

3 Uppsatser om Pripps - Sida 1 av 1

Ulvsunda Silo : Omformning av Pripps bryggeri till bostäder

I ett nedlagt bryggeri har tva? silobyggnader omvandlats till bosta?der. Som alternativ till nybyggnation underso?ker projektet omprogrammering av befintliga byggnader.Silobygnnaderna a?r en del av det nedlagda Prippsbryggeriet i Ulvsunda Industriomra?de och sta?r tomma. Deras Storlek ock sa?regenhet go?r dem till landma?rken i omra?det.

Den övertygande reklamen? : En analys av Pripps Blå och Norrlands Gulds reklambilder

Modern societies are generally becoming increasingly capitalist in nature and economies of these societies are thus likely to become more focused on consumer consumption. Advertising plays a vital role in contemporary society where we, as consumers and citizens, are surrounded by it everywhere we look and everywhere we go. This puts pressure on advertisers to become more creative and to explore new ways of marketing their products and services in an already saturated environment. We believe that the added pressure and the already established role of marketing in society make advertisements an interesting and telling object for analysis. This is particularly the case with regards to the concept of selling and marketing products that have qualities that are known to be less than beneficial for our health.This paper analyzes four commercial advertisements marketing beer; a product that we argue has qualities that can be seen as potentially bad for the health of individuals and for societies.

Carlsberg Sverige AB : en företagskulturell studie i en fusionstext.

Lot of mergers are not successful, due to several reasons and one reason can be found within the organization. Since organizations consists of people, who are involved in the merger, the importance of cultural aspects must be stressed. Six months before this essay, Carlsberg Sverige AB formed through the merger of Pripps and Falcon. These two companies are in the start up process of the merger, which is the focus of this essay. The awarness of differences and similarities is crucial for the merger.