

5 Uppsatser om Rekreationsskog - Sida 1 av 1

Möjligheternas skog : utveckling av Teleborgsskogen som tätortsnära rekreationsskog i samarbete med närboende och aktörer

The Swedish forestry aims primarily maximize production and economical wins. However, especially urban forests have great qualities as space for recreation and children?s play, which means that other goals should lead the forests management. The Teleborg forest is a wooded area in Växjö, surrounded by urban dwellings, schools, nurseries etc. A great part of the forest was wind felled during the storm Gudrun in 2005 which changed the forest, earlier dominated by spruce, dramatically.

Föryngring i stormfälld rekreationsskog : en jämförelse mellan föryngring i produktions-, rekreation/produktion och rekreationsskog.

When the storm Gudrun hit Sweden on the 8th and 9th of January, many recreational forests in southern Sweden blew down. For this reason there is a demand for new regeneration methods as to how these storm-felled areas should be regenerated and with what species. In this study the forest is divided into three areas: production, recreation/production and recreation. The first area is a forest with production as main goal and these kinds of forests are located a bit from the city. The second type ? recreation/production forest ? has two equal goals: production and recreation, and is located close to the city.

Bruka utan att förbruka - när andra intressen än ekonomin får styra

To have a forest area close to the city is of great importance for the city population?s well being. Children develop their motor skills, concentration and imagina-tion and the adults have a place to shake of the stress from work. Forest areas are used to exercise at, play in and to find a moment of peace and silence. The urban forest and the old farming pastures at Markussonvallen and Per-Isakssonvallen already has natural assets worth to preserve and a great potential to create more. The goal is to develop a forest with a variation of tree species and ground vegetation that will appeal to the human senses and different animal species such as birds, insects etc.

Kristinehamns grönstrukturplan: analys Kristinehamns tätort

I Kristinehamns kommun vill man skapa en enhetlig grönstrukturplan. Detta utifrån de karteringar och inventeringar som gjorts. Med denna som bas skall analyser göras på de olika stadsdelarnas avstånd till grönstrukturer och rekreationsområden. Även en jämförelse av andra kommuners tillvägagångssätt vid skapande av grönstrukturplan gentemot Kristinehamn skall göras. Man ska se över vart den kommunägda marken finns i relation till det skikt med gröna områden som skapas.

Ekologisk landskapsplan för fastigheten Götebo 1:5 :

This thesis constitutes a long term (100 year) ecological landscape management plan for the estate Götebo 1:5. The estate is situated close to Gothenburg and is owned by Skogssällskapet. The planning has been made by dividing the estate into different areas (zones). In each zone one of the goals nature conservation, recreation or economical yield has been prioritized. Nature conservation is one of the main goals for the forest management plan.