

45 Uppsatser om Thrown-outs - Sida 1 av 3

Röster om tidiga uppbrott hemifrån : nio ungdomars erfarenheter av att rymma och kastas ut från sina hem

The purpose of this study is to examine how young people with experience of running away and/or getting thrown out look upon and understand the phenomenon. Another purpose of thestudy is to examine how the youth evaluate the help and support they did or did not receive at the time of their experience, as well as to examine what the ultimate help and support would be according to them. The study was done in a qualitative approach with the use of focus groups and individual interviews. The results were analyzed through the perspective of the ?sociology of childhood?.

?En sista utväg? : Gymnasieungdomars föreställningar kring ungdomar som rymmer eller kastas ut hemifrån

The purpose of this study was to examine high school students conceptions of young people who run away or get thrown out of their homes. Earlier research shows that this group of young people often come from families were physical, psychological and sexual abuse is reappearing factors. They often face a life of homelessness, drug abuse and prostitution. Still there is little research done about this phenomenon and what kind of help and support these young people could need. This study was done in a qualitative approach with the use of focus groups.

"Utan språket blir man både döv och stum" : En studie av avbrottsorsaker på grundläggande vuxenutbildning

 The aim of this paper was to investigate how many students studying Swesdish as a foreign language, at secondary school level, in Tierps kommun, that have dropped out and their reasons for doing so. The reason for this is the report from Skolverket, stating that the rate of drop outs at this level is very high. To investigate this, a quantitative method was used. A questionnaire was sent out to all the students that dropped out 2005-2008. The result showed that the two main reasons for leaving their studies were that the individuals had found a job or thought the studies were too hard. The research also showed that the majority of the students had not been in contact with Career counseller prior to ending their studies. We came to the conclusion that there might be a need for developing the teaching and to work out routines for guidance at drop out situations.

?När farsan sa att han inte ville ha mig och pekade på dörren gick jag bara ut? : ? ungdomars upplevelser och erfarenheter av att rymma eller kastas ut hemifrån

This thesis has been written within the research project ?Tillfälligt Uppbrott?, which concerns youths who have run away or been thrown out of their homes. The project is based on a na-tional poll among more than 3000 high school students. Our purpose has been to study youths who have left home and their own experiences. We have looked at all the question-naires in which the youths stated they had left home and focused on their answers to five open questions.

Corporate Social Responsibility i svenska textilföretag

In Sweden we have the highest rate of nontraditional students among Europe. Coincidently, we also have the highest rates of drop outs among OECD. In this particular field, drop out from higher education, there is a need fore more qualitative studies that can support the "statistics". Studies about experiences of drop outs are significant for society, university and individual. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how nontraditional student experiences drop out from higher education.

Värdering vid tvångsinlösen efter icke-kontanta bud

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the legal practice of valuation in arbitration board proceedings concerning freeze-outs after non-cash take-over bids. We find that the most important method for valuing the shares offered in exchange for the shares of a target company is to take the volume-weighted average of the quoted prices of the shares offered in exchange during the acceptance period of the take-over bid. This thesis is a complement to previous studies by Peter Jennergren (1996) and by Andrea Lundqvist and Victor Ludvigsson (2007) of how the Balken case (a freeze-out case that was eventually decided by the Supreme Court of Sweden, in 1996) has affected the legal practice of valuation in freeze-out arbitration board proceedings. We have undertaken an empirical study of 48 freeze-outs between 1985 and 2006 where shares in the bidding companies were offered in exchange for shares in the target companies.

Det är värre att inte börja studera än att hoppa av: En fenomenologisk studie om hur icke traditionella studenter upplever studieavhopp från högskoleutbildning

In Sweden we have the highest rate of nontraditional students among Europe. Coincidently, we also have the highest rates of drop outs among OECD. In this particular field, drop out from higher education, there is a need fore more qualitative studies that can support the "statistics". Studies about experiences of drop outs are significant for society, university and individual. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how nontraditional student experiences drop out from higher education.

Det är värre att inte börja studera än att hoppa av : En fenomenologisk studie om hur icke traditionella studenter upplever studieavhopp från högskoleutbildning

In Sweden we have the highest rate of nontraditional students among Europe. Coincidently, we also have the highest rates of drop outs among OECD. In this particular field, drop out from higher education, there is a need fore more qualitative studies that can support the "statistics". Studies about experiences of drop outs are significant for society, university and individual. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how nontraditional student experiences drop out from higher education.

Det är svårt att bryta upp : En studie av Equity Carve?Outs

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur moderbolagets aktiekurs reagerar, därmed påvisa eventuell onormal avkastning när ett moderbolag beslutar sig för och sedan avyttrar en del av ett dotterbolag till börsen (Equity Carve?Out). Delsyftet är att undersöka sambandet mellan onormalavkastning i storleken på avyttrade andelar samt beskriva de motiv som anges och analysera detta mot storleken på avknoppad andel.Metod: Undersökningen är en eventstudie med en kvantitativ ansats. Empirin består av sekundärdata i form av börskurser och index.Teori: Eventstudien bygger på hypotesen om effektiva marknader, teorin om asymmetrisk information, agent teori samt teorin om avknoppningsfördelar.Empiri: Eventstudien bygger på 25 Equity Carve?Outs genomförda mellan åren 1991?2007 och behandlar aktieutvecklingen dels vid beslut och dels vid genomförandet av en avknoppning, detta relateras sedan till tidigare forskning.Resultat ECO mellan åren 1991 och 2007 har generellt medfört svagt positiva priseffekter vid beslutet om avknoppning och positiva priseffekter vid avyttringen.

Vad händer hos oss? : Om att hitta rätt sätt att kommunicera uppdateringar och nyheter till kunder

The purpose of this thesis is to compose a way for a small IT-company to communicate with their costumers and include them in the development of their IT-solution. The ambition with this study is to make this information strategy applicable to other small companies with the same problem.The empirics is built on literature studies and qualitative interviews which leads to a design proposition and try-outs with the target group. The results lead to a newsletter where news and information from the company could be presented simple and clear..

Hur påverkas utbildade vårdhundar (Canis lupus familiaris) av sitt arbete inom humanvården?

Today therapy dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) service people more than ever and different categories of work places use therapy dogs to help their caretakers. Many studies have been made on the positive effects in patients when they are given contact with a dog, but very little have been done on how the dog experience its situation and what kind of behaviour a therapy dog shows during its working days. This work was made to investigate the behaviours that educated therapy dogs in Sweden showed when they were in contact with a caretaker and to find out if the dogs showed any signs of stress or some other kind of discomfort. To do this a survey was sent out to 17 educated therapy dog handlers in Sweden that together had 18 educated therapy dogs. The survey contained 39 questions about the daily work of the therapy dogs when they were together with caretakers and some questions about the therapy dogs spare time. A question about what kind of dog breed the therapy dog handlers had were also in the survey to investigate if some breeds were more usual as therapy dogs.

Webb-TV reklam : Påverkan och synpunkter. Målgrupp unga vuxna i Stockholm

In this study the authors have explored the new phenomenon Web-TV and what attitude young adults in Stockholm have towards this media and the applied advertisement. Further the study includes search outs of other studies for the authors to draw parallels to compare their result to be able make conclusions. Finally, Web-TV is discussed how the commercial on Web-TV could be developed to be as responsive as possible regarding the consumers..

Interaktiv vittneskonfrontation : Utvecklandet av ett Directorspel för Internet

This final-year project has been performed at Strix production Efterlyst. The task has been to make a page under their homepage, with a game application that?s supposed to be interesting and also have a strong connection to the TV- program. In the first part of the report, the reader will learn about the preparing work that was done before the work with the final game began. It is in these two test versions all the technical problems were tested, to finally be used or thrown away.

Vad kostar en förlorad apotekskund - en estimering av bristkostnaden för receptbelagda läkemedel på ett konkurrensutsatt apotek i Sverige

After the deregulation of the Swedish pharmacy market customers can be lost due to stock-outs. Optimization of pharmacy inventory levels has thus become increasingly important. To minimize inventory costs while considering the cost of shortages the latter must be estimated. However, the shortage cost is very difficult to compute. Thus, the aim of this paper is to estimate the pharmacy-specific shortage cost parameter and its relation to other inventory costs.

Återanvändning - Sättet att ge hemelektronik ett andra liv

Increased consciousness about environmental and sustainable issues has led to consumers and companies who are more in favor of reuse and recycle. Even though this is a fact, people today are buying new things more often compared to before. For instance for a mobile phone the functionality lifecycle is eight years which can be related to the economic lifecycle today which is 1.5 years compared to 3 years in 1995. Only 1-2 percent of the mobile phones thrown away in Sweden today are handed in for recycling. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether an international company within the recycling and reuse of mobile phone industry has a market in Sweden.

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