

19 Uppsatser om Sanction - Sida 1 av 2

Ungdomstjänstens betydelse för en förändring av ungdomars attityder till brottsligt beteende

The essay investigates juvenile offenders experiences of the Sanction ?ungdomstjänst? and how it may change attitudes towards committing criminal acts. The essay introduces qualitative interviews with four juvenile offenders, which have all executed ?ungdomstjänst?. The juveniles experiences of features that can be a part of the attitude change have been analyzed with a model of the motivation process, called ?Fyra F?, and four elements of persuading, which can affect an attitude change.

Tala är silver, men är tiga guld? : En studie av den socialdemokratiska regeringens kommunikation till väljarna, åren 1994-2006

In this study, I have examined the previous Social Democratic government?s communication with the voters, focusing on its promises during election campaigns, and the presentation of achieved results. The theories used are the mandate- and Sanction theory; the first focuses on voters comparing manifestos to find the most agreeable, whilst the latter concentrates on voters evaluation the work of the previous government, to either discharge or support it. For the Sanction theory to work, voters must have the necessary information to evaluate the government in progress. The question is; did the previous government provide the voters with such information?This has been done through scrutinizing the Social Democrats? election manifestos that was used between 1994 and 2006, to examine what the party promised to achieve in economics and the labor market.

Manlighet - skämt eller allvar? : humor som redskap i mäns förhandlingar om mansrollen

This in an essay concerning the use of humor in male communication. Primarily, I have focused on studying how jokes can be used as a Sanction for the training of members in a (male) group. I have found great inspiration in Goffman?s thoughts on a social face and the use of humor to protect this perceived face.Initially I started to reflect on men?s reluctance to discuss masculinity and their thoughts about the meaning of being a man. Every time I tried to hold a serious conversation, my male friends made a joke out of it.

Renommésnyltning Bestämmelsen om jämförande reklam enligt marknadsföringslagen

Many companies sometimes affects that a competitive company pulls use for their trademark or their products in his advertising. It can for instance be that the company uses alike symbols or features and on so ways fields a free ride on another companies good reputation. This procedure is called reputation parasitism and settles in the marketing act, 8 a § comparative advertising. You can also condemn after the marketing acts 4 § general requirement which?s says, ?marketing must be compatible with good marketing practice? which also agrees with international chamber of commerce.

Lika makter leka lika? Sanktioner eller dialog, varför skiljer sig USA respektive EU handlingsplaner från varandra angående Irans kärnvapen?

In this thesis I will discuss how US respectively EU general international security policies are formed with the scientific theories Rational Choice and Cognitive theory in mind. I?ll discuss how come US tends to go towards a more Sanction orientated strategy while European Union seems to prefer a dialog and diplomatic problem solving strategy. I?ll exemplify respective security strategy through the qualitative cases study of Iran and analyse why they have taken different cores of action while trying to solve the problem with Iran's alleged nuclear weapon.

Ungdomstjänst : En kvalitativ studie av en kommuns utformning av ungdomstjänst

This study, which was conducted in Sweden, was based on four qualitative semi-structured interviews. The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how a municipality designs the Sanction for youth offenders called ?youth service? based on the law that establishes the existence of such a sentence. We interviewed social workers that work at the department of youth service in the municipality of Gothenburg, who exclusively deal with youth offenders? sentenced to youth service as their job assignment.

Humorns gränslösa begränsningar och möjligheter : En studie av humorns praktiker utifrån exemplet samtida ståuppkomik

For this study I use a critical realism approach and the aim with the thesis is to elucidate humor as a socially reflexive tool. My investigation has its starting point in the stand-up comedy arena, which I mean can exemplify a social context where the communication is focused around humor. I mean that humor can be used to create imaginary variations of the knowledge and truths, which we live our lives according to. The asymmetrical interpretations of the socially reflexive tool humor can be used to identify, elucidate, and cope with the diverging truths of life. But even though humor has boundless possibilities to reshape knowledge, it is also limited by the social contexts where it is mediated and by the involved individuals that create the humor or Sanction the humor positive and/or negative..

Är miljöbegreppet hållbar utveckling mycket väsen för ingenting

This essay investigates whether there?s logic behind the Sanction system regarding the penalty imprisonment in the swedish penal code. The focus is in general on crimes against the person and crimes against the state, but in particular on crimes of serious fiscal offence and crimes of serious assault. The idea with the essay was also to explain the wording purpose behind the punishment ranges in these selected crimes. The essays focus is on the public unawareness on how the punishment ranges is used.

