

11 Uppsatser om Regret - Sida 1 av 1

Individers agerande vid investerings- och avyttringsbeslut i aktier - en analys av regret theorys giltighet

Resultaten av vår undersökning visar på att vi generellt sett inte kan säga om individuella investerare agerar enligt Regret theory eller inte. En del resultat tyder dock på att vissa effekter inom teorin är applicerbar på individuella investerare. Vi kan urskilja trender som tyder på att individen beter sig på ett visst sett och resonerat kring varför han beter sig så. Individen föredrar alltid det säkra alternativet om förluster eller stora vinster står på spel. Om skillnaden i säkerhet är väldigt liten försummar han den.

"Förlåt dem Fader, för de vet icke vad de gör" : En religionspsykologisk studie av sista uttalanden på Texas Death Row

The United States is one of few Western nations that administers capital punishment to their condemned criminals. Texas has executed the most inmates of any state in the U.S. This prompted questions about the psychological characteristics of death row inmates. The purpose of this essay is to widen the perspective on inmates serving capital sentences by analyzing their final statements. The focus of this essay was centered on acute anxiety of death among inmates, visible in their final statements, as a result of an accelerated process of dying.

Portföljoptimering som alternativ till indexfonder : Hur skulle en fond konstruerad enligt portföljoptimeringsmodeller utvecklas i jämförelse med index?

This paper investigates the possibilities to construct automatized portfolios based on optimizations strategies that could outperform comparable indexes. The study is based on time-series of Swedish stocks dating from 1986 to 2006. In the research four different portfolio optimization techniques were studied. These were: the Classical Markowitz Approach, Mean-Absolute-Deviation, Minimum-Regret and Conditional Value-at-Risk of which the three latter are based on generated scenarios. The behaviour of these models was studied for different choices of parameters such as backward time-horizon and targeted average return.

Unga kvinnors upplevelser av abort

Background: How a young woman approaches an abortion and how she handles its emotional impact is influenced by many factors. Mixed emotions about terminating a pregnancy are common to women of all backgrounds and circumstances. Aim: To illuminate young women´s experiences of abortions. Method: The study wasbased on literature from online databases and printed materials and involved the analysis of ten articles and one thesis. Result: Women contemplating abortion experience mixed emotions before, during, and after an abortion.

Kvinnors upplevelser i samband med abort

The treatment that women get from health care staff can influence the experience of the abortion and how women manage to coping the experience emotionally. The aim of this study was to illuminate women?s experiences in connection with an abortion. The findings show that the women?s social situation led them to the decision of abortion.

Vad ångrar man mest- Sakersom man har gjort eller inte har gjort?

Människor upplever ånger dagligen, och beroende på vilka beslut som fattas kan vissa beslut ångras mer än andra. Därför undersöktes skillnader i typer av ånger med hjälp av webbenkäter som delades via Facebooks PM funktion. 80 deltagare ingick där de fick beskriva två saker som de ångrade mest att de hade gjort samt två saker som de ångrade mest att de inte hade gjort. Dessa skattades sedan på hur mycket de ångrade det samt hur pass viktigt/allvarligt de upplevde det. En signifikant skillnad upptäcktes där saker som de ångrade att de inte hade gjort skattades som viktigare/allvarligare än det som de ångrade att de hade gjort.

Individens beslutsfattande : Att ångra eller inte ångra sina beslut

Idag ställs individer inför många olika val. Individer skiljer sig åt då de fattar beslut och forskning tyder på att individer har en beslutsfattarstil. Denna studie åsyftade att studera sambandet mellan beslutsfattarstil och ånger samt om maximerare har större benägenhet att ångra sig. Dessutom undersöktes korrelationen mellan ånger och beslutsångest. 149 deltagare besvarade tre självskattningsformulär bestående av General decision making style, Regret scale, Maximization scale samt fyra tillagda påståenden.

We've both said things you're going to regret : En undersökning av dagspressens framställning av TV-och datorspel perioden 1995 till 2012

The use of computer and video games has increased immensely over the past few decades and today a majority of the Swedish population enjoys them on a daily basis. With such a large number of frequent users, the media reporting on the subject of games becomes interesting and important. How are games represented in the media, and has there been any change in the way they are portrayed as their popularity has grown? ­The aim of this study is to determine if and how the portrayal of computer and video games in Swedish newspapers has changed during the period 1995?2012. The study was conducted with the use of quantitative content analysis and the empirical data was collected from the two most widespread newspapers in Sweden ? DN and Aftonbladet.

Vad kostar deltid? Kvinnors deltidsarbete ur ett pensionsperspektiv

Mothers of small children often work part-time in Sweden. Since old age pensions are based on lifetime income, part-time work leads to lower pensions, as long as there is no compensation from non-actuarial benefits such as minimum pensions. In this paper, I investigate whether different components of the Swedish pension system provide incentives for part-time work among women. The analysis is performed through a simulation of future pensions for 9 typical women in a certain cohort. For three levels of education, I compare pensions of women with different labor market participation rates in different growth scenarios.

Norra Botkyrkas undre värld : En inblick i antihjältarnas vardag

The purpose with this study was to describe and analyse the daily activities of a criminal group in a southern suburb of Stockholm, Norra Botkyrka, and their attitude to drugs, the police, crimes in general, accomplices and their plans for the future. The study is a combination of different qualitative methods that is built on unobtrusive methods and interviews that was carried out during winter in 2006 and spring in 2007 and six interviews. My interest to carry out this study was grounded on my several years of experience as a prison and probation officer in the prison. I chose to ?live? with a group of criminals and participated in some of their social activities.The respondents that I chose to call ?anti-heroes? proudly tell me about their criminal lifestyle that characterizes of violence, drugs, crimes and conflict where this people show no Regret.

Att skriva, skriva om och skriva om sig själv : En komparativ undersökning av Inger Edelfeldts och Bengt Martins omarbetade berättelser om homosexualitet

Inger Edelfeldt (1956) and Bengt Martin (1933-2010) are two Swedish writers of different generations. Both of them did, between the years 1968 to 1983, write about adolescent men coming to terms with their homosexuality. Edelfeldt wrote two versions of the same story, with slight but significant differences, the main being different implied readers (adult versus adolescent). Bengt Martin wrote about three young homosexual characters: Joakim, Bengt and Bengt. The story about Joakim is presented as fiction but bears many resemblances with Martin?s autobiography.