379 Uppsatser om Rehabilitation - Sida 1 av 26
Arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the employers? responsibilities for Rehabilitation ofemployees in Sweden, who due to illness or injury are unable to work. The process of theRehabilitation will be analyzed in a gender perspective. A minor comparative study aboutRehabilitation in Denmark will also be carried out. The purpose is to see how the process ofthe Rehabilitation is designed for those who due to illness or injury are unable to work, whichfactors that affects the Rehabilitation and which differences there are between Denmark andSweden regarding the employers responibility for Rehabilitation.
Chefer i rehabiliteringskedjan
Vocational Rehabilitation is an ongoing issue that directly or indirectly affects everyone at a workplace. In recent years, laws and rules have changed. The 1st July 2008 changes were made in the General Insurance Act (SFS 1962:381). These changes have meant that there is now a so-called Rehabilitation chain. The Rehabilitation chain contains time frames for when sick people will have their ability to work tested against their normal work or to other jobs. If a person is considered having enough capacity to be able to work he or she will lose their entitlement to sick pay.The aim of our study is to investigate managers? perceptions of the new Rehabilitation chain, with a focus on vocational Rehabilitation of long-term sick to get them back to work.The method used was qualitative and data collection was done through nine semi-structured interviews.
Utrustning och utrymmen för uppbyggnad av en rehabiliteringsavdelning för hundar
Physical Rehabilitation is a constantly growing field in veterinary nursing. To build a physical Rehabilitation center for dogs you need personnel with adequate education and knowledge. In spite of good knowledge it can be hard to know which areas and equipment necessary for the work. It is of interest to describe how a physical Rehabilitation center can be planned and which spaces and equipment to prioritize. In this study, data of different spaces and equipment for a physical Rehabilitation center for dogs are presented and also the economical perspective is introduced as a background.
Betydelsen av multimodal rehabilitering för nedstämdhet, oro och fysiska begränsningar hos patienter med långvarig smärta
The aim of this study was to compare perceived disability in daily activities, anxiety and depression for patients with chronic pain (>3 month), before and after Rehabilitation. Another aim was to examine if there were any correlations between disability in daily activities and the extent of anxiety and depression before and after Rehabilitation.For the measurements, Disability Rating Index (DRI) that measures disability in daily activities, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) ) which measures the extent of anxiety and depression were used. The study was carried out with 50 patients who had suffered from chronic pain and with the objective to return to work after Rehabilitation. Of these, 90 % were female. The measurements were carried out at three measure points; before Rehabilitation, seven weeks after Rehabilitation and one year after Rehabilitation.The main result did not show any statistically significant improvement in ability to perform daily activities.The only significant difference that emerged was an improvement in anxiety seven weeks after Rehabilitation compared with before.
Audionomers uppfattning om hörselrehabilitering
Rehabiliteringsmetoder för häst och hund :
Today, many veterinary hospitals offer Rehabilitation as a service. We think that this is an interesting subject and therefore we want to find out what Rehabilitation methods that are available in Sweden for dogs and horses. We want to give animal nurses and other persons who have animals as an occupation an survey that shortly describes how the methods are performed, what physical effect they have in the body and to give examples in what conditions they are used. To find out what Rehabilitation methods that are available we sent out two different questionnaires, one to hospitals/clinics for small animals and one to hospitals/clinics for horses and other companies that works with Rehabilitation of horses. The information about the methods described in our project we have found in literature and on the Internet.
Audionomers tillvägagångssätt vid utvärdering av audiologisk rehabilitering: Fokusgruppsintervjuer med erfarna audionomer 2008
BackgroundOur main goal in the clinic is to offer Rehabilitation for individuals with hearing losses. The outcome of audiological Rehabilitation shall be evaluated in line with the HSL (Swedish health law 2008:3). It is most important to evaluate the results of the audiological Rehabilitation for the individual as well as to make sure to reach the goals of HSL.AimThe aim of this study was to try to investigate the audiologists? opinions end experiences how to evaluate audiological Rehabilitation. The aim with the focus group interview was to collect increased knowledge regarding questions, answers and observations audiologists consider when evaluating audiological Rehabilitation.
Grupprehabilitering i audiologisk verksamhet
The purpose with this study was to systematically examine scientific studies of audiologic group Rehabilitation. The definition of audiological Rehabilitation was explored, different variables that influence the result and how the outcome measures should be done and its relationship with the goals of audiologic Rehabilitation. The method used was a literature study. Pubmed and Cinahl were used for the search of literature. Some articles were searched from scientific studies reference lists and also advice from the supervisor.The result from the different studies shows that the effect of Rehabilitation varies as there are many aspects that have an affect on the outcome measure.
