

2079 Uppsatser om Reason - Sida 1 av 139

Tillämpningen av 13 § LVM : erfarenheter och uppfattningar bland yrkesverksamma

The aim of this essay was to look into and compare the experiences and opinions about the practice of 13 § LVM among persons that, through their profession, use the law.The questions we have been asking were; what experiences and opinions the individuals have about the paragraph in general, what they think about the cases when no application for LVM is made after a client has been taken in charge as directed by 13 § LVM, and of the fact that the majority of cases of LVM are initiated by the same paragraph. Another question was how the individuals think about the legal security in connection to 13 § LVM.The methods used are qualitative and we have interviewed individuals from different fields of social work that comes in contact with drug abusers.The findings from these studies include that care made out of the clients' free will is the main Reason why an application is not made. It is also the Reason to why many LVM initiates as directed by 13 § LVM for the Reason that the districts above all try to help the clients without force. The economical aspects are repeatedly mentioned as another Reason to the problems appeared in connection with 13 § LVM..

Mellanskogs medlemmars syn på röjning

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the needs of pre-commercial thinning on private owned forest properties, which is considered to be increasing. The Reason is believed to be the high cost of labor that pre-commercial thinning brings. Furthermore thinning is costly, the revenue created through pre-commercial thinning are post-poned until the first thinning. The study was made through a survey among members of Mellanskog forest owners association. The survey was distributed by e-mail. The time to answer was set to two weeks. The answers indicate that the most common Reason why the pre-commercial thinning is delayed, or not done at all, is the forest owner?s lack of time.

Nu gäller det! Varför slutar då ungdomar utöva ishockey?

Idamari Törnberg & Marcus Tillberg (2011).Nu gäller det! Varför slutar då ungdomar spela ishockey? ? En kvantitativ enkätstudie om fortsatt eller avslutande ishockeykarriär efter uttagningarna till distriktsförbundslag i Västerbottens län. (Now is the time! Why do teenagers stop playing ice hockey? ? A quantitative survey study about continued or ending ice hockey career after tryout to Team Västerbotten) Bachelor Essay in Swedish. Umeå: Umeå University, Department of education.AbstractThis Bachelors thesis is a survey study on why talented teenagers in the county of Västerbotten, Sweden dropout of, or proceed the sport ice hockey.

Emilie Du Châtelets analys av lycka : Upplösning av polemiken mellan illusion och förnuft

Emma Nordin: Emilie Du Châtelets analys av lycka: Upplösning av polemiken mellan illusion och förnuft. Uppsala universitet: inst. för idé- och lärdomshistoria, C-uppsats, höstterminen, 2012. The 18th century is a time period known for its battle with superstition, illusion and falseness. With the Torch of Reason the philosophers of the time were set on vanquishing everything untrue and lead mankind into what they themselves called the Enlightenment. Happiness had moved from Heaven to Earth in science, truth and pleasure.

Sjuksköterskekallet nu och då

The aim of this study was to describe how retired nurses, educated in Uppsala, and students at Uppsala University's nursing program experience the importance of vocation in education and career choice. None of the participants had experienced vocation as a Reason for choosing nursing as a career. The main Reason was instead a desire to work with people. They also expressed that it was a profession like any other. The retired nurses said that the education was something of an up-bringing with religious elements.

Finns långserieböcker för barn och ungdomar på biblioteket?

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine to what extent series books for children and youth are included in the acquisitions of public libraries. It also examines which needs series books fulfil among a group of 13-15 year old children. The main question of this thesis was: To what extent do libraries provide series books for children and youth? An inquiry investigation showed that a majority of the libraries in Sweden provide these books. The main Reason to provide the books was that the demand is large.

Södra Thailand: Civila samhället - roten till våldet?

Using Varshney's theory about intra- and interethnic networks, this thesis examines how civil society in southern Thailand is built up.During 2004 the violence between Muslims and Buddhists rose in southern Thailand. The government tried to fight the insurgency using violent police and military forces, resulting in hundreds of deaths and part of Reason why Thailand is loosing rank in Freedom House's democracy index. Varshney means that a civil society built up on intraethnic networks works favourable to violence between different ethnic groups. Sorting out and defining what is meant by ?ethnic? and ?civil society?, this thesis shows why to look at the insurgency in southern Thailand as an ethnic conflict surviving partly because of an intraethnic civil society.

Omplacering av hundar : ras, kön, boende och orsak

Many dogs in Sweden are put up for adoption at the Swedish buy- and sales site?Blocket?. This because in Sweden, rescue shelters mostly takes in dogs that have been confiscated by the police. The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of dogs that are put up for adoption and why owners put their dog up for adoption and also compare the results with those from other countries. 800 dog advertisements from ?Blocket? were collected in the study between January 31st and April 10th 2012.

Turkiets väg till EU - en studie om makt,motiv och icke-beslut inom unionen

This essay is about Turkey and its relation to the European union. EU is originally an economic organization; today it has developed to involve other aspect like culture and history. By using theories like motivation and non-decision making I have studied the Reason why Turkey is still waiting in the agenda of the union. With the help of the theories I have discussed about Turkey?s possibilities to become a member of the European union.

Hundkomando! eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i grundskolan resonerar kring sitt sätt att kommunicera med och bemöta barn med ADHD

The aim of this thesis was to use qualitative approaches to show how teachers in primary school Reason on their way to meet and communicate with children who have ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Research questions of the study were as follows: How does teachers in primary school Reason about their way to communicate with children with ADHD? Do the teachers use some specific methods or means of communication with students who have ADHD? Do the teachers Reason about their way how to handle conflicts with students who have ADHD? I collected my empirical material through a qualitative interview method. My theoretical starting points were interaction theory and the socio-cultural perspective. I have used these theories to analyze my material.

Varför läxor? : En studie om några mellanstadielärares tankar om och syfte med läxor

The aim of my study is to get an idea of how some teachers use homework, what they consider a good homework is, and what considerations they take to the students' home circumstances. I have made a qualitative interview study with four middle school teachers. The results of my study show that teachers can flip the classroom and use so-called preparatory tasks. The time saving aspect is a strong Reason they choose that model. That students are able to practice their own responsibility and perform meaningful homework seems to also be in focus, but the biggest Reason they use flipped classrooms seems to be because it is a more equivalent homework then traditional homework, and that students and their guardians also appreciate the flipped classroom model as they become more involved in their children's schoolwork..

Resonemang kring variation i lärandet: Waldorf-, Freinet- och Bifrostpedagoger

The aim of the study is to investigate Reasoning about variation in learning, made by Waldorf, Freinet- and Bifrost pedagogues. The focal points are how the pedagogues Reason about variation in learning and why they want to use variation. It is a qualitative study, and it is done through interviews with one Waldorf pedagogue, one Freinet pedagogue and one Bifrost pedagogue. The conversation with each pedagogue is complemented by literature that describes and discusses each pedagogue?s specific teaching method. The results of the study are linked to different theories and Reasoning by scientists and professors.

Två frivårdskontors syn på den procentuella skillnaden, vad gäller kontraktvårdsdomar

The aim of this paper is to spread some light over contract treatment from the perspective of the District Courts, Social Services and Probation Services, and understand the Reason for local variation of the number of people sentenced to contractual treatment.Essential questions asked in this paper are; What advantages and disadvantages are known by the cooperating parties regarding contract treatment in comparison to prison? What parameters are considered when the cooperating parties decide upon contract treatment? What impact does the shared responsibility of cost have? What do the respondents think is the Reason for the local variation?In order to answer the essential questions a qualitative and descriptive method has been used to highlight the main question of our study; What is the Reason for the local variation in number of contract treatment sentences in Halmstad and Ystads district courts?The paper shows that the local variation between the Probation Services districts is dependent on the conditions to propose a contract treatment. In Halmstad it is not conditioned for the Probation Services to have a responsibility agreement with the Social Services to the same extent as for the Probation Services in Ystad..

Hur kan psykosocial ohälsa förebyggas på arbetsplatsen : -med nuvarande arbetsmiljölagstiftning eller med reducerad arbetstid?

From the early 1990s, psychosocial illness has become an increasing problem in our society. During this period several factors affected the development of the Swedish labor market and created lack of job security. For example, the competition between companies increased, aswell as an increase of demands, efficiency and rationalization. This led to a higher pace in the workplace, and it was noticeably especially in the public sector. According to studies, stress is the main Reason for psychosocial illness and affects more women than men.

Tyst framgång: om sambandet mellan informationsdelning och framgång i entreprenörskap

A dilemma often met by entrepreneurs is whether or not to share information about their business ideas in order to increase the probability for success. The Reason for sharing information is presumed to be an increased ability to develop the business idea, whereas the Reason for maintaining secrecy would be to protect the idea from being stolen. Common as this dilemma is in practice, it is not very well covered in the entrepreneurial theories. The purpose of this thesis is to elaborate the theories in this subject by investigating an entrepreneurial case. The case shows that one possible solution to the dilemma is a situation-based information sharing.

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