

7 Uppsatser om Traktplanering - Sida 1 av 1

Utvärdering av traktplanering på SCA Skog

This study is an analysis of a survey that harvester operators working for SCA Ångermanland Skogsförvaltning have been participating in. The purpose of this study is to try to show the harvester operators opinion about the forestry planning that SCA provides. Hopefully will this information lead to suggestion about what part of the forestry planning needs to be improved, if any is needed? Unfortunately only 30 / 60 questionnaire has been returned so no conclusion can be made, except about those who have answered the survey. The answers of the survey indicate a number of areas that needs to be improved. The marked routes needs to be more visible and the education about timber landings must be enhanced.

Utvärdering av traktplanering på Holmen Skog

This study has been performed with the help of forest machine operators in order to improve the forestry planning at Holmen Skog Örnsköldsvik-region. For Holmen Skog forestry planning is basic for a successful forestry. In a survey I have investigated what can be improved in some areas that are planned for harvesting. The result of the investigation will be used to support the machine operators as much as possible. The study has generated 49.5 % of responses and because of this low response rate, no clear conclusions to anyone else except the responding machine operators can be drawn. It has been proved that there are some details in the forestry planning system that are inadequate, such as marked routs for trails, tractor paths and buffer zones against streams. The quality of forestry planning varies greatly between different locations, as much as 50 % of the responding machine operators thought so. Over 40 % of the responding machine operators claim that the information from Holmen is insufficient. One thing that would improve the forestry planning within Holmen would be to educate all forestry planners and then do continuous follow-ups..

Markskadefri avverkning - från traktplanering till plantering

This study is made for Södra skog and is concerning how to minimize soil damage from planning to plantation. The purpose of the study is from the respondent?s perspectives; their own ideas and approaches. What emerged from the interviews is that the communication between the different organization levels can be improved. It is also important to prevent damage on the soil and to have in mind that the process of planning tracks to plantation continues for a long time and because of that, the soil condition meanwhile will change..

Prestation i traktplanering

This study was an assignment for the company Holmen which is located in the region of Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. The study was focusing on the responsibilities of a forestry planner during the planning season. The study was investigating about how much time the planner spent in the office, in the car and out in the forest. Any other issues that would cause delays were also identified. To be more effective and to increase the number of objects to a district bank, a better preparation in the planning stage (for thinning?s or clear cuts) is needed as well as faster transition on to the next area.

Utveckling av ett GIS-verktyg för selektion av bränningstrakter : en studie genomförd på SCA-skogs marker inom Medelpads skogsförvaltning

Skogen i Sverige brinner idag inte alls lika ofta som tidigare. Detta har lett till att många brand-gynnade och brandberoende arter riskerar att försvinna. För att motverka detta har naturvårdsbränningar på skogsmark blivit allt vanligare under 2000-talet. Hälften av all skog i Sverige är certifierad enligt Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) vilket innebär att många stora skogsägare har ett krav att bränna en areal som motsvarar fem procent av den årliga avverkningsarealen. Flera av de större skogsföretagen har idag svårt eller delvis svårt att nå upp till detta mål.

Indelning av trakter inför gallring på Holmen Skog : en utvärdering av svårigheter och möjligheter

A common goal in practical forest management is to maximize the yield, measured in economical terms. When a forest stand is thinned a so called inoptimality loss can arise due to non-optimal decisions. This means that the selected management schedule results in a lower net present value than the optimal one which lowers the profitability for the forest owner. Holmen Skog uses the term tract which means an aggregation of stands made before a management action. A tract should be delineated in different tract parts in connection with pre-thinning planning if there is different bearing capacity within the tract, different thinning grades should be used or if the tract contains a weaker part that should not be thinned.

Skördarnavigering kring skyddsvärda objekt med GPS-stöd : en navigeringsstudie utförd vid Siljansfors försökspark

GIS i kombination med GPS börjar användas allt mer i det moderna skogsbruket och då främst till Traktplanering och inventering. Tidigare försök har visat att utrustningen även kan användas som navigeringshjälpmedel i skördare. Siljansfors försökspark har under en tid koordinatsatt försöksytor med hjälp av en DGPS mottagare och lagrat detta i ett Geografiskt Informations System (GIS). De vill nu se på vilket sätt denna geografiska information kan användas tillsammans med en GPS i en skördare för att hitta och skydda deras försöksytor. Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka hur noggrant en skördarförare kan gallra intill skyddsvärda objekt, endast med GPS och digitalt kartunderlag som hjälpmedel.