Upplevelser av stroke. En litteraturstudie om patienters och anhörigas upplevelser av följder, rehabilitering och hemgång.
Stroke is one of the most common disabiliting diseases. A greater knowledge of the personal experiences after a stroke could improve the Rehabilitation and the relations during the Rehabilitation. The purpose with this literature review was to describe how strokepatients and their relatives experienced the consequences, Rehabilitation and discharge after a stroke. This study is based on nine scientific articles and the results points out that patients and their relatives experiences can be positively influenced by participation and information..
Rehabilitering av gatupojkar i Nakuru, Kenya: Om insatser, ansvar och förväntningar
AbstractThe purpose of my essay was through economically, socially and psychologically aspects examine the impact Bethesda Children´s Ministry made on families. Special interest have been taken to how Bethesda is dealing with responsibility and expectations. Also I´ve been interested in which vital change the boy have gone through during the Rehabilitation? I´ve got the information from staff, parents and former street boys through interviews done in Kenya.The first result showed that Rehabilitation at Bethesda means socialisation of the boy, from the behaviour of the street, to a functional family member. A great change for the boy was stopping using drug and start live in a family.
Enhetschefernas roll i rehabiliteringsprocessen - Vilka möjligheter och hinder upplever de?
This paper seeks to answer how well the unit managers in a community live up to its
responsibility for Rehabilitation. What opportunities and obstacles center managers
feel that they have in the Rehabilitation process and their expertise in Rehabilitation
are adequate. The essay is based on qualitative, in which six interviews were
conducted to help capture the Heads of Unit subjective experiences. Five of the
respondents are heads of units in the elderly, and an interview with the
Rehabilitation coordinator of the municipality. Respondents' comments and relevant
literature form the basis for this essay.
Hästunderstödd terapi - en hälsofrämjande rehabiliteringsmetod vid psykisk ohälsa
Hambert, M. Degree project in social work.
Malmö University: Faculty of health and society, Department of social work, 2014.
Equine assisted therapy is for many a yet unknown form of Rehabilitation. In the current situation there is a lack of documented research on horses' involvement in Rehabilitation and social work. Studies show that animals, and especially horses, can have a positive impact on human well-being, both physically and mentally.
Arbetsgivares ansvar för rehabilitering : Vägen tillbaka i arbete, lång eller kort?
Aim and questions: The purpose of this paper is to clarify the responsibilities employers have for Rehabilitation and to explore how it conforms to an employers' actual condi-tions. Furthermore, the intention is to increase knowledge of how employers interact with other partners in the Rehabilitation process and what affects sick people to return to work. The following three questions form the basis of this paper: What are employers? responsibilities for Rehabilitation under the law and how is it consistent with an employer's actual conditions? What is the role of employers in the Rehabilitation co- operation with other actors? What factors influence sick people to return to work?Method: The paper has used a true scientific and a legal sociological method to examine how the regulated employer responsibility for Rehabilitation relates to what is practical in re-ality. To achieve the purpose, four empirical interviews were conducted with Örebro Municipality, Insurance, occupational health Previa and a doctor, which all of them have an important role in the Rehabilitation process.
Kartläggning av utredningsprocessen vid Arbetsförmedlingen Rehabilitering i Sverige : en pilotstudie
The Swedish National Labour Market Administration wishes to acquire further knowledge about how the evaluation process of vocational Rehabilitation at the employment service operates as a part of the quality assurance of this activity. The primary task for vocational Rehabilitation at the employment service is to investigate the work capacity of unemployed people, to give them increased knowledge and better understanding of their own capacity concerning work or education. The aim of this study was to survey the evaluation process of vocational Rehabilitation at the employment service in Sweden. Data were collected through telephone interviews with 15 occupational therapists employed at the employment service, who were working with vocational Rehabilitation. The result shows that the investigation of work capacity can take place in different environments and that the space of time for an investigation can vary.
The controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time: a literature study.
The purpose of this study was to examine the controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted Rehabilitation program over time. Which course has the Swedish methadone assisted Rehabilitation program, and the controversy surrounding it, taken since the start? Which arguments have been for and which have been against a methadone assisted Rehabilitation program in Sweden, and what are these arguments based on? We chose to write this thesis as a literature study to get a broad and in depth picture of the development of the program in Sweden. In our analysis we used social constructionism and a medical aspect on substance abuse as theories.It is clear that it has been, and still are, differences in opinions when it comes to the effects of the program. As early as in the 1980's the methadone assisted Rehabilitation program was scientifically proved effective and approved by the Swedish Board of Health and Social Affairs.