? : En kvalitativ undersökning i en kommun i Kalmar län

ABSTRACTOur work deals with antisocial behavior among elementary school students between 7 and 16years in the school environment. The aim of our study was to examine how school personnelare experiencing antisocial behavior among students from a gender perspective. We were alsointerested to find out what the school's staff has of the experience of the differences andsimilarities between girls 'and boys' antisocial behavior. We used gender theory, when weanalyzed our individual responses to interview questions. We made six qualitative interviewswith low-and high school teachers, assistant principals, counselors and special educationteachers training in Kalmar County.

De som slutade gå i skolan : en kvalitativ studie om hemmasittare

Hemmasittare is a new term for children and youths with a history of long term Truancy. As the term indicates these youths spend most of their time in their homes. This often results in them being socially alienated and the loss of their earlier social network. The consequences of hemmasittande and social alienation are many and include not only a deficient social network but also psychological and physical problems. Research has shown that many of these problems follow on through into adult life.

Att främja skolnärvaro : Elever- och föräldrars upplevelser av skolans arbete med skolfrånvaro

Utifrån OECDs analys av PISA (2012) är svenska elever bäst i Norden på att skolka.Syftet med min studie är att belysa hur elever och föräldrar i en årskurs 6 upplever skolans arbete med att främja skolnärvaro och identifiera faktorer som kan främja skolors arbete med elevers närvaro. Mina frågeställningar är följande.Hur upplever föräldrar och elever skolans rutiner vid ogiltig frånvaro?Hur anser föräldrar och elever att rutinerna fungerar?Vad motiverar eleverna att gå till skolan?Vad tror eleverna är orsaker till skolk?Vad anser eleverna att skolan kan göra för att öka skolnärvaron?För att få svar på frågorna valde jag att intervjua 5 elever i årskurs 6 och föräldrarna fick besvara en enkät.Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att eleverna tyckte att lektionernas innehåll och utformning bidrog till huruvida det var roligt att gå till skolan eller inte. Eleverna kände till skolans rutiner vid ogiltig frånvaro och sen ankomst. Skolan kontaktade elevernas föräldrar samma dag om eleverna var frånvarande utan giltiga skäl och den sena ankomsten rapporterades in i skolans plattform.

"Det var något som hände, det var ju inte så att jag inte ville gå" : en studie där elevens handling i form av skolk tolkas utifrån ett kontextuellt och ungdomskulturellt perspektiv.

Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken omfattning gymnasieelevers skolk är ett uttryck på brister inom skolans verksamhet. Utifrån syftet har två frågeställningar framkommit: Hur påverkar skolan som institution frekvensen av skolk? Vilket förändringsarbete bör ske inom skolan för att minska frekvensen av skolk? De perspektiv studien utgår ifrån är, kontextuellt samt ungdomskulturellt. Rapporten bygger på fem utförda fokusgruppsintervjuer med elever från årskurs två och tre på gymnasiet, samt sex enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolledning, elevhälsa och lärare. Materialet har bearbetats genom noggrann avlyssning av ljudinspelningar, med fokus på att finna likheter och olikheter i det empiriska materialet.