

9 Uppsatser om Provocation - Sida 1 av 1

Våldets olika ansikten : En gärningsanalys av våldsbrott utifrån gärningsmannens relation till offret

Violent crime can traditionally be classified as a reactive or an instrumental aggression. A reactive aggression is often characterized by some sort of Provocation by the victim and the act is impulsive and the offender reacts by harming the victim. The Provocation can be a threat, an insult or an attack and the act can be said to be a reaction induced by emotions. An instrumental act of violence however, often described as planned, targeted and emotional cold. The goal of the act can be to acquire money or power to maintain their status.

Våldets olika ansikten: En gärningsanalys av våldsbrott utifrån gärningsmannens relation till offret

Violent crime can traditionally be classified as a reactive or an instrumental aggression. A reactive aggression is often characterized by some sort of Provocation by the victim and the act is impulsive and the offender reacts by harming the victim. The Provocation can be a threat, an insult or an attack and the act can be said to be a reaction induced by emotions. An instrumental act of violence however, often described as planned, targeted and emotional cold. The goal of the act can be to acquire money or power to maintain their status.

Spår från en rondellhund : Nio praktiserande muslimers personliga upplevelser, tolkningar och påverkan av Lars Vilks Muhammedteckningar

The study should be seen as an attempt to examine how a group of selected muslims from seven different cities in Sweden relate to Lars Vilks?s drawings of the prophet Muhammed (also called the roundabout dog) and if they feel that their attitude towards the drawings has changed during the seven years that have passed since the first drawing was published in the newspaper Närkes Allehanda in 2007. To understand these selected muslims? approach, experiences and feelings in regards to the drawings I examine in what aspect they find the drawings provocative. I also examine what consequences Vilks?s roundabout dog-project might have had  for individual muslims in Sweden.

Sverige år 2020 - en ouppnåelig innovationsdröm? : En upplevelsebaserad provokation mot den svenska innovationsstragegin N2012.27

En innovation handlar i grund och botten om en förståelse och inkorporation av den komplexa kreativiteten i en innovationsprocess. I denna studie har sex centrala kärnvärden kring den upplevda kreativiteten tagits fram med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer från tio respondenter. Utifrån en fenomenologisk ansats har dessa kärnvärden utvecklats från begreppen kreativitet och innovation. Inom kreativitet var ? relatera, förändra och kommunicera ? centrala begrepp för respondenterna.

En rasistisk integrationspolitik? En studie av utredningen om strukturell diskriminering och den mediala debatten kring denna

In august 2006 the Swedish government official report (SOU) about the structural discrimination was published and caused a lot of debate in the media. This paper is about the report as such, as much as the academic quarrel it caused in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter. My aim is to explore why the report is so provocative and what the debate actually is about. I use discourse analysis both as a method and theoretical framework, inspired by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Using this methodology I explore which discourses that are articulated.

Aggressiva och provocerande beteenden på Internet : En kvantitativ studie av gymnasieungdomars vanor, erfarenheter och åsikter

Syftet med den här studien är att, genom att kontrollera sambandet mellan ungdomars Internetanvändning och deras åsikter kring hur ungdomar bör uttrycka sig på Internet, undersöka vilken typ av Internetanvändare som är mer eller mindre sannolik att acceptera, utföra eller utsättas för aggressiva/provocerande beteenden på Internet.Studien utfördes genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning där 139 gymnasieelever från en medelstor stad i Hallands län fick svara på frågor om deras Internetvanor och deras åsikter kring beteenden på Internet. Därefter utfördes olika statistiska test i SPSS för att undersöka sambandet mellan deltagarnas Internetanvändning och deras åsikter om beteenden på Internet.Studien kom fram till att det finns ett samband mellan ungdomars aggressiva/provocerande beteenden på Internet och hur ungdomar använder Internet. Studien visar även ett samband mellan ungdomars utsatthet for aggressiva/provocerande beteenden och hur de använder Internet. Dessutom visar studien att ungdomar uppfattar sig själva generellt som bättre uppträdande än andra ungdomar, men anser varken att andra ungdomar uttrycker sig aggressivt/provocerande eller särskilt välbemötande..

Wittgenstein och förhållningssätt till andras religion

The aim of this essay is to study how the University Church is represented in student newspapers. By conducting an inductive thematic analysis on sixteen articles chosen from newspapers distributed by the student union at three Swedish universities, the main purpose of the study is to further understand the role and function of the University Church in a contemporary Swedish context. Three themes emerging from the initial step of the thematic analysis were chosen for further analysis: (1) a secularized church?, (2) Provocation and (3) reasons to seek out the University Church. The themes were then highlighted by two theoretical perspectives: Mark Chaves? theory of internal secularization and a theoretical framework developed by Anders Bäckström with the aim to explain the role of the church as a welfare agent in Sweden.The study shows that the University Church is portrayed as both an ambiguous and complex organization.

Där taket är högt och trösklarna låga : En religionssociologisk studie av hur Universitetskyrkans verksamhet framställs i tre svenska studenttidningar

The aim of this essay is to study how the University Church is represented in student newspapers. By conducting an inductive thematic analysis on sixteen articles chosen from newspapers distributed by the student union at three Swedish universities, the main purpose of the study is to further understand the role and function of the University Church in a contemporary Swedish context. Three themes emerging from the initial step of the thematic analysis were chosen for further analysis: (1) a secularized church?, (2) Provocation and (3) reasons to seek out the University Church. The themes were then highlighted by two theoretical perspectives: Mark Chaves? theory of internal secularization and a theoretical framework developed by Anders Bäckström with the aim to explain the role of the church as a welfare agent in Sweden.The study shows that the University Church is portrayed as both an ambiguous and complex organization.

Smärta hos djur :

We have made a litterature study about pain in animals. In this studie we have brought up areas like sign of pains in animals, pain relief and the care perspective. Pain is perceived when body tissue is damaged or nearly damaged by stimuli. Nociceptors, which are receptors placed at nerve endings, responds to a Provocation of pain and transmit an impulse along the nerve to the brain via the spinal cord. Pain is urgent or chronic, and can be divided into nociceptive pain (somatic pain and visceral pain) and neuropathic pain. Different pain mechanisms can arise, such as referred pain, which is when signals of pain are referred to other parts of the body.