

15 Uppsatser om Sterilization - Sida 1 av 1

Sterilisering som socialpolitisk åtgärd : En dokumentstudie om de föreställningar som bidrog till skapandet av ett socialt problem där sterilisering förespråkades som åtgärd.

In the year of 1935 Sweden started to apply the practice of their first sterilizing laws. In this thesis 2 sterilizing laws are considered. The laws regulated those individuals who were not considered appropriate for reproduction. The sterilizing laws themselves are based on several large investigative studies on how to evaluate and categorize different individuals.  The purpose of my thesis is to examine through a literature study how these individuals considered for Sterilization were valued and how social problems were created to fit the character features of these people. I also look at how Sterilization became an acceptable method to deal with these constructed social problems. The materials I have studied include 3 pre-studies and the 2 laws about Sterilization which were the result of these pre-studies.  I found that the motives behind the Sterilizations were social, economical and genomic hygienical.

Förbättring av dockning mellan lastvagn och autoklav

At present Getinge can offer a new generation of trolleys that they produced in 2011. The trolley used to Getinge various autoclaves and has the primary task to help the user/Sterilization personnel to transport shelves or baskets, with or without cargo, from a packing table to the autoclave. The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a primary solution how the docking process between Getinge trolleys and autoclaves can be improved. The work has in most part followed Fredy Olsson principle and primary construction method. The work has included product research, study visit and development of a requirements specification, to satisfy Getinge, their clients and circumvention products requirements.

"Om man inte vet hur ett gammalt spöke ser ut, hur ska man då kunna känna igen gengångaren när man möter den?" : En undersökning av hur dagens läromedel för gymnasiet handskas med Sveriges rasistiska och fördomsfulla förflutna.

My goal with this thesis was to investigate how educational material in the subjects of history, geography and social studies relate to the fact that Sweden has a history marked by prejudice and racism.I have chosen to focus on four areas in the Swedish history that I think deserves some special attention, these four areas have been: the Swedish slave trade on the island of Saint Barthelemy in the eighteenth century, Swedish eugenics and oppression of the Sami people, forced Sterilization services during the twentieth century and Sweden's aid and concessions to Nazi Germany during World War II. With these areas in focus I?ve studied three textbooks in the courses Geography A, Civics A and History A to se how they deal with prejudice and racism in the Swedish history.The result I have come to is that none of the books addresses all four of the areas I?ve focused on. Even if the books are taken as a whole the image that they convey is not adequate. In the event that the four areas that I?ve focused on been mentioned the information have been scant and rarely, if ever, has Sweden been paired with phenomenons like racism, slavery, colonialism, eugenics, forced Sterilization, etc.

Fascia Panel Redesign

The purpose of this project has been to cut production costs for the fascia panels ofGetinge?s largest autoclaves. The cost for the stainless steel plates currently used is veryhigh. An alternative material solution could cut costs significantly.In addition, improvements have been made to the instrument tower which is a central partof the fascia panel. As a result of the new modular design in a new material theinstrument tower has been improved in several aspects..

"A great company, with a lot of opportunities to get better" : En kvalitativ studie om organisationskulturen på Getinge Sterilization AB

Vårt syfte med denna studie är att undersöka organisationskulturen på Getinge Sterilization AB för att se om det förekommer skillnader i grundläggande antaganden för arbetarna, tjänstemännen och ledningen d.v.s. om det skiljer sig åt avseende deras uppfattning om sin vardagsverklighet, vilka dessa skillnader är och varför de uppstår. Vi vill även förstå hur dessa skillnader kan påverka organisationers möjlighet till framgång.Vi har tillämpat en kvalitativ ansats i syfte att nå en djupare förståelse för hur informanterna uppfattar organisationskulturen på fallföretaget. För att nå en sådan förståelse har vi sammanlagt gjort 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer med elva olika personer samt tre observationer. Vi har även granskat olika interna och externa dokument.

Incinerator 2.0

Detta examensarbete är i grunden ett konstruktionsprojekt med syfte att utveckla en ny generation av dekontamineringsutrustning kallad Incinerator åt Getinge Sterilization AB. Incineratorn är en tryckbehållare som ska avdöda farliga sporer och utvecklades ursprungligen på 70-talet. Denna har uppdaterats flera gånger under dess livsspann men konstruktionen för med sig flera problem som nu ska lösas med en helt ny generation, kallad Incinerator 2.0. Projektet har främst handlat om konstruktion men beskriver även processteknik och dekontamineringprocess av farligt media. Då detta examensarbete berör tryckbehållare och dekontamineringsprocesser så har flera standarder och direktiv som t.ex.

"Stolta och starka" : Resandefolket

This is a study of a group of Swedish travellers, and of the traveller community, a marginalized group named 'tattare', skojare, tavring, knävling, dinglare, resande (Gypsies, pikeys, tinkers, travellers), whose origins and history are unknown to most people.The purpose of the study is to find out what it is like to be a traveller and look at the culture of travellers, in older times and today. I have focused particularly on the women's situation within the culture, in the past and present.The study is based on interviews with 4 persons, from the traveller community, one man and three women. During the interviews other travellers joined and participated in the discussions and the reasoning.My conclusion is that the traveller community is a group, which has been subjected to severe abuse by authorities, but still managed to preserve their culture. The interviewed travelers share a culture, in which women play a prominent role as breadwinners, for the family cohesion and in raising the children. Functions that gives women the role of culture bearers, meaning that it?s through women the culture is carried onwards..

Ångsterilisering av morötter. Infekterade med Lactobacillus plantarum.

The purpose of the project was to exam steams ability to sterilize carrots infected withLactobacillus plantarum. The project was a cowork with Brämhults Juice AB. They hadobserved an increase of Lactobacillus in the production of carrot juice during the summer. Tokeep the flavour of fresh fruits, the juice is treated carefully with heat. This means that thejuice only stays fresh for a few days, around two weeks for an unopened package and threedays for an opened package.In an attempt to remove the remaining Lactobacillus of the carrots, steam is tested as an extrastep in the production of juice.

Rutiner och riktlinjer för förebyggande av smitta på svenska djursjukhus och kliniker

To be able to give optimal care to patients in small animal hospitals, we have to have knowledge about how to prevent the spread of infection. An important part in this is hand hygiene routines. We have to clean hands whenever they are visibly dirty, and disinfect them regularly in between. Another important part is the cleaning and disinfection of the environment in the clinic, and also the cleaning, disinfection and Sterilization of medical instruments. Other important parts are isolation of patients with known infections, to wear clothes with short sleeves and to wash them at least once daily, to wear gloves, having short nails and not wearing jewelry when working.

Att komma tillrätta med "sinnesslöhet" : En studie på barnavårds- och fattigvårdsstyrelsens definition av ?sinnesslöa? i Växjö stad under åren 1934-1941

This study is based on the child welfare agency and social welfare board definition in Växjö City about the people who were defined as feebleminded and which solution they choose for this ?social problem?, with focus if they used Sterilization as a solution to this ?problem? during the years 1934-1941. The individuals who were regarded as feebleminded were alcoholics, unemployed, people who were feeble in their mind, people who had mental diseases, people who were vagrants and poor people. According to earlier research these people were categorized in a subclass and their behavior were not regarded as ordinary like a human who had a healthy mind, according to that period believes.The boards in Växjö defined the feebleminded people with mentally deficient minds, mental retardation, poverty and in some cases disturbed self-activity. However the most common definition of the feebleminded was mentally deficient minds and mental retardation.

Utveckling av instyrningsfunktionen hos ett dockningsinterface

In this project the task has been to develop a product that will facilitate an operation for personnel working in a Sterilization center. The operation is to steer the front of a loading trolley into the chamber of an autoclave, a so-called docking. The moment is complicated because the margins to deviate from ideal docking position and still succeed, is very small.The principal Getinge's desire was that the product could be retrofitted at the customers on their existing systems. One of the demands was that the product should fit two types of trolleys, one with a adjustable working height and one with a fixed working height. Getinge is supposed to purchase the system from a subcontractor who shall manufacture it and the requirement from Getinge is that the cost of purchase mustn't exceed SEK 500Initially principles, solving the problem was developed.

Rabies : en utmaning för Indien

This literature study describes the ways in which the spread of rabies can be prevented in India, what guidelines are set and also which methods have proved most effective. Every year rabies causes the death of around 20 000 people in India, which makes the prevalence in the country the highest in the world. The main source for human infection is bite wounds from infected dogs. People and animals can be vaccinated both prophylactic and post-exposure prophylactic (PEP), despite this the disease continues to claim high number of victims. The majority of those dying are young men and children from the poorer part of the population. Knowledge among the Indian population on rabies and its transmission routes, wound care and vaccinations is very limited.

Samhällets intresse i sinnesslövården : en studie av Statens uppfostringsanstalt för sinnesslöa flickor 1924-1968

The State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls was one of the two swedish educational institutions established under state management in the 1920s and came to be the starting point for further government operations for the mentally deficient. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the activities of the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls, out of what needs the institution filled in Sweden?s care for the mentally deficient. The institution has tried to be understood from the view of eugenics and the perspective of children that was current during the 1900s first half.To fulfill the purpose of the study, the archives for the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls was studied and analyzed with basis of previous research on Sweden?s care for the mentally deficient and the impact from eugenics and Sweden?s child perspective.The study shows that the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls mostly existed to educate students and adapt them to the community, which the institution did by education, disciplinary interventions and Sterilizations.

Utvärdering av InternetKomet för föräldrar med barn med normbrytande beteende.

Vårt syfte med denna studie är att undersöka organisationskulturen på Getinge Sterilization AB för att se om det förekommer skillnader i grundläggande antaganden för arbetarna, tjänstemännen och ledningen d.v.s. om det skiljer sig åt avseende deras uppfattning om sin vardagsverklighet, vilka dessa skillnader är och varför de uppstår. Vi vill även förstå hur dessa skillnader kan påverka organisationers möjlighet till framgång.Vi har tillämpat en kvalitativ ansats i syfte att nå en djupare förståelse för hur informanterna uppfattar organisationskulturen på fallföretaget. För att nå en sådan förståelse har vi sammanlagt gjort 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer med elva olika personer samt tre observationer. Vi har även granskat olika interna och externa dokument.

Förbättrad manövrering av lastvagn

Detta examensarbete har gjorts på uppdrag av, och i samarbete med Getinge Sterilization. Syftet med detta projekt har varit att ta fram en lösning som gör vagnarna i SMART-vagnsserien mer lättmanövrerade, då användare idag upplever dessa som svårmanövrerade. Handtaget och vagnens hjulkonfiguration identifierades som de faktorer som främst påverkar vagnarnas manövreringsförmåga. Arbetet riktades därför in på att ta fram ett nytt handtag och en ny hjulkonfiguration som löser manövreringsproblemet. Tillsammans med Getinge togs därefter en kravprofil fram med krav och önskemål för de nya lösningarna.I ett första skede togs en rad principlösningar fram på tänkbara lösningar till problemet i form av enklare skisser.