

67 Uppsatser om Targeting - Sida 1 av 5

Noggrannhet vid målinmätning : Analys av ett eldledningsinstrument med förbättringsförslag

This Master Thesis has been conducted as an assignment of the Swedish Defence MaterialAdministration and the Swedish Armed Forces and aims to examine the Target Location Error(TLE) of a Forward Observer System. The Targeting accuracy of the system is vital if the systemis to be used as a sensor for precision munitions. The analyzed system, EOI (FOI 2000), wasdelivered to the Swedish Armed Forces in 2007. The Targeting sequence starts with deciding theposition of the system with a GPS-receiver, continues with methods where the north direction issettled and ends by measuring the distance, direction and elevation to the target. When allparameters have been measured the system calculates the position of the target.

NATO:s misslyckande att undvika civila dödsfall i Libyen 2011

This study revolves around the NATO-led Operation Unified Protector in Libya 2011. The military campaign was executed under a UN mandate to protect the Libyan civilian population. Despite the mandate civilians died because of NATO bombings. The purpose of this study is to identify inadequate measures in avoiding civilian casualties during the operation and to continue to work towards minimizing civilian casualties caused by military organizations in international interventions.Early in the operation, NATO?s objective altered from protecting the civilians to over­throwing the Libyan regime. At the same time NATO changed its military Targeting.

Målstyrning inom den offentliga sektorn : en studie inom två sydskånska kommuner

The purpose of this investigation is to show how politicians state primary goals and how they break them down into secondary objectives within the sector of Child-and education area. This is supposed to create a general image on how the Targeting process is handled within the public activity. Finally, this will lead us to what is necessary for the Targeting process to work successfully within the public activity.  We have implemented a qualitative study within the two chosen municipalities. This case study is based on personal interviews that are conducted through semi structured questions.

Nödlösning i fickformat - stående kissande för kvinnor

The product "urinal funnel" for women has fascinated me for a long time. Not only because it solves a practical problem in a simple way, but also because it challenges our definitions of gender and behaviour. This report describes the process of making a new design for a funnel, taking material, ergonomics and construction in consideration. It also includes structuring a launching of the product in Sweden. It starts up with a large amount of information gathering, both by interviewing testgroup-perticipants, but also by researching and evaluating the range of existing funnels.

Penningpolitik med prisstabilitet som primärt mål : en studie med fokus på Bundesbank och ECB

Av flera anledningar har i många länder mål för prisstabilitet ersatt den aktiva stabiliseringspolitiken där mål för nationalprodukt och sysselsättning stått i centrum. Centralbanker bedriver och har bedrivit penningpolitik för att uppnå prisstabilitet på olika sätt och det ärdenna fråga som står i fokus i denna uppsats. Detta aktualiseras ytterligare då den europeiska centralbanken (ECB) är i ett startskede vad det gäller att bedriva penningpolitik med prisstabilitet som primärt mål. I detta perspektiv är det av intresse att studera Bundesbank närmare då denna under relativt lång tid bedrivit penningpolitik inriktad på prisstabilitet. För att belysa frågan om penningpolitik har, efter en teoretisk presentation, en empirisk studie av Bundesbank genomförts.

On the hunt for improvements : possibilities of increasing welfare in captive cheetahs through hunting enrichment

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is one of the big feline species kept in zoos worldwide. The wild populations are quite small and therefore the captive population make up an important part of the total population of the world. Although life in the wild is not always easy and a captive environment provides shelter and food it does not come without problems. In captivity cheetahs become chronically ill and also develop stereotypic behaviours. Neither of these are problems in wild populations and both can be linked to stress in captivity.

CMS-baserat studentintranät : Undersökning och utveckling av studentintranät

Involving prospective users in a development process is important. This makes it easier to make a more usable product. This thesis is about developing an intranet Targeting a school and focus is aimed towards intranet usability.The reader is given knowledge into how to design and implement an intranet using persona. Design and develop by using persona is difficult when there is a group with large variety of knowledge, age and technology interest, so as in this case. Persona although always helps during the development phase because of the strong links to the personas that are created, which gives developers a constant reminder of the end users of the system.The thesis describes how information is collected and processed.

Den rosa annonsen: en kvantitativ studie om homosexuellt bildinnehåll i reklam och dess effekter

Previous studies have pointed out the potential risks involved with Targeting homosexual consumers by using ads with homosexual imagery in mainstream media. Many of these studies have indicated that there may be drawbacks with exposing heterosexuals to these kinds of advertisements. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether this is true for all groups of heterosexual consumers. An experimental study was carried out to examine the effects of explicit homosexual imagery on a heterosexual group with a generally positive attitude towards homosexuality. Empirical evidence suggests that homosexual imagery does not elicit any negative reactions among these heterosexual consumers.

Användarvänlighet och Informationsdesign : En studie om målgruppsanpassat informationsmaterial

Syftet med min forskning var att undersöka den rådande informationsproblematiken som Sepab Fordonsprodukter hade med sina informationsmaterial och den underliggande orsaken till detta. Utifrån min empiri och mina resultat av intervjuerna har jag sedan utvecklat ett nytt förslag på informationsmaterial. Jag har under hela arbetets gång fokuserat på målgruppsanpassning tillsammans med ämnet informationsdesign, vilket enligt mig går hand i hand.Jag har arbetat utifrån kvalitativa metoder med hermeneutiken som inspirationskälla och informationsdesignsmässiga principer för att åstadkomma detta. Mina resultat visade att det fanns ett flertal faktorer i det utgivna informationsmaterialet som var i behov av förbättring. Den slutgiltiga produkten blev ett nytt informationsmaterial till Sepabs nya produkt där jag har tillämpat dessa teorier..

Marknadsföringsteorier i små företag : ? ett vinnande koncept?

Syfte: En vanlig och traditionell uppfattning bland företagsledare i små företag är att små företag i princip fungerar som stora företag, men i mindre skala. Dock har Welsh och White, som skrivit artikeln ?A small business is not a little big business?, en annan uppfattning och menar att detta är en felaktig bild av små företag vars storlek skapar speciella förhållanden. Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa förutsättningarna för marknadsföring i små företag.Metod: Det vetenskapliga förhållningssättet i denna uppsats är av hermeneutisk karaktär.Eftersom vi studerat marknadsföring på universitets- och högskolenivå har vi redan med oss en hel del kunskap och åsikter i ämnet. Vi kommer även att påverkas under resans gång av det material vi samlar in.

Elektronisk mobbning : En kvantitativ studie om elektronisk mobbning med fokus på genus, anonymitet och konsekvenser

Abstract:Today many adolescents have access to computers and mobile phones.  They prefer to socialize through these means which has led to a new kind of bullying, the electronic bullying. The purpose of this study has been to examine the electronic bullying from the perspective of gender, anonymity and the consequences that it may lead to. We have chosen a quantitative approach by using a questionnaire survey Targeting young people between the ages of 15-16 years in Kalmar county. 163 respondents took part in the survey, 78 girls and 85 boys. The gathered material is presented by means of contingency tables and has been interpreted by gender socialization, deindividuation and dehumanization.

Jag önskar att det inte fanns : .. - om de professionellas upplevelser kring sexuella övergrepp mot barn.

Our paper is Targeting mainly students, but also all other people interested in social work with children. The purpose of our study was to investigate how the social workers experience and handle their work with children, who have been exposed to sexual abuse, and what kind of support and guidance the social workers are offered, in order to handle their working situation. We chose to perform a qualitative study, by the use of interviews, since we found it to be the most appropriate way to gather the information. Our conclusion is that the work with these issues is emotionally burdensome and requires a great commitment, however it is essential for the social workers to maintain a certain distance to their work, in order not to influence their personal lives. It is through experience and knowledge that the social workers learn how to handle their working situation.

Jag önskar att det inte fanns... - om de professionellas upplevelser kring sexuella övergrepp mot barn.

Our paper is Targeting mainly students, but also all other people interested in social work with children. The purpose of our study was to investigate how the social workers experience and handle their work with children, who have been exposed to sexual abuse, and what kind of support and guidance the social workers are offered, in order to handle their working situation. We chose to perform a qualitative study, by the use of interviews, since we found it to be the most appropriate way to gather the information. Our conclusion is that the work with these issues is emotionally burdensome and requires a great commitment, however it is essential for the social workers to maintain a certain distance to their work, in order not to influence their personal lives. It is through experience and knowledge that the social workers learn how to handle their working situation. We also learned that although the work with sexual abuse against children gave birth to different emotions of the social worker, the social workers feel satisfaction with their work, by helping the exposed children. We hope that our paper will inspire and encourage to further studies in the area, since there is still much to be explored. .

Individualisering i undervisningen : Fyra lärares uppfattning om och arbete med individualisering

The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of individualism also how individualism is applied in a teacher?s classroom. Based on the curriculum, teaching is tailored to each and every student?s expectations and needs.  My research has been qualitative and includes four interviews with practicing teachers in two multi-cultural schools in the city of Stockholm. I have investigated how these four teachers perceive individualism, also how they individualize when teaching to meet all students' expectations and needs according to them.

Who's that girl? : Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn

ABSTRACTErik Ageberg: Who's that girl? ? Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn. Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap. C-uppsats, 2006.Robyn has been one of the most successful Swedish pop stars during the last decade. She has during these ten last years gone from being a young star to being the owner of her own record label, Konichiwa Records.

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