Proportionalitet mellan straffskalor : Om utformningen och användningen avstraffskalorna för grovt skattebrott och grov misshandel

This essay investigates whether there?s logic behind the Sanction system regarding the penalty imprisonment in the swedish penal code. The focus is in general on crimes against the person and crimes against the state, but in particular on crimes of serious fiscal offence and crimes of serious assault. The idea with the essay was also to explain the wording purpose behind the punishment ranges in these selected crimes. The essays focus is on the public unawareness on how the punishment ranges is used.

Snacka går ju - eller? : En studie om påföljden ungdomsvård inom socialtjänstens öppenvård

The purpose of this study was to examine young offenders? attitudes towards crime, and to the penalty they have been sentenced to as juveniles. More specifically its aim was to examine an intervention program called Galaxen, specifically used  to deal with  juveniles  in Växjö. This intervention program consists mainly of conversations with social workers from social services,  aiming  towards  better  self-awareness  and  the  ability  to  understand  the  consequences  of one?s actions.

Frivården, lika för alla? : Könsrelaterade mönster och variationer i Frivårdens personutredningar

Sammanfattning:Forskning har visat att myndigheters beslut och insatser påverkas av klientens könstillhörighet. Frivården har deltagit i ett regeringsprojekt kallat JiM vilket syftar till att säkerställa att myndigheters verksamhet präglas av ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Denna uppsats har utifrån ett genusperspektiv undersökt hur kön influerar personutredares förslag och motiveringar till påföljd. Genom en kvalitativ vinjettmetod har sex personutredare fått bedöma en vinjett där endast könstillhörigheten på klienten har ändrats. Resultaten analyserades sedan med hjälp av Yvonne Hirdmans genusteori vilket visade att könsrelaterade mönster framträder i personutredarnas förslag och motiveringar samt att klientens könstillhörighet tycks inverka på förslaget till påföljd.

Mjuk, omsorgsfull och sexualförbrytare : - En studie om kvinnor dömda för sexualbrott

AbstractThere is a general perception that women are victims and men are the perpetrators of sexual offense. Female perpetrators of sexual crimes have been neglected in the research literature, because female sex offenders do not live up to preconceptions of female as motherly and caring. Females tend to be responsible for a very small portion of all crimes and are estimated to account for 1-2% of all sexual offenses. Theories use to discuss female sex offending include neutralization of behavior, mental health and feminist theory. The aim of the present study was to describe female sex offenders and examine the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim by analyzing court judgments.

Förvärv och försäljning av fastighet med förorenad mark : Särskilt gällande ansvar och friskrivningsklausuler

Properties are bought and sold daily, which means that it is of great importance with rules that regulate the acquisition. The rules on who should be held liable for a property brought to a head when the acquisition relates to a property that is loaded with contaminated soil. The purpose with this thesis is to investigate who could be held liable for contaminated land and also whether an exclusion clause can affect the separation of responsibilities. Two different liabilities can occur depending on which law that should be applicable, MB or JB.MB's rules apply to anyone who may be subject to decontamination responsibilities, which is regulated in Chapter 10. MB.

En jämförelse mellan kommunala och privata bostadsbolag : Studier i investeringskalkyler gällande upprustning av fastigheter byggda under Miljonprogrammet i Stockholm.

The intention of this study was to examine the interaction between authorities. More specifically it had a purpose to look at the ongoing cooperation between social workers and staff of special homes of closed institutional youth care. The Sanction system for young offenders? reform of 1999 where young people between the ages of 15-17 who have committed serious crimes, can be sentenced to secure institutional treatment instead of prison, aims to counteract the harm which can result from a stay in prison. The social welfare board in the young person´s local authority and the national board of institutional care shall cooperate during the youth?s placement at the special home of closed institutional youth care.

Inte ett leende före höstlovet : En kvalitativ textanalys av lärarens ledarskap sett genom fem läroplaner med auktoritetsperspektiv

This is a qualitative textual analysis of curriculum for primary education in 1962, the curriculum for primary education in 1969, the curriculum for primary education in 1980, the curriculum for the compulsory school system in 1994 and the curriculum for primary school 2011th. Purpose of this thesis is to see how the government through the curriculum specifies directives for how teachers should be more or less authoritative. The boundaries of the essay are to only look at the claims against the teacher in elementary school. The questions are what is required of the teacher directly or indirectly from the curriculum 1962,1969,1980,1994 and 2011, focusing on the concept of authority and what change has taken place? To answer these questions, I have read the current curricula and other research publications in the field.

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