

12 Uppsatser om Testimony - Sida 1 av 1

"etymologiskt uttytt: frälst." En studie av det religiösa vittnesbördet i Majken Johanssons sextiotalsdikt

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the religious Testimony in the following works of the Swedish poet Majken Johansson (1930-1993): Liksom överlämnad (1965), Omtal (1969) and Från Magdala. Fragment ur en självbiografi (1972). A part of the purpose is also to investigate how Johansson phrases this Testimony using a contemporary aesthetics. The thesis also studies how her works were received by the contemporary critics. The result shows that they tended to deprecate Johansson?s religiosity but were generally appreciative when it came to her poems.

Trauma, vittnesmål och etik. Representationens möjligheter och omöjligheter i Hayden Whites "The Modernist Event" samt i Shoshana Felman och Dori Laubs "Testimony"

This essay is a meta-theoretical study that aims to show normative and ethical implications that might follow from theories concerning representation of traumatic events in four essays from Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub?s Testimony. Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History and in Hayden White?s essay ?The Modernist Event?. Through a comparative analysis the essay mainly discusses how these writers deal with the problem of narrative.

If there is violence, there is resistance.

This thesis is a discourse analysis of six rape trials, with the intention to analyze how the plaintiffs?? resistance is described. The overall aim is to investigate whether there are forms of resistance that the courts find more desirable and if there are any rules for how resistance should manifest itself. I will also investigate how the rape is itself described by the plaintiff and courts, respectively. I will analyze how this affects the understanding and attitude toward what has happened.

Seniorer och identitet på Facebook : En studie om seniorers uppfattning och skapande av identitet på Facebook

The aim of our study was to increase understanding of older people?s views on social media?s and identity by asking the question: How do seniors perceive identity on Facebook? Based on a qualitative approach with written interviews conducted by e-mail, we contacted respondents who had and used a Facebook account. In our study we used categories, such as seniors, identity, Facebook and networking to be able to answer our research question. The result of this study is shown as a description of nine respondent?s Testimony regarding identity on Facebook.

Etnicitet och kön :  Påverkar grupptillhörighet bedömningar av korrekthet i centrala meningar från ett vittnesmål?

Syftet med denna studie var att studera möjligheten att bedöma korrekthet i vittnens utsagor beroende av deltagarnas grupptillhörighet. I studien ingick 120 deltagare som antingen fick se en film med vittnesmål från fyra vittnen med enstaka centrala meningar eller läsa en text med samma meningar. De viktigaste mätningarna i denna studie gjordes efter signal detection theory (SDT). Resultaten visade att deltagarna inte skattade mycket över slumpnivå och ofta till och med under slumpnivå i sina bedömningar. I en hopslagning av betingelserna (text/film) visade analyserna att män generellt var signifikant sämre än kvinnorna på att bedöma vittnesmål, men att kvinnorna gör fler falska alarm än männen i bedömningen av textversionen.  De funna könsskillnaderna i hur vittnesmål bedöms diskuterades..

BARNETS BERÄTTELSE I RÄTTSPROCESSEN : berättelsens struktur och värdering

Children who are exposed to crime are a delicate issue. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze children's narratives in the juridical process. Our primary questions focused on how adults could help children to express their experiences and what kind of elements imposed the narrative. How is the narrative structured? How does the court evaluate children's testimonies? What increases the credibility of a child's Testimony? Our theoretical standpoints are derived from: the narrative perspective, theory of communication, and theory of evaluation.

Gamar över Bagdad: En analys av berättelserna om vad som hände med Iraks kulturarv.

This master thesis deals with the looting and destruction of the Iraqi cultural heritage in the wake of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in April 2003. My ambition is to analyse the narratives conveyed by journalists and intellectuals to see which truths that were established. Using discourse analysis methods, my aim is not to find an objective truth in the matter at hand, but rather to se which truths the writers put into view regarding the question of liability and the seriousness of the looting and destruction. This paper further discusses these truths from the perspectives of imperialism and of Edward Saids thoughts about Orientalism.

Ett svenskt kronvittnessystem? Att vara eller inte vara ett kronvittne

Kronvittnessystem har vid ett flertal tillfällen diskuterats i svensk politik som en möjlig åtgärd i arbetet mot organiserad brottslighet. Ett kronvittne är en person som vittnar om sin egen eller andras brottslighet och på grund av detta erhåller ett mildare straff för sina brott. Flera andra länder använder sig av kronvittnessystem på grund av de nyttor som finns med det, men forskning visar att det även finns problem med systemet. Syftet med denna studie är att besvara frågan vad kriminella personer har för uppfattning om att kronvittna i ett kronvittnessystem. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med före detta kriminella med erfarenhet av organiserad brottslighet.

Att rädda världens djur : en retorisk analys av Parken Zoo:s kriskommunikation

Crisis communication can make a crisis turn into a double crisis. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze by which rhetorical means a double crisis can occur. With the Swedish zoo Parken Zoo as a specific example, this essay examines the crisis communication during the crises that started with the tv-show Kalla fakta. The tv-show revealed that Parken Zoo killed and slaughtered endangered and sacred animals. When asked about the specific animals, the head of the zoo gave different answers ? which contrasted with former employees Testimony.

Mäktig eller osynlig : En diskursanalys ur genusperspektiv om hur maskulinitet tolkas och värderas i genusmedvetna texter och i museers utställningar

The survey aims to problematize masculinity in the exhibitions of the museum.  In what way is masculinity interpreted and valued in exhibitions? What is the attitude towards masculinity in gender oriented museological texts? This study investigates in which way masculinity is written about ? how interpretations of masculinity emerge in the texts and what consequences this may have.The survey is based on the method of discourse analysis and the material is processed from a gender perspective. The source material consists of museological texts dealing with the topic of gender and museology, which also is the core material. A complement to this is a selection of exhibition catalogs from museums as well as reviews which are also based on art exhibitions. The main point of the source material consists of the museological texts.The survey highlights that the gender-conscious museological discourse understands, interpret and evaluate masculinity on a more or less given regulatory framework.

Invandrarprat och skam: en kvalitativ studie av retorikens betydelse

The purpose of this enquiry was to study how the rhetoric about immigrants (invandrarprat) influences the interpretation of reality in regards to new swedes. The study was conducted with the help of qualitative interviews with eight new swedes who, apart from their country of origin, by Swedish social standards would be considered average. Two questions were examined for the purpose of this study:1. How do new swedes react to rhetoric about immigrants?2.

Social preference and diet learning in goat kids at pasture

AbstractHerbivores can be classified into either hiders or followers depending on their postpartum behaviour. The two behaviour types affect the spatial relationship between the mother and her infant. Goats are seen as hiders, although the environment plays a central role when it comes to the behaviour. Therefore, in the first part of this study the aim was to investigate how the goat kids? spatial relationship changed in the transition from indoor housing to pasture.