

35 Uppsatser om Personalization - Sida 1 av 3

Den nya IT-bubblan : En studie om journaliststudenter och deras sökvanor på nätet

The web is getting more and more characterized by Personalization. Big socialnetworks like Facebook as well as the leading search engine Google increasingly usePersonalization algorithms to tailor the information that they present to users. All inorder to make the information more relevant and engaging for the end consumer. Howdoes this Personalization affect journalists who increasingly search the web as a partof their journalistic research? In this essay we have looked at the effects thatPersonalization has on the journalists of tomorrow by conducting a survey amongstudents of journalism.

Att göra politiken personlig : En studie kring hur svenska partier arbetar med personifiering i sin strategiska kommunikation.

The purpose of this study is to highlight the existence ofPersonalization within Swedish political parties along withhow the parties work with this phenomena in order to achievemore voters.The method used is personal interviews with politiciansfrom four different government parties. As a complement, interviews with a political expert was also made. All parties use Personalization in different ways as a strategy tocreate dialogues and relationships with both media and voters. We distinguished two sorts of Personalization: individualization and privatization, and discovered that not all parties use both..

Kunskap & strategi : En studie av strategisk kongruens mellan affärs- och kunskapsstrategi i managementkonsultföretag

This study examines how management consulting firms work with business- and functional strategy and how these strategies are interrelated. More specifically we focus on business strategy (business unit level) and knowledge strategy (functional level) and whether these are aligned or not, i.e. whether strategic congruence exists.A number of recent studies have examined the importance of business strategy and knowledge strategy in management consulting firms separately, but few have pointed out the importance of the alignment between them. With this study we contribute to the strategic field of research with a model that describes how management consulting firms should work with their knowledge strategy given their business strategy. The model is developed through a synthesis between theories in the field of strategic congruence, business- and functional strategies and thereafter tested by an empirical case study of six management consulting firms.

Personen i fokus! En studie i hur individens roll på dagspressens förstasidor har förändrats under de senaste 50 åren

The person in focus ? A study of the changing role of individuals? on the newspaper?sfront pages over the last 50 yearsWritten by: Victor Kennmark, Fredrik Palmqvist & Anders WollnerBachelor?s degree of JournalismDepartment of Journalism, Media and CommunicationAutumn term 2013University of GothenburgOur purpose with this study is to examine if and how the person-centeredness and Personalizationhas changed on the front pages in the four biggest newspapers in Sweden over the last five decades;1962-2012. Our angle is to look at the changes to see if the tabloidization, commercialization, andmarketization having a bigger impact on our media landscape, and media content, in current yearscompared to earlier years.We have used both Swedish and international studies and theories. When it comes tocommercialization we have mainly focused on studies by Ingela Wadbring, and Sigurd Allern. Wehave used Sigurd Allern?s, Ingela Wadbring?s and Josefine Sternvik's theories on tabloidization.We?ve also include Marina Ghersetti?s theories about sensational journalism, Personalization andnews values.

"Hamrén-haveriet" : En kvantitativ studie om personifiering av svenska förbundskaptener i kvällstidningarna

Total amount of words: 15 269.In this essay, the purpose is to examine the Personalization of Swedish national coaches during international championships in the Swedish tabloids. Research shows that a leader nowadays is representative for her organization. Therefore it could be assumed that the way the national coach is portrayed can have some kind of effect on the public opinion about the team as a unit and their sport federation in total. This essay is a quantitative study of the sport tabloids Sportbladet och SPORT-Expressen during three international championships: Euro 2012 in football, WC 2013 in ice hockey and Euro 2014 in handball. We have studied the coverage of the national coaches Erik Hamrén, Pär Mårts and Ola Lindgren/Staffan Olsson in contrast to the coverage of their teams in total.The main results are that the national coaches are mentioned in every second article that is written about the national teams during the championships. They are mainly portrayed in a neutral way, even though the coverage of them is affected by the results in the matches.

Rätt information vid rätt tillfälle The right information at the right time : En studie av individanpassning av informationsåtkomst på webbplatser An essay on personalization of information access on websites

Denna studie handlar om individanpassning av informationsåtkomst och syftet med studien är att underlätta för utvecklare som ska ta fram nya, individanpassade lösningar för webben. Denna studie koncentreras till Skatteverkets webbplats. Studien försöker hitta svar på frågan om aktiv individanpassning gör att det blir lättare för användare att hitta vad de söker. En prototyp med en aktiv individanpassning har skapat och sedan jämförts med Skatteverkets webbplats. Detta har gjorts med hjälp av observationer och en tillämpning av tänka-högt-metoden.

Att genom fiktion skildra en verklighet : En kvalitativ studie i hur maktstruktrurer beskrivs i BBC:s tv-serie The Hour

The objective of this study was to investigate how power relationships between journalists and politicians were shown in the fictional BBC tv-series ?The Hour?. We wanted to investigate how these power structures is narrated by the producers of the series and what impact the narration could have to the audiance of the 21th century.We choose to analyse a total of 12 scenes from all of the six episodes, which are all set in Britain during the beginning of the Suez Canal crisis in the 1950?s, all seen from a BBC editorial point of view.In our analysis we chose to use two different kind of methods, the first one was a situation analysis and the second one a text analysis. The situation method was useful to get a perception of the relations between the participants .The text analysis we used to analyse what was said in the tv-series and to interpret underlying motives.The fictional form necessitated a Personalization of power structures, in the sense that each and every power was represented by a single character; political power was for instance represented by the character of Angus McCain.

Skapar företagsförvärv värde för aktieägarna? : En fallstudie av Danske Banks förvärv av Östgöta Enskilda BankFörfattare: Karl

Denna studie tar sin ansats i hur system och strategier för hantering av kunskap mynnar ut i olika hinder vid kunskapsöverföring inom managementkonsultföretag. Fallstudien bygger på fyra managementkonsultföretag varav två tillämpar en codification strategi och de andra två tillämpar en Personalization strategi.Alla företagen har mer eller mindre inslag av båda strategierna men tyngdpunkten ligger i en av dem medan den andra har ett understödjande roll i respektive företag. Av studien framgår att kunskapssystem och strategier hänger tätt ihop, och är beroende av vilken vikt företaget lägger vid att dokumentera och lagra kunskap.Beroende av vilken kunskapsstrategi företagen i fallstudien tillämpade ställdes de inför olika hinder. Codification strategin renderade i hinder i form av rapportering, informationens kvalitet, användarvänlighet i databasen samt medarbetarnas motivation att dela kunskap internt genom att dokumentera projekt. Tillämpade företagen en Personalization strategi ställdes företagen inför hinder i form av outtalad kunskap och medarbetarnas motivation att dela kunskap internt genom social interaktion som exempelvis sammanträden, telefonsamtal och e-post..

Knowledge Management Strategy : Hur intern kunskapsöverföringsstrategi i managementkonsultföretag påverkar vilka hinder som uppkommer vid överföringen

Denna studie tar sin ansats i hur system och strategier för hantering av kunskap mynnar ut i olika hinder vid kunskapsöverföring inom managementkonsultföretag. Fallstudien bygger på fyra managementkonsultföretag varav två tillämpar en codification strategi och de andra två tillämpar en Personalization strategi.Alla företagen har mer eller mindre inslag av båda strategierna men tyngdpunkten ligger i en av dem medan den andra har ett understödjande roll i respektive företag. Av studien framgår att kunskapssystem och strategier hänger tätt ihop, och är beroende av vilken vikt företaget lägger vid att dokumentera och lagra kunskap.Beroende av vilken kunskapsstrategi företagen i fallstudien tillämpade ställdes de inför olika hinder. Codification strategin renderade i hinder i form av rapportering, informationens kvalitet, användarvänlighet i databasen samt medarbetarnas motivation att dela kunskap internt genom att dokumentera projekt. Tillämpade företagen en Personalization strategi ställdes företagen inför hinder i form av outtalad kunskap och medarbetarnas motivation att dela kunskap internt genom social interaktion som exempelvis sammanträden, telefonsamtal och e-post..

Perfect match? : Kombinationen av Knowledge Management & Human Resource Management i konsultbolag

Background: We have identified the combination of Knowledge Management and Human Resource Management as interesting because of this constellation has been mentioned scarcely in previous studies. There also seem to be some interesting correlations with personnel turnover.Aim: The aim of this study is to describe and understand the theoretically best combination of Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management, by creating a model. The model is also going to be tested empirically through consulting firms, to see if they meet the ideal combination. With this model we also want to describe in what way the different combinations of strategies will affect the personnel turnover.Definitions: A huge part of this study concerns the theoretical area Human Resource Management, which we have entitled HRM. Similarly, Knowledge Management has been entitled KM.Completion: The study is designed both as a literature review and as a comparative case study in which empirical data has been collected through qualitative interviews with four Swedish management consulting firms.Results: The best combinations of KM and HRM are according to this study that strategies should consist of a thoroughgoing Personalization or codification.

Att sälja en journalist ? Hur dagstidningar marknadsför sina journalister

Att sälja en journalist ? Hur dagstidningar marknadsför sina journalisterWritten by: Jonatan Fjelstad & Viktor MölneBachelor´s degree of JournalismDepartment of Journalism, Media & Communication.Autumn term 2013University of GothenburgThe purpose of this study is to determine if Swedish newspapers has increased the visibility of their own journalists between the years 2000 and 2012 and if that?s the case how they have done so. By doing so we hope to shed some light on how individual journalists are increasingly personalized and how this can be part of the newspapers branding strategy. The journalist?s personal brands have been the subject of more research lately.

Handgjordasaker.se - Användarcentrerad anpassning

Hemsidan handgjordasaker.se är en Internetmarknadsplats som tillhandahåller tjänsten för försäljning av handgjorda produkter. Detta projekt syftar till att ge förslag på hur anpassningar av hemsidans funktionalitet kan göras för att skapa en mer användarcentrerad hemsida. Genom att använda personifieringsprocesser har sidansgränssnitt presenterats på ett sätt som sätter användaren i fokus och med hjälp av utökade funktionaliteter erbjuder användaren möjlighet till att själv påverka och anpassa innehållet på hemsidan. Resultatet presenterades i form av ett ramverk för interaktiondär fokus låg på avdelningar med produkter och användarprofiler..

Anpassning inom dagligvaruhandeln : Fallstudie av Ica Supermarket Torgkassen

Through interaction with customers, companies can acquire knowledge about- and satisfy the needs of customers. In retailing, the ranges of products are standardized and staffing numbers are scarce. How do companies in retailing deal with adaptation towards their customers given the small staffing numbers? The purpose of this study is to examine if and if so, how companies in the Swedish retailing industry are making adaptations towards their customers and also why these adaptations are being made. To answer this purpose, observations in the retailing industry are conducted and the results show that companies adapt to customers? needs.

Beteendebubblan : En studie om navigationsbeteende på internet med fokus på korta navigationstillfällen

The purpose of this paper is to explore web use and web navigation behavior. This paper presents findings from qualitative research based on interviews and diarie studies. The basis of this study is Eli Parisers work about ?the filter bubble?. As Personalization systems shape our experience of the web, based on who we are, our bubble of knowledge and information becomes smaller.

Webben och dess nya invånare : Vilka krav kan vi ställa på framtiden

The current state of our web is one where users can create and distribute information freely and without constraining limitations of knowledge. It?s as easy as making a Facebook status update or sending out a Tweet to make contributions to the web and we?re all doing it. Web-Giants like Facebook and Google deinate the web because they have such massive user amounts and therfore they control the information their users see. This is a problem because we?re hidden from the entire information amount that is the web in the 21st century.

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