

27 Uppsatser om Silo - Sida 1 av 2

Täckning av plansilo :

With the increasing costs in concentrate the importance in producing ensilage with a high quality is becoming more and more important. To succeed with this goal it is of importance not only to harvest in the right period, but also to be able to store the ensilage without a decrease in quality and nutrional values. To maintain a good ensilage the covering of the ensilage must be carefully made. An unsuccessful covering causes mould to grow in the ensilage, which both increases the work load and also increases the amount of feed which is wasted. A bigger amount of spoiled feed also increases the risk of feeding spoiled feed to the cattle.

SILO 72 : Ombyggnad av Lantmännens silo i Östra Hamnen, Västerås

This project includes a small study of Västerås city's housing needs, and a proposal on theuse of the property 1:207, Lantmännens Silo in the Eastern Harbour, Västerås.The project intends to produce a basic study of the useful systems for this rebuilding projectwith regards to sustainable development and energy saving light buildings.The end result, which consists of a detailed visualization of the proposal, intends to becomean iconic natural focus for the Eastern port of Västerås and an example of the use andadaptation of existing structures.The property must also link the eastern parts of Västerås with the center through anextension of Mälarleden.The work has been performed through literature studies, site visits, contacts with the City ofVästerås and by calculations.The proposal consists of architectural proposals drawings and visualizations.Furthermore, a suggestion is given of how the property can be used and fitted into theoverall plan for urban density development currently underway in the city of Västerås.Computer programs used have been Microsoft Office Excel, AutoCAD and ArchiCAD..

Ensilering i plansilo

The aim with this literature review is to describe the ensilage process in a bunker Silo. The process from harvest and chopping to filling and unloading the Silo is explained. The sealing of the bunker Silo plays an important role for the final quality of the silage. This review covers some of the techniques used. There are many silage additives on the market, some of them are presented including how they act in the ensilage process.

Ulvsunda Silo : Omformning av Pripps bryggeri till bostäder

I ett nedlagt bryggeri har tva? Silobyggnader omvandlats till bosta?der. Som alternativ till nybyggnation underso?ker projektet omprogrammering av befintliga byggnader.Silobygnnaderna a?r en del av det nedlagda Prippsbryggeriet i Ulvsunda Industriomra?de och sta?r tomma. Deras Storlek ock sa?regenhet go?r dem till landma?rken i omra?det.

Vårlamm eller dikoproduktion i Dalarna : fallstudie

This study investigates a farm in Dalarna which includes 16 ha of farmland and 1, 7 ha of pasture. The purpose is to find out if it is possible to start an animal production in Dalarna. The study is set only to compare spring lamb production with nurse cow production. There are two buildings on the farm that can be used for this purpose. One is an old cowshed, and the other is an unused Silo for silage with a roof on top. Both of the buildings are compared to every alternative in the calculations.

Riktlinjer för silodesign för massflöde

Det övergripande syftet med detta arbete var att skapa en övergripande sammanställning rörande ämnena flödesproblem och Silodesign och specifikt ta fram riktlinjer för hur massflöde ska uppnås i Silos för hantering av olika biobränslen. Dessutom syftade arbetet till att ta upp två autentiska exempel med flödesproblem och hur dessa kunde designas om för massflöde. För att ta fram riktlinjer har arbetet utgått från värden framtagna av Wu, Schott & Lojdewijks (2011). Dessa har sedan bearbetats i programvaran Silo Stress Tool skapad av Dietmar Schulze (2013) för att utvinna gränsvärden för massflöde beroende av egenskaperna internfriktion, väggfriktion och vinkel på Silons ficka. Resultatet visar gränsvärden för massflöde för både cirkulära och rektangulära Silos.

Förändring i färdigvarulager och utlastningen av foder efter införande av en ny produktmix : En fallstudie på Lantmännen Agroetanol

This Master thesis was written for Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping concerning the layout of their finished goods inventory and unloading of feed after introducing a new product mix. Lantmännen Agroetanol has two production lines which produces feed. Both lines lead to six Silos, used as inventory of finished goods. The feed from the two production lines differ in terms of quality, where as Lantmännen Agroetanol wants to separate their finished inventory in order to charge a higher price, by selling the better product as a premium. With two different feed products the yearly revenue is expected to increase which motivates a research about the current capabilities and necessary changes to be made in the factory.

Formgivning av ögonduschkork : Examensarbete, formgivning

This Master thesis was written for Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping concerning the layout of their finished goods inventory and unloading of feed after introducing a new product mix. Lantmännen Agroetanol has two production lines which produces feed. Both lines lead to six Silos, used as inventory of finished goods. The feed from the two production lines differ in terms of quality, where as Lantmännen Agroetanol wants to separate their finished inventory in order to charge a higher price, by selling the better product as a premium. With two different feed products the yearly revenue is expected to increase which motivates a research about the current capabilities and necessary changes to be made in the factory.

Ingen täckning av plansilor samt alternativa täckningsmaterial

Silage is today a common feed for different animals. A general way of storing silage is in bunker Silos covered with polyethylene film. The covering and uncovering is labour intensive and it is often difficult to get the Silo properly sealed. Because of these reasons many American farmers leave their Silos uncovered and accept the losses accompanied. One purpose of this study was therefore to examine if it sometimes can be justified to leave bunker Silos uncovered.

Mjölksyrabakterier som tillsatser vid ensilering av majs :

The project was initiated by Medipharm which produce microbial inoculants which used as additives to preserve forage. The main goal was to test three inoculants to produce maize silege. The following Medipharm produced inoculants were tested, Milab 393, Lactisil Wolecrop II, Lactisil 300 2. An untreated control was included in the study. The trial was done at Swedish university of Agriculture and Science in Alnarp, Sweden. Eurostar was the cultivar of the maize and was grown on 20, 5 hectares.

Torkad eller gastät lagrad spannmål till värphöns - fallstudie

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att jämföra olika system för att lagra spannmål på.Spannmål som skall blandas in i fodret till de värphöns som finns på gården där det system som jag finner är bäst skall sättas upp. Jämförelsen gäller dels helt olika system, Silo tork kontra lufttät lagring och olika systeminom lufttät lagring. Jämförelsen har varit en mestadels ekonomisk jämförelse men jag har även gjort en liten teknisk jämförelse. För att få fram fakta som jag kunde basera min fallstudie på så jämförde jag fyra olika system mot varandra.Det som jämfördes var els två system med lufttät lagring, ett system med Silo torkning och ett system med inköpt färdigtorkad spannmål. Jag gjorde olika investeringskalkyleroch fick fram den totala årskostnaden för varje system och dels kostnaden per kilo spannmål för varje system samt också vad foderkostnaderna blir.

Närvärme med bioenergi i Västra Ämtervik :

I want to look at the possibilities to start selling hot water from a small district heating plant with bioenergy. My reason for doing this project is to look at a new business opportunity for our farm. Our company have less work during the winter time compared to the spring and this project will give us more work during the winter. I also want to take as much material as possible for heating from our farm in order to increase the value of the products from the farm. The project is in a village near us, where we should support a school, a churh, a home for the aged, a kindergarten and a parish hall with heat. In my work I have compared two different alternatives with each other. The first alternative is to put a central heater in one of the buildings, the home for the aged, in which we will burn oat.

Livscykelanalys: Pelletspanna från kvänum energi

This study will identify the environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide for a boiler house on behalf of Kvänum energi. The boiler central consists of a main building, which in turn contains multiple components such as boilers, pipes, etc, the boiler central uses pellets fuel. It also includes a Silo and an ash container. The total weight of the boiler is about 63 tons. Each boiler has an output of 600 kW; the central includes three boilers with room for a fourth if necessary.

Ensiling characteristics of Banana peelings

Urbaniseringen i Kampala växer snabbare än den ekonomiska tillväxten, vilket skapar en stor grupp människor med så svag köpkraft att de inte kan köpa mat för dagen. En lösning på problemet är att odla sin egen mat, men med de begränsade landarealer som en växande befolkning leder till, finns det inte tillräckligt med mark att odla eller bedriva extensiv boskapsproduktion. Bönderna tvingas därför att utfodra djuren med de biprodukter som genereras från hushållet och från den lokala marknaden. Uganda är en av världens främsta bananproducenter, där den större delen av produktionen går till landets egna humankonsumtion, vilken i sin tur genererar enorma kvantiteter bananskal varje år. Bananskalen säljs på de lokala marknaderna och utgör en billig foderkälla till framförallt idisslare för Ugandas bönder.

Majsensilage - partikelstorleksfördelning och hygienisk kvalité :

Fieldstudys on 22 farms (23 Silos) to study relationships between the actual particle size of the maize silage and the theoretical length of cut. The measure of theoretical length of cut were stated by the farmers and not measured by us. Particle size of maize silage was determined using the New Penn State Forage Particle Separator. SLU Skara made a special sieve for us, that had larger holes than de original sieves. The samples were shaken after instructions and then the material was weighted. We have also been taking out samples for microbiological analyses from the Silos on 13 of the farms.